Tract I definition
Examples of Tract I in a sentence
Seller has contracted to purchase the following described property in Tunica County, Mississippi, to wit: TRACT I The West Half (W ) of Section Six (6) less the right of way to the Board of Commissioners to the Yazoo-Mississippi Levee Board containing 315.3 acres, more or less.
Signature (Seal) TRACT I - FEE SIMPLE A certain parcel of land in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, County of Middlesex, City of Cambridge at the southeasterly corner of First Street and Cambridge Street, shown as Parcel F on a plan by Xxxxxxxx Engineering Company, Inc.
CAPITAL ONE, N.A., a national banking association By: Name: Title: ACKNOWLEDGED BY: By: Name: Title: TRACT I: FEE SIMPLE A METES & BOUNDS description or a certain 1.156-acre tract of land, more or less, situated in the Xxxxxx X.
All those certain tracts or parcels of land situate in the City of Bridgeport, Xxxxxxx District, Xxxxxxxx County, West Virginia, and being more particularly bounded and described as follows: TRACT I: Beginning at a x 30 rebar at the northernmost corner of that certain 19.52 acre tract owned by The Heritage, Inc.; thence running with the northerly line of said 19.52 acre tract as resurveyed by Xxxxxx Brothers Engineers during June, 1995, S.
EXHIBIT A-2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR WENDOVER II TRACT I Located in Guilford County, State of North Carolina and is hereby described as follows: Beginning at a point in the North Right-of-Way of West Wendover Avenue, said point being the southeast corner of lot 1 of the American Construction, Inc.