Triggering Period definition
Examples of Triggering Period in a sentence
Subject as set out in Section 7 (Delivery of Notices and Fallbacks), Clearing Members may only deliver a Notice to Exercise Movement Option during the NEMO Triggering Period, subject always to the other terms of the relevant Restructuring Cleared Transaction and, where applicable, the DTCC Rules.
Any Restructuring Cleared Transaction (or portion thereof) in respect of which a valid Credit Event Notice is not delivered during the relevant CEN Triggering Period shall become eligible for compression in accordance with Chapter 3 (Compression) of Title III (Clearing Operations)of the CDS Clearing Rule Book on the Transaction Business Day following the related Exercise Cut-off Date applicable to the relevant Buyer.
In accordance with Part A or Part B of the CDS Clearing Supplement, LCH SA may, with the prior consent of all relevant Clearing Members, perform a re-couponing on any Restructuring Cleared Transaction (or portion thereof) in respect of which a valid Credit Event Notice is not delivered during the relevant CEN Triggering Period if the Fixed Rate of such Restructuring Cleared Transaction is not an Eligible Fixed Rate.
Subject as set out in Section 7 (Delivery of Notices and Fallbacks), and notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the terms of any Cleared Transaction, Clearing Members may only deliver Credit Event Notices in relation to a Restructuring Credit Event during the CEN Triggering Period following notification of Restructuring Matched Pairs by LCH SA and subjectalways to the terms of the relevant Restructuring Cleared Transaction and, where applicable, the DTCC Rules.
Subject as set out in Section 7 (Delivery of Notices and Fallbacks), and notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the terms of any Cleared Transaction, Clearing Members may only deliver Credit Event Notices in relation to a Restructuring Credit Event during the CEN Triggering Period following notification of Restructuring Matched Pairs by LCH SA and subject always to the terms of the relevant Restructuring Cleared Transaction and, where applicable, the DTCC Rules.