Examples of Underlying Commodity in a sentence
For Underlying Commodity, you may be required to pay this charge separately.
The leveraged nature of the Certificates means that any movement in the value of the Underlying Commodity will have a magnified effect on the value of the Certificates, both positively and negatively.
The closer the value of Security Threshold to the level of the Underlying Commodity from time to time, the higher the leverage effect will be and the higher the risk that the Security Threshold will be reached.
On redemption, Holders will receive an amount, which may be zero, determined by reference to the performance of the Underlying Commodity, the Capitalised Exercise Price, the Financing Rate and, if applicable, the performance of the Conversion Rate between the Commodity Currency and the Settlement Currency.
Please refer to the fact sheet of product information of each Fund or Structured Product or Commodity published by the Underlying Fund Managers, Underlying Product Issuer or Underlying Commodity Dealer or Metis for details.