UNION SHOP definition

UNION SHOP. All employees covered by the terms of this Agreement shall be required to become and remain members of the Union as a condition of employment from and after the sixty-first (61st) day following the date of their employment or the effective date of this Agreement, whichever is later.
UNION SHOP. The Local shall be the sole representative of those classifications of employees as covered by this Agreement in collective bargaining with the Employer. It shall be a condi­ tion of employment that all employees of the Employer covered by this agreement who are members of the Union in good stand­ ing on the date on which this agreement is signed shall remain members in good standing, and those who are not members on the date on which this agreement is signed shall, on the thirty- first (31st) day following the date on which this agreement is signed, become and remain members in good standing in the Un­ ion. It shall also be a condition of employment that all employees covered by this agreement and hired on or after the date on which this agreement is signed shall, on the thirty-first (31st) day following the beginning of such employment, become and remain members in good standing in the Union.
UNION SHOP. All present employees who are members of the Local Union on the effective date of this section shall remain members of the Local Union in good standing as a condition of continued employment. All present employees who are not members of the Local Union, and all employees who are hired hereafter shall on and after the thirty-first (31st) day following the beginning of their employment or on and after the thirty-first (31st) day following the effective or execution date of this section, whichever is the later, shall become and remain members in good standing of the Local Union as a condition of employment.

Examples of UNION SHOP in a sentence

  • ARTICLE I I I - UNION SHOP CLAUSE A l l em ployees c o v e r e d b y t h i s Agreement s h a l l , as a c o n d i t i o n o f employment, becom e members o f th e Union on t h e t h i r t i e t h day f o l l o w i n g th e b e g in n in g o f such employment o r th e e x e c u t io n d a te o f t h i s Agreement, w h ich ever i s the l a t e r , and s h a l l t h e r e a f t e r m aintain t h e i r membership in th e Union in good s ta n d in g .


  • Mr. Youmans reviewed request by Peter Johnson & Marilyn Heath to acquire a 6-foot wide portion of the semi-improved W.

  • UNION SHOP •M issouri acres; *1,000 an acre; term s, 39 per cent down: 35 m ln.

  • ARTICLE UNION SHOP CARDS It will be the duty of the Employer to prominently display Union Shop Cards in all of their establishments where any Union members are employed.

  • UNION SHOP All employees shall be obligated to become members of the Union after the seventh (7th) day of employment as a condition of continued employment.


  • MODIFIED UNION SHOP A place of work in which non-Union workers already employed need not join the Union, but all new employees must join, and those already members must remain in the Union.

  • ARTICLE UNION SHOP CARDS It will be the duty of the Employer to display prominently, Union Shop Cards in all their establishmentswhere Union members are employed.

  • UNION SHOP AGREEMENT .................................................................

More Definitions of UNION SHOP

UNION SHOP means one whose owner is bound under collective agreement with Local 10 and Local 23-25 or with Local 23-25 and complies with its terms.
UNION SHOP means a business establishment, or part thereof, in which terms and conditions of
UNION SHOP. All employees in the Bargaining Unit covered by this Agreement shall, as a condition of employment, on the 30th day following the date of this Agreement, or on the 30th day following the date of their hiring, whichever is the later, become and remain members of Local #177, International Union Of Electronic, Electrical, Salaried, Machine And Furniture Workers, AFL-CIO, in good standing. The Company shall, without interference from the Union, select and hire its employees, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

Related to UNION SHOP

  • Pet shop means a place where animals are sold or offered for sale, exchange, or transfer.

  • Short-barreled shotgun means a shotgun having one or more barrels less than eighteen inches in length and any weapon made from a shotgun by any means of modification if such modified weapon has an overall length of less than twenty-six inches.

  • Locational UCAP Seller means a Member that sells Locational UCAP.

  • Transportation equipment means 1 or more of the following:

  • Apprentice plumber means a person licensed under this chapter as an apprentice

  • Intermodal Rail Yard means a rail facility in which cargo is transferred from drayage truck to train or vice-versa.

  • Personal watercraft means a vessel that uses an outboard motor or an inboard engine powering

  • Stinger-steered automobile or watercraft transporter means an automobile or watercraft transporter

  • U.S.-flag air carrier means an air carrier holding a certificate under 49 U.S.C. Chapter 411.

  • Retail food store means that term as defined in 7 USC 2012.

  • Pole trailer means every vehicle without motive power designed to be drawn by another vehicle and attached to the towing vehicle by means of a reach or pole or by being boomed or otherwise secured to the towing vehicle and ordinarily used for transporting long or irregularly shaped loads such as poles, pipes, or structural members capable, generally, of sustaining themselves as beams between the supporting connections.

  • Small wireless facility means a wireless facility that meets both of the following qualifications:

  • Campsite means any place where bedding, sleeping bag, or other material used for bedding purposes, or any stove or fire is placed, established, or maintained for the purpose of maintaining a temporary place to live, whether or not such place incorporates the use of any tent, lean-to, shack, or any other structure, or any vehicle or part thereof.

  • Load Control Equipment means the equipment (which may include, but is not limited to, ripple receivers and relays) that is from time to time installed in, over or on Consumer’s Premises for the purpose of receiving signals sent by Load Signalling Equipment and switching on and off, or otherwise controlling, controllable load;

  • Properly Shredded Garbage means the wastes from the preparation, cooking, and dispensing of food that have been shredded to such a degree that all particles will be carried freely under the flow conditions normally prevailing in public sewers, with no particle greater than one-half (1/2) inch (1.27 centimeters) in any dimension.

  • Fuel burning equipment means any furnace, boiler, apparatus, stack and all associated equipment, used in the process of burning fuel.

  • public service vehicle means any motor vehicle used or adapted to be used for the carriage of passengers for hire or reward, and includes a maxi cab, a motorcar, contract carriage and stage carriage.

  • Transient merchant means any person, firm, or corporation who engages in a temporary or itinerant merchandising business, intending to remain in business in the City of Waverly for less than one year, and in the course of such business hires, leases, or occupies any building or structure whatsoever or who operates out of a vehicle which is parked anywhere within the City limits. Temporary association with a local merchant, dealer, trader, or auctioneer, or conduct of such transient business in connection with, as a part of, or in the name of any local merchant, dealer, trader, or auctioneer shall not exempt any person, firm, or corporation from being considered a transient merchant.

  • Farmworker Household means a household of one or more persons wherein at least one member of the household is a Farmworker at the time of initial occupancy.

  • Transportation Facilities means any physical facility that moves or assist in the movement of people or goods including facilities identified in OAR 660-012-0020 but excluding electricity, sewage, and water systems.

  • Motor carrier transportation contract means a contract, agreement, or understanding for any of the following:

  • Airport lounge means a business location:

  • Transportation facility means a highway, a railroad, a public mass transit facility, a public-use airport, a public trail or any other public work for transportation purposes such as harbor improvements under s. 85.095 (1)(b), Wis. Stats. “Transportation facility” does not include building sites for the construction of public buildings and buildings that are places of employment that are regulated by the Department pursuant to s. 281.33, Wis. Stats.

  • Air navigation facility means any facility, other than one owned and operated by the United States, used in, available for use in, or designed for use in aid of air navigation, including any structures, mechanisms, lights, beacons, markers, communicating systems, or other instrumentalities or devices used or useful as an aid, or constituting an advantage or convenience to the safe taking off, navigation, and landing of aircraft, or the safe and efficient operation or maintenance of an airport, and any combination of any or all of such facilities.

  • Locational UCAP means unforced capacity that a Member with available uncommitted capacity sells in a bilateral transaction to a Member that previously committed capacity through an RPM Auction but now requires replacement capacity to fulfill its RPM Auction commitment. The Locational UCAP Seller retains responsibility for performance of the resource providing such replacement capacity.

  • Fifth wheel trailer means a vehicle that is of such size and weight as to be movable without a special highway permit, that has a gross trailer area of four hundred square feet or less, that is constructed with a raised forward section that allows a bi-level floor plan, and that is designed to be towed by a vehicle equipped with a fifth-wheel hitch ordinarily installed in the bed of a truck.