Technical Contact The Reporter designates the individual listed below as the contact person for technical or other implementation coordination issues under this Agreement. The contact person shall be the point of contact for the CMS for any technical questions that may arise during the term of this Agreement. If the Reporter changes its technical contact person, the Reporter shall notify the CMS in writing within thirty (30) working days of the transfer and provide the information listed below for the new contact person.
Prehearing conference means a proceeding scheduled and conduc- ted by a hearing officer to address issues in preparation for a formal administrative hearing.
Conference means all activities associated with any functions, room rentals, and/or meals on the dates indicated, that are the subject of this Agreement, as described on the Standard Agreement Coversheet form.
Conference center means a facility that:
Protocol means, in respect of any category of object and associated rights to which this Convention applies, the Protocol in respect of that category of object and associated rights;
Post-observation conference means a meeting, either in-person or remotely, between the supervisor who conducted the observation and the teaching staff member for the purpose of evaluation to discuss the data collected in the observation.
Geotechnical engineer means a professional engineer registered with the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists, and Geophysicists of the Northwest Territories and whose principal field of specialization is the design and construction of earthworks in a permafrost environment;
Benchmarking Information means information generated by Portfolio Manager, as herein defined including descriptive information about the physical building and its operational characteristics.
Canadian Audio Conferencing For Audio Conferencing Dial Out and Toll Free Meet-Me Access (1) originating in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands and terminating in Canada, and (2) originating in Canada and terminating in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Project Managers means the individuals identified in Section 12 of this Agreement who are authorized by TriMet and Subrecipient respectively to send and receive communications regarding this Agreement.
Project Management Report means each report prepared in accordance with Section 4.02 of this Agreement;
TO Proposal - Technical means the TO Contractor’s technical response to the CATS II TORFP dateddate of TO Proposal – Technical.
Training Materials means any and all materials, documentation, notebooks, forms, diagrams, manuals and other written materials and tangible objects, describing how to maintain the Facilities, including any corrections, improvements and enhancements thereto to the Bloom Systems which are delivered by Operator to Owner, but excluding any data and reports delivered to Owner.
Maintenance Supervisor (Tradesperson) means an employee who has trade qualifications and has overall responsibility for maintenance at the place of employment and may be required to supervise other maintenance staff.
Technical Committee means the body established in accordance with article VII;
Conferencing Services In lieu of any other rates and discounts, the Customer will receive a discount equal to 30% for the following Conferencing Services: US Dial Out International Audio Conferencing. The current standard rates in the Guide (which includes both transport and bridging) for domestically bridged International Dial-Out Audio Conferencing, International Audio Conferencing (dial out from a US bridge).
Systems Engineering means preparing specifications, identifying and resolving interface problems, developing test requirements, evaluating test data, and supervising design.
Career and technical education (CTE) means an educational program that supports attainment of a high school diploma, designed to provide students with technical knowledge, skills, and aptitudes to prepare them for further education, enhance their employment options or lead to a postsecondary or industry-recognized credential, and strengthen their ability to work collaboratively in their chosen occupations or careers with all persons.
Clinical evaluation means a systematic and planned process to continuously generate, collect, analyse and assess the clinical data pertaining to a device in order to verify the safety and performance, including clinical benefits, of the device when used as intended by the manufacturer;
Construction Phase Services means the coordination, implementation and execution of the Work required by this Agreement, which are further defined in Article 8.
Feedback means input regarding the SAP Products, services, business or technology plans, including, without limitation, comments or suggestions regarding the possible creation, modification, correction, improvement or enhancement of the SAP Products and/or services, or input as to whether Partner believes SAP’s development direction is consistent with their own business and IT needs.
Technical standard means a document that specifies design, predicted performance and operation and maintenance specifications for a material, device or method.
Conference of the Parties means the Conference of the Parties to the Convention;
Training means instruction or teaching designed to impart a specific skill, as opposed to general knowledge.
Investigators means collectively, the Lead Principal Investigator, Team Principal Investigators and Co-Investigators;
Value Engineering (VE) means a discipline of engineering that studies the relative monetary values of various materials and construction techniques, including the intial cost, maintenance cost, energy usage, replacement cost, and life expectancy of the materials, equipment or systems under consideration.