Examples of Transition Arrangements in a sentence
Transition Arrangements for further detail.ASX will continue to update the industry regarding confirmation of target dates for transition and implementation.
The Parties agree that participants should not be put at risk and that the agreed strategy could include changes to Schedule B: Participant Transition Arrangements in Western Australia.
The terms of the Management Transition Arrangements relating to the management changes described in clause (i) through (iii) of this paragraph, which have not yet been finalized, will be filed with the Bankruptcy Court prior to the Confirmation Hearing as part of the Plan Supplement.
This Schedule is to be read in conjunction with Schedule B: Participant Transition Arrangements in Western Australia.
The Parties recognise and support that to be able to operate in the market‑based system envisaged for the NDIS within the timeframes outlined for transition under this Agreement, providers and participants will need to be ready to move to the NDIS system at the point of transition consistent with Schedule B: Participant Transition Arrangements in Western Australia.