Unlicensed Software definition

Unlicensed Software means Software that may be included on electronic storage media containing the Licensed Software provided by SIEMENS that Licensee is not authorized to access or use under this Agreement.
Unlicensed Software. Software which may be included on the storage media containing Licensed Software that the Buyer is not authorized to use under the Order. "Work":The labor, goods, materials and services, as defined in the Order, to be provided by Honeywell. 2.
Unlicensed Software has the meaning set forth in Section 2.11.

Examples of Unlicensed Software in a sentence

  • The Justices, from both the majority and the minority, differed on several key questions and especially on whether the constitutional right to family life includes an opportunity to exercise it in the State of Israel and not elsewhere, and on whether the infringement upon the right to equality occasioned by the Law meets the requirements of the limitation clause set forth in the Basic Law: human dignity and liberty.

  • Table 7: Software Piracy Rate & Commercial Value of Unlicensed Software in Bahrain -2006-2009Item2009200820072006Software PiracyRate54%55%57%60%Commercial Value of UnlicensedSoftware ( $M)$21$27$27$23 E.

  • Any student who uses the Internet to download illegal content (see Unlicensed Software), access illicit pornographic websites, or access other objectionable materials (as deemed by the school Administration) will be subject to termination, and may be reported tolegal authorities if applicable.

  • Government Use of Unlicensed Software According to a study by BSA | The Software Alliance, the commercial value of unlicensed software globally was at least $46 billion in 2018.29 The United States continues to work with other governments to address government use of unlicensed software, particularly in countries that are modernizing their software systems or where there are infringement concerns.

  • Protection from Computer Viruses (See Unlicensed Software Installed on Grupo Security Equipment) Viruses are computer programs that self-replicate and spread to various data storage media, such as disks or magnetic tapes or through a network.

  • All Promoters, for their own Institutions/Schools only, may also decide on the student's ineligibility for individual preferences expressed.

  • Customer acknowledges and agrees that Customer has no right or license whatsoever to any Unlicensed Software and that such software is included in the distribution solely as a matter of administrative convenience for Continuent.

  • Appendices A through C contain the individual country reports, the “ Methodology Used to Calculate Value of Unlicensed Software, Other Estimated Piracy Losses, Piracy Levels,” and the “Chart of Countries’ Special 301 Placement (1989-2012) and IIPA 2013 Special 301 Recommendations,” available at http://www.iipa.com/2013_SPEC301_TOC.htm.

  • Users can "Send Students to TIDE” and search for the student by SSID.

  • Any employee who knowingly violates this software piracy rule is subject to termination.7.1.13 Use of Unlicensed Software.

More Definitions of Unlicensed Software

Unlicensed Software means Software that may be included on electronic storage media containing the Licensed Software provided by Honeywell that Licensee is not author- ized to access or use under this Agreement.

Related to Unlicensed Software

  • Licensed Software includes error corrections, upgrades, enhancements or new releases, and any deliverables due under a maintenance or service contract (e.g., patches, fixes, PTFs, programs, code or data conversion, or custom programming).

  • Licensed Materials means any materials that Executive utilizes for the benefit of the Company (or any Subsidiary thereof), or delivers to the Company or the Company’s Customers, which (a) do not constitute Work Product, (b) are created by Executive or of which Executive is otherwise in lawful possession and (c) Executive may lawfully utilize for the benefit of, or distribute to, the Company or the Company’s Customers.

  • Supplier Software means software which is proprietary to the Supplier or its Affiliates which is used or supplied by the Supplier in the provision of the Services; Supplier Staff means all persons employed or engaged by the Supplier together with the Supplier's servants, agents, suppliers, consultants and Sub-Contractors (and all persons employed by any Sub-Contractor together with the Sub-Contractor’s servants, consultants, agents, suppliers and Sub-Contractors) used in the performance of its obligations under this Contract; Time and Materials means the pricing mechanism for the Services as may be agreed by the Parties and set out at paragraph Error: Reference source not found in the SOW; TUPE means the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (SI 2006/246) as amended or replaced or any other regulations or UK legislation implementing the Acquired Rights Directive; Velocity means the Metric which measures the total number of Story Points for Stories that have been accepted in a Sprint, indicating the rate of progress towards Acceptance of all Stories from the Product Backlog;

  • Licensed Material means the artistic or literary work, database, or other material to which the Licensor applied this Public License.

  • Developed Software means software specifically designed for the Principal under the Contract. Depending how advanced its development is, it may be either a Product or a Service or both.

  • Third Party Software means software which is proprietary to any third party (other than an Affiliate of the Contractor) which is or will be used by the Contractor for the purposes of providing the Services.

  • Embedded Software means one or more software applications which permanently reside on a computing device.

  • Customer Software means software which is owned by or licensed to the Customer;

  • Licensed Technology means the Licensed Know-How and Licensed Patents.

  • Customer Technology means Customer's proprietary technology, including Customer's Internet operations design, content, software tools, hardware designs, algorithms, software (in source and object forms), user interface designs, architecture, class libraries, objects and documentation (both printed and electronic), know-how, trade secrets and any related intellectual property rights throughout the world (whether owned by Customer or licensed to Customer from a third party) and also including any derivatives, improvements, enhancements or extensions of Customer Technology conceived, reduced to practice, or developed during the term of this Agreement by Customer.

  • Custom Software means Software identified as such in Appendix 4 of the Contract Agreement and such other Software as the parties may agree in writing to be Custom Software.

  • SAP Software means: (i) any and all software products and Cloud Services licensed to Customer under the License Agreement as specified in software order forms or Cloud Service Order Forms (or other order forms, schedules or appendices as applicable) thereto; (ii) any new releases, updates or versions thereof made available through unrestricted shipment pursuant to the respective support agreement or warranty obligation and (iii) any complete or partial copies of any of the foregoing.

  • Supported Software means the supported software identified in the Proposal. System means the designated information technology environment in which the Software is to be used. Term means the term of this Agreement specified in clause 2.

  • Software Product means any COTS which you propose to provide pursuant to the contract.

  • Oracle Software means any software agent, application or tool that Oracle makes available to You for download specifically for purposes of facilitating Your access to, operation of, and/or use with, the Services.

  • Licensed Content means those articles or other parts of a Licensed Title which form part of the content licensed in accordance with the Order (including all content published during the Subscription Period or other period specified in the Order to which access and use rights are granted under this Licence, and including all Previously Subscribed Material).

  • Client Software means software that allows a Device to access or utilize the services or functionality provided by the Server Software.

  • Font Software means the software provided by Branding with Type which, when used on an appropriate Device or Devices, generates typeface and typographic designs and ornaments. Font Software shall include all bitmap representations of typeface and typographic designs and ornaments created by or derived from the Font Software. Font Software includes upgrades, updates, related files, permitted copies, permitted conversions, and related documentation.

  • System Software means Software that provides the operating and management instructions for the underlying hardware and other components, and is identified as such in Appendix 4 of the Contract Agreement and such other Software as the parties may agree in writing to be Systems Software. Such System Software includes, but is not restricted to, micro-code embedded in hardware (i.e., “firmware”), operating systems, communications, system and network management, and utility software.

  • Software Products and “Software” are interchangeable and mean software, computer source codes and other computer programs.

  • Contractor Software means software which is proprietary to the Contractor, including software which is or will be used by the Contractor for the purposes of providing the Services.

  • Hosted Software means the software owned and controlled by Vendor or Vendor’s third-party contractor that supports the Hosted Software Services.

  • Customized Software or “Customization” means any Application Software code modified or amended on behalf of the Customer. Setting of parameters, parameterization or configuration is not a Customization.

  • Proprietary Software means computer software developed for and owned by the Failed Bank for its own purpose and use.

  • Software Updates means the Software releases, service packs, build updates or emergency fixes released from time to time in accordance with the Vocera’s update policy for such Software.

  • Third Party Technology means all Intellectual Property and products owned by third parties and licensed pursuant to Third Party Licenses.