Examples of Tolerance Factor in a sentence
Stabilizing Perovskite Structures by Tuning Tolerance Factor: Formation of Formamidinium and Cesium Lead Iodide Solid-State Alloys.
For all Tier Four Foods, the Initial EBT MADR Rates will be calculated by Benefit Unit using a substitute CARV and a Tolerance Factor of forty-nine percent (49%).
A Tolerance Factor is a percentage adjustment the Department applies to the CARV as part of a MADR rate calculation to account for differences in vendor prices due to store size and the variety of brands and package sizes stocked by the store.
For all Tier Three Foods, the Initial EBT MADR Rates will be calculated by Benefit Unit using a substitute CARV and a Tolerance Factor of forty-nine percent (49%).
Externally to the rear of the property there is a wall enclosed yard.
Based on these findings, the Department will add a Tolerance Factor to the CARV for Peer Group Category B vendors for the purposes of calculating MADR rates.In arriving at the Tolerance Factor for the various Peer Group Category B Register Count Subgroups, the team sought to capture the differences in the cost of doing business for store size as well as an associated factor which accounts for the larger variety of brands, package sizes and flavors found in full-line grocery stores.
These individual percentage adjustments were then weighted based upon each food instrument’s relative share of redemption to arrive at a single Tolerance Factor for each of the Single Item and Combination Food Instruments.
For components with a TBO of less than 400 hours, the removal time may be varied above or below the assigned TBO by 10 percent.ExampleComponent TBO 1000 hoursTolerance Factor (plus or minus) 75 hours Item Usage Window 925 to 1075 hoursComponent TBO Tolerance Factor (plus(300 x .
Incorporating Large A Cations into Lead Iodide Perovskite Cages: Relaxed Goldschmidt Tolerance Factor and Impact on Exciton–Phonon Interaction.
An Extended Tolerance Factor Approach for Organic- Inorganic Perovskites.