Examples of Unloading Slot in a sentence
The Three (3) Month Schedule shall indicate, for each Month, the number and the duration of Unloading Slots allocated to each User, together with the volume of LNG expected to be Unloaded, and the date of each Unloading Slot scheduled.
Each Annual Unloading Schedule for the Months of April through December is indicative only, and subject to modification pursuant to clause II.3.3. The indication of the Unloading Slot duration, is binding for the User, without prejudice to the provisions of article 2.3.3 below.
Aurizon Network has clarified the drafting to ensure the full cycle is identified, including the path from Callemondah to the relevant Unloading Slot as a component of the Port Unloading Slot.
A System Path includes the sum of each of the components of the train cycle, including the Mainline Path (previously identified as the Below Rail Network Path), Port Unloading Slot, Mine Loading Slot, and contracted Above Rail Dwells.
The Unloading Slot and the Released Capacity may be reclaimed during the period between July 3rd and July 16th 2012.
The Three (3) Month Schedule shall indicate, for each Month, the number of Unloading Slots allocated to each User, together with the volume of LNG expected to be Unloaded, and the date of each Unloading Slot scheduled.
This has the consequence that the Port Unloading Slot may be excluded from various Aurizon Network performance metrics and calculation processes.
In addition the Port Unloading Slot is defined as a dwell in the Redrafted Capricornia System Rules.
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