Examples of Title I Services in a sentence
Section 2.1 The A/E shall perform the Scope of Work in accordance with the Scope of Work Title I Services and Title II Services (Exhibit A) and the A/E’s Technical Proposal (Exhibit B).
The proposer may receive up to 15 points for the One-Stop Operator and up to 25 points for the Title I Services Provider components of the narrative.
The following information, taken from the United States Department of Education (USDE) Title I Services to Eligible Private School Children Non-Regulatory Guidance, explains how LEAs must collect the poverty data.
It is intended as a resource to supplement the nonregulatory guidance of Title I Services to Eligible Private School Children, which is available on the Department’s Web site at 2www.ed.gov/programs/titleiparta/psguidance.doc.(see Appendix C for additional resources).
The selected bidder will comply with all federal, state, and local guidance and regulations regarding priority of service.The LWDB is committed to ensuring an efficient, customer-centered approach to enrollment and orientation for IowaWORKS and WIOA Title I Services.
The parties further agree that aggregate payments for Title I services under this Agreement, including all costs and fees, shall not exceed the Title I Services Ceiling Price; and that aggregate payments for Title II services under this Agreement, including all costs and fees, shall not exceed the Title II Services Ceiling Price.
They are not required to use the income of the foster parent or birthparent when applying for free nutritional services at the school.3. Title I Services – Foster children are eligible for Title I services in the same manner as other children on their campus.
The LMC is comprised of representation from the local County Assistance Office, a local educational entity, the local PA CareerLink®, local economic development and the Title I Services Provider.
BERGEN COUNTY SPECIAL SERVICES (BCSS) – BCSS offers the following to the students of Visitation Academy:● Compensatory and Title I Services for children with special needs.● A certified counselor serves the needs of students and parents through class and individual consultation.
WIOA Title I Services – White River Planning and Development District (WRPDD) provides Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth Programs in the North Central area to help job seekers access employment, education, training and support services and assist employers through business services.