Examples of Umbrella Final Agreement in a sentence
In the Umbrella Final Agreement, the following definitions shall apply unless otherwise provided in a particular chapter.
Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada as represented by the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (hereinafter referred to as "Canada"); The Government of the Yukon as represented by the Government Leader of the Yukon on behalf of the Yukon (hereinafter referred to as "the Yukon"); The Yukon First Nations as represented by the Chairperson of the Council for Yukon Indians (hereinafter referred to as "Yukon First Nations") being the parties to this Umbrella Final Agreement.
Chapter 16 of the Umbrella Final Agreement between the Government of Canada, the Council for Yukon Indians and the Government of the Yukon sets out a comprehensive framework to guide and integrate the management of fish and wildlife within the entire settlement area.17 The management regime is organized into three major sections with responsibility for a particular geographic area.
Excluding Category A and B Lands as defined in the Umbrella Final Agreement.
Of Yukon First Nations which negotiated the Umbrella Final Agreement.
The Umbrella Final Agreement (UFA), finalized in 1990, is characterized as a general agreement that is used as the framework or template for the all Yukon First Nations CLCAs. It does not create or affect any legal rights, however all the provisions agreed to within the UFA are contained in each of the Yukon First Nation Final Agreements where commitments then become legally binding.
The Umbrella Final Agreement states that Yukon First Nations will receive a combined total of Settlement Lands of.
Umbrella Final Agreement would be completed five years after the enactment of Development Assessment Legislation.
Category A and B Lands as defined in the Umbrella Final Agreement.
The parties to her Umbrella Final Agreement implementation plan may be Canada, the Yukon and high Council for Yukon Indians acting on the own behalf and on behalf of the Yukon First Nations.