Examples of Third Party Payee in a sentence
Incentive payments received by the Customer or any Third Party Payee under this Agreement may be taxable by the federal, state, and local government.
Establish new instructionsChange existing instructions Third Party Payee Name Attention Address Line 1 Address Line 2 CityState/ProvinceZIP/Postal CodeCountry Check Memo Information Optional, maximum 25 characters: Include important information here, such as whom the check is from, invoice account number, etc.
A Conceptual Timeline for Closure Notification and Initial Steps Meet with PCSC and SDE staff Within 3 business days of the authorizer’s or school’s initial / intended closure decision, the charter school administrator and a representative of the school’s board will meet (in-person or via telephone or web conference) with staff representatives of the PCSC and SDE to: 1.
The time to service TLB traps exhibited fairly high variability, on the order of a couple hundred cycles.
For purposes of clarity and not limitation, in the event of the application of any overpayment recoupment to a Third-Party Payee pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this Section 7.9, the offset of the overpayment hereunder is an adjustment to the amount owed to the Third- Party Payee to reflect the overpayment and shall not be considered to be the denial or partial denial of a benefit claim under the Plan.
The Non-Insured Sub-Total Column and Third Party Payee column must list 1-month totals or yearly 12-month totals.
Third Party Payee if applicable For the Benefit Of (FBO) if applicable Account Type Mailing AddressCity State ZipDTC security delivery information, if applicableProvide either full distribution instructions or the partial distribution instructions.Payable ToIMPORTANT: To liquidate assets for a full or partial distribution in cash, contact your Investment Advisor to initiate any asset liquidationsFor the Benefit Of (FBO) if applicablerequired.
Account Registration (as it appears on the account statement) Account Registration (Continued)Last 4 Digits of Tax Axos Advisor Services Select one (check fee may apply):To the account owner at the address on record To the account owner at the address below Third Party Payee if applicable For the Benefit Of (FBO) if applicable Account TypeIdentification Number Account Number Mailing AddressIMPORTANT: Axos Advisor Services will provide no tax reporting fordistributions authorized on this form.
The reports are to list horizontally, starting from the left, Resident’s Name, Service Provided, Third Party Payee Quarterly Amount, Non-Insured Quarterly Sub-Total, Multiplication Sign (x), Unit Cost, Equals Sign (=), Non-Insured Quarterly Sub-Total Cost and Third-Party Payee Quarterly Sub-Totals.
Fee may apply.Select one (check fee may apply):To the account owner and mailed to the address on record To the account owner and mailed to the address belowTo the third party payee at the address below Third Party Payee if applicableFor the Benefit Of (FBO) if applicableMailing AddressCityStateZipDTC security delivery information if applicable *DIST* E*TRADE Advisor Services Account Number SECTION 3: Distribution Method Continued By electronic transfer.