Transaction Record definition

Transaction Record means a paper Transaction record dispensed mechanically, or written notification generated by or on behalf of Us, or notice of a pending or completed Transaction or a summary of the balance of Your Account, including notifications issued by email or SMS text message to You or available as an Account Statement or balance of Account when You use a Mobile Device or other Access Terminal.
Transaction Record means evidence of a purchase, rental or lease of goods or services by a Cardholder from, and other payments to, Merchant using a Card, including preauthorized orders and Recurring Transactions (unless the context requires otherwise), regardless of whether the form of such evidence is in paper or electronic form or otherwise.
Transaction Record means the form or forms used to document each purchase or sale of shellfish at the wholesale level, and includes shellfish harvest and sales records, ledgers, purchase records, invoices and bills of lading.

Examples of Transaction Record in a sentence

  • Whether a Transaction Record is issued or not, it is Your responsibility to verify that all Transactions have been properly executed by checking the periodic statement or passbook entries itemizing Transactions and reviewing Your Transaction Records.

More Definitions of Transaction Record

Transaction Record means, with respect to each Purchase of Goods or Services by a Cardholder from Company, each credit or return applicable to a Purchase of Goods or Services, and each payment received by Company from a Cardholder on Bank's behalf: (a) the Charge Slip or Credit Slip corresponding to the Purchase, credit or return; or (b) a computer readable tape/cartridge or electronic transmission containing the following information: the Account number of the Cardholder, the Company's Store number at which the Purchase, credit or return was made, the total of (i) the Purchase price of Goods or Services purchased or amount of the credit, as applicable, plus (ii) the date of the transaction, a description of the Goods or Services purchased, credited or returned and the authorization code, if any, obtained by Company's Store prior to completing the transaction; or (c) electronic record whereby Company's Store electronically transmits the information described in subsection (b) hereof to a network provider (selected by Company at its expense), which in turn transmits such information to Bank by a computer tape/cartridge or electronic tape or transmission.
Transaction Record means the electronic record of a Transaction including, an Authorization Code, which is submitted to us in the form that we advise you of in writing from time to time in order to process your Transactions.
Transaction Record means a document or documents issued to Passengers purchasing an Electronic Ticket.
Transaction Record means the record given by certain accessible devices confirming a regular purchase or cash advance made by the authorized rep- resentative with his Visa Desjardins card or the Desjardins Mobile Payment Service.
Transaction Record record given by certain accessible devices confirming a transaction made by the cardholder with his card.
Transaction Record means a daily electronic record created and maintained by a
Transaction Record means a written or electronic record of activity or information pertaining to an Account or Instruction which may be issued by the Bank and includes without limitation, all Statements of Account, receipts, transaction records or confirmations generated by the Bank.