Tip Fee definition
Examples of Tip Fee in a sentence
Per the agreement, these funds represent 2% of the Tip Fee and are to be expended for the benefit of the City of Hutto and Hutto ISD.
The CONTRACTOR may at their option, choose to round down the Approved Landfill Tip Fee.
The initial Contract Tip Fee shall be One Hundred Eight Dollars ($108.00) per ton.
The City shall establish the Contract Tip Fee each December to be effective the following January 1, and shall notify Contract Hauler in writing of such Contract Tip Fee amount in December.
The Parties agree that the delivery of Incidental Waste from other counties is allowed under this Agreement and that loads containing such Incidental Waste shall be charged the Contract Tip Fee.
The Contract Hauler shall pay the per ton Contract Tip Fee adopted by the City for each ton of Acceptable Waste delivered to the Facility.
Previous year Approved Landfill Tip Fee = $61.00 Adjusted Landfill Tip Fee is calculated as follows: Adjusted Landfill Tip Fee = $61.00 x [[(123/118) – 1] x 0.89] + 1] = $ 63.30 This example shall apply to all the categories of Solid Waste set forth in Exhibit C.
With respect to any MFN Waste Contract, beginning on the first Day of the Month first following CRRA’s provision of such notice to the Municipality and continuing for so long as the Municipality is eligible to receive the Other Tip Fee, CRRA shall charge and the Municipality shall pay the Other Tip Fee for its Acceptable Solid Waste.
In the event of a Force Majeure event, the City may make adjustments to the Contract Tip Fee during the year.
The Agency shall adjust the Landfill Tip Fee up or down to reflect: 1) the product of the change in the annual CPI measured as the percentage change in the Adjusted CPI Index over the previous (12) months multiplied by the then current Landfill Tip Fee and 2) Agency approved Regulatory Mandated Expenses.