Vendor of Record Agreement definition

Vendor of Record Agreement means an designation given to and/or an agreement with a specific Approved Vendor in which the County commits generally to purchasing all or a large volume of the corporately needed quantities of operational goods or services (i.e. a GBAPP Cooperative contract) from the named vendor(s) for the duration of the contract period, in cases where this approach will obtain the lowest Total Acquisition Cost to the County, will not jeopardize future supplies or be otherwise unfair to the vendor community. Approved Vendors who have a "Vendor of Record” designation or agreement in place may be noted within the procurement system database(the Approved Vendor List) maintained by the Procurement Staff as the “Vendor of Record” (VOR). Authorized Purchasing Contacts are required to utilize Vendors of Record for procurements unless emergency or other extraordinary circumstances prevent them from doing so. Goods are purchased from Vendors of Record using purchase orders, P cards or requests for delivery where a blanket order is in effect. Vendors of Record with good performance are noted as such for generally not longer than 3 years whereupon a new Vendor of Record selection process should be held with the exception of contract extensions. (See Section 13.0)
Vendor of Record Agreement means the document that outlined the terms and conditions to which Vendors of Record must adhere. The Vendor of Record Agreement expired on March 31, 2017. For more definitions, see the ADP Manual, Policy 110, Definitions. 115 Roles and Responsibilities‌In the process of confirming eligibility for funding, the Applicant/Client, the Registered Respiratory Therapist and the Vendor have specific roles and certain rights and responsibilities. The Manuals and the Vendor Agreement provide additional information. 115.01 Roles and Responsibilities of the Applicant/Client Has the right to choose from the list of Vendors, any Vendor serving in his/her community working in the private or public sectors. Should carefully review all the information in Section 3 (Applicant Consent and Signature) on the Application Form prior to signing. Is responsible for paying the Vendor directly for his/her 25 per cent portion of the Approved Price for Home Oxygen Therapy.Is responsible for the full costs of Home Oxygen Therapy if ADP denies the Application Form. Is responsible for notifying the Vendor if there are any changes to his/her personal information or his/her funding status. This includes the following:  change in benefit coverage;  admission to the hospital;  discharge from the hospital;  change of address;  discontinuation of Home Oxygen Therapy by a Prescriber; and  death. 115.02 Roles and Responsibilities of the Registered Respiratory Therapists: Must be employed at an acute or chronic care hospital, a CCAC, a FHT, a NPLC or an AHAC. Will provide First Time Applicants with accurate information about the policies and procedures of ADP, and the Medical Eligibility Criteria for funding Home Oxygen Therapy. Will provide First Time Applicants with the Applicant Information Sheet. Complete the Application Form only for First Time Applicants (90-day long-term oxygen therapy, 60-day short-term oxygen therapy and 12-month long-term oxygen therapy for children) whom the Registered Respiratory Therapist has assessed in person and determined eligible for funding based on ADP criteria. When completing the Application Form will:  transcribe the First Time Applicant’s diagnosis;  certify the First Time Applicant has tried other treatment measures without success; and certify that oxygen therapy is medically indicated, and is reasonable and necessary. Will provide the completed Application Form to the First Time Applicant and instruct them to give the Application Form to the V...

Examples of Vendor of Record Agreement in a sentence

  • The Vendor of Record Agreement may be either the City’s own competitively established VOR or one of the Ontario Ministry of Government and Consumer Services (MGCS) VORs available to municipalities.

  • A formal request issued by the County’s Procurement Staff (or other authorized person/agency), by invitation to at least 3 vendors, or may be publicly advertised, for any good or service need valued from$10,000 to $75,000 that cannot be fully defined or specified, or where price is not the only consideration, and where no Vendor of Record Agreement exists.

  • A formal request issued or advertised by Procurement Staff or issued by any Authorized Purchasing Contact seeking price and delivery date from at least 3 Vendors for specified operational or Tangible Capital Asset goods or services valued from$10,000 to $75,000, where no Vendor of Record Agreement exists.

  • KelterbornTHAT the Regional Municipality of Waterloo participate with the Province of Ontario Vendor of Record Agreement by accepting pricing from Bell Mobility Inc.

  • The City can take advantage of the Provincial Vendor of Record Agreement (VOR1021) which created the Broader Public Sector pricing.

  • There is no arrears of outstanding statutory dues as at the last day of the financial year concerned for a period of more than six months from the date they became payable.

  • In April 2010, Report FCS10029 “Wireless Cellular Services and Devices Agreement” resulted in Council approving staff to “negotiate the terms and conditions for an agreement, including pricing and value added services, with a preferred vendor(s) for Wireless Cellular Services and Devices.” This negotiation was to be conducted with vendors that were included in the Provincial Vendor of Record Agreement VOR1021 which created Public Sector pricing made available to the Broader Public Sector.

  • Assessment under Section 143 (1), Self- assesment Tax, Regular Assessment under Section 143 (2), Best Judgement assessment, income escaping Assessment, issue of notice where income has escaped assessment.

  • The Institute’s operations at its research centers in Africa form an integral part of the Institute’s operations and assets and liabilities of these centers are consolidated along with the assets and liabilities at ICRISAT.

  • Corporate Services Committee, February 7, 2017, Vendor Of Record (VOR) OSS-00415819 Arrangement for Mobile Devices And Services 2.0 Discussion and Considerations2.1 Procurement Approach Since 2017, Information Technology Services has purchased mobile technology assets and services leveraging the Province of Ontario Vendor of Record Agreement (VOR OSS- 00415819).

Related to Vendor of Record Agreement

  • Use Agreement means the use agreement by and between HDFC and HUD which commences on or before the Effective Date, runs with the land, binds all subsequent owners and creditors of the Exemption Area, and requires that the housing project on the Exemption Area continue to operate on terms at least as advantageous to existing and future tenants as the terms required by the original Section 202 loan agreement or any Section 8 rental assistance payments contract or any other rental housing assistance contract and all applicable federal regulations.

  • Licensing Agreement means a commercial agreement between a design approval holder and a production approval holder (or applicant) formalizing the rights and duties of both parties to use the design data for the purpose of manufacturing the product or article.

  • Owner of record The meaning set forth in the System Description.