THE PUBLIC SERVICE ALLIANCE OF CANADA. Local 70367 of The Union of National Employees Representing certain employees of the Company as herein defined, hereinafter called “The Union” The Company and the Union agree as follows:
THE PUBLIC SERVICE ALLIANCE OF CANADA. The Employer shall hold further discussions with should the Union and Treasury Board agree to incorporate a provision regarding the Social Justice Fund into collective agreements. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING The parties agree to review the grievance procedures, Article of the collective agreement, following the completion of the consultation process by Treasury Board Secretariat and the Public Service Alliance of Canada on the new Public Service Labour Relations Act as it regards the grievances in the of Canada. APPENDIX “E” MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING THE PUBLIC SERVICE ALLIANCE OF CANADA The participants understand that FLIP allowances will be established on the basis of the terms and conditions set out below and will apply only to employees whose substantive position is in and who are working in an eligible position. An eligible position may be found at the UNI-8 or level. An employee who is accredited in at least one skill (listening or reading) in at least one operational language will be entitled to an allowance as follows: Category A Language Allowance An employee who is in an eligible position and who is accredited in a Category A operational language will be entitled to receive a FLIP allowance of one (1) percent of the employee’s annual salary per combination to a maximum of three (3) percent of the employee’s annual salary in total for all Category A operational languages in which the employee is accredited. Category B Language Allowance An employee who is in an eligible position and who is accredited in a Category B operational language will be entitled to receive a FLIP allowance of one and one half (1 percent of the employee’s annual salary per combination to a maximum of five (5) percent of the employee’s annual salary in total for all Category B operational languages in which the employee is accredited. The Employer will draw up a list of Category A and B operational languages and may amend the list from time to time following consultations with a representative of the Union of National Defence Employees. During the initial implementation phase, employees working in eligible positions will be deemed accredited in combinations in which they were accredited under the Linguist Accreditation System or in which they passed a recruitment test. For combinations in which they are not deemed accredited, employees in eligible positions may apply to management for accreditation and will be accredited if they pass an accreditation test. For both these ...
THE PUBLIC SERVICE ALLIANCE OF CANADA. The parties recognize and support the principle of equal pay for work of equal value: Within days of ratification of the Collective Agreement, the parties agree to meet and commence the joint development of a job evaluation plan applicable to all members of the bargaining unit. The effective date of the plan shall coincide with the effective date of the current Collective Agreement.
THE PUBLIC SERVICE ALLIANCE OF CANADA. This Memorandum lays out the terms of settlement in the matter of the payment of the equalization adjustment based on the concept of Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value.
THE PUBLIC SERVICE ALLIANCE OF CANADA. Within one (1) year after signing the Collective Agreement the parties agree to meet and jointly develop an Employee Performance Review System applicable to all positions within the bargaining unit. The joint development of this system shall be completed within eighteen (I8) months of the signing of the Collective Agreement. The provisions of such a system will include but will not necessarily be limited to, the evaluation form, the written instructions which will be utilized in the review, the steps of the review process and the implementation date of the system. This Letter of Understanding will be deemed to be part of the Collective Agreement. Date: Burnt Church First Nation Government The Public Service Alliance of Canada BURNT CHURCH FIRST NATION GOVERNMENT
THE PUBLIC SERVICE ALLIANCE OF CANADA and the City of Yellowknife agree that where conditions of employment require an employee to have a medical examination for the retention of a motor vehicle operator’s license or as a requirement for certain positions, medical examination costs shall be paid by the Employer upon authorization of the Senior Administrative Officer. An employee shall be granted up to one-half (1/2) day leave with pay to acquire the medical examination.
THE PUBLIC SERVICE ALLIANCE OF CANADA. Both parties agree to the establishment of a union-managementcommittee to engage in meaningful discussions regarding the collective profile of members of this bargaining unit. These discussions will take place on dates mutually agreed upon. It is agreed that the parties will meet within the first months from the signing of this collective agreement. Library of Parliament For the Public Service Alliance of Canada MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN
THE PUBLIC SERVICE ALLIANCE OF CANADA. In December of each year, all regular employees who have attained twelve (12) or more months of service and who have not been absent from work for more than fifteen (15) weeks during the year (excluding maternity, parental and adoption leave) shall be eligible to receive a Christmas Bonus as follows: Status Bonus Full­time $100.00 Part­time $ 50.00 For the Union For the Company Subsequent to the signing of the Collective Agreement, the Company and the Union agree to meet and review the benefits associated with pre­arbitration discussion. For the Union For the Company
THE PUBLIC SERVICE ALLIANCE OF CANADA. The Company and the Alliance agree that for the job classification of Xxxxxx and Pumpman, their scheduling of hours of work and pay practice will continue as per past practice. If either party desires to alter the past practice, it will serve notice to the other party in accordance with Article 47.01 of the Collective Agreement. Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx Director Human Resources Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Staff Officer, P.S.A.C.