Utilization Rate definition
Examples of Utilization Rate in a sentence
The Commission will assess, and post on its website, the Utilization Rate for each High-Volume For-Hire Service subject to this section every six months.
The Aggregate Utilization Rate is ten percent (10%) provided that, in the event the percentage set forth by R.I. Gen.
This report shall include a brief description of the software listing the analytical techniques used for fraud detection, a Utilization Rate for the use of this software for both pre-pay and post-pay claims, a ROI of the software (the savings generated by the software versus the costs), and the rate or impact of False Positives to fraud detection through the use of the software.
For each procurement where Bidders will be serving as a prime contractor, the Using Agency shall ensure that it tries to achieve, at a minimum, the Aggregate Utilization Rate.
Any MBE/WBE Compliance Plan that reasonably ensures compliance with the Aggregate Utilization Rate requirement shall be approved.