Volunteer firefighters definition

Volunteer firefighters dependents fund” means the fund established by section 146.07 of the Revised Code.
Volunteer firefighters means all persons who perform Fire Duties for a Volunteer Fire Company/Association, the services of which are regularly relied on by the Town in
Volunteer firefighters. Become part of a volunteer fire department that performs fire suppression and other related emergency services for local jurisdictions. Water monitoring: Become a member of EPA’s volunteer monitoring program - analyze water samples for dissolved oxygen, nutrients, pH, temperature and more. Water testing kits: Household kits for testing the quality of drinking water. Additional water storage: Store additional water in water tanks in community buildings. Agreement with neighboring communities: Set verbal or written agreements with similar neighboring communities to help each other during a natural disaster. Air quality testing kits: Testing kits for indoor and outdoor air pollution and contamination. Citizen volunteers: Find volunteers for drought-related services in your community (firefighter, task force, leadership team, etc.) Defensible space around buildings: Creating vegetation- free spaces around buildings can protect them from wildfire. Education on conservation practices: Hold community meetings on how to conserve water and electricity. Emergency kits: Prepared first aid kits, essential medications, canned food, battery-powered radio, at least three gallons of water per person, etc. Fire extinguishers: Extinguishers on hand to contain fires. Information about vulnerable population (2x): Identify vulnerable groups that might need your help during a natural disaster. Information signs: Prepared signs with information about the current drought situation, recommendations, and restrictions. Law enforcement: Establish a community watch to ensure that residents follow water restrictions and other drought recommendations. Mobile traffic signs: Prepared mobile signs for traffic redirection due to drought impacts. Partnerships with local businesses: Partner with local businesses to get donations of supplies needed during a drought. Public educational workshop: Hold a public workshop for your community members to educate them on drought- related issues. Regular vegetation maintenance: Maintaining vegetation around buildings can prevent rapid wildfire spread. Strong interpersonal relationships(2x): A close association among your community members can help during a natural disaster.

Examples of Volunteer firefighters in a sentence

  • Volunteer firefighters are not required to contribute, but the Town is required to contribute $60 per volunteer per year.

  • Volunteer firefighters' response is based on their individual ability to leave home or work when dispatched for a fire.

  • Volunteer firefighters are not required to contribute, but the City is required to contribute $60 per volunteer per year.

  • Volunteer firefighters or ambulance drivers and attendants employed by a municipality or other form of local government are given coverage by the definition of “worker” in section 1.

  • Volunteer Firefighters Volunteer firefighters are considered employees and their remuneration is generally subject to all withholding taxes.

  • Volunteer firefighters are not required to contribute, but the District is required to contribute $60 per volunteer per year.

  • Volunteer firefighters who meet minimum County-established standards are eligible to participate in the plan.

  • New 353G.09 Volunteer firefighters who separate from active fire department service for at least 30 days, are at least age 50, and have at least five years of good time service credit may apply for a benefit.

  • Volunteer firefighters hired after November 1, 2013 receive a monthly retirement pension of $165.66, vesting with 11 or more years of service.

  • True and correct copies of Teda's federal and state income tax returns for the years ended December 31, 2003 and December 31, 2004 have been delivered to the Company.

More Definitions of Volunteer firefighters

Volunteer firefighters. Volunteer fire department in your community with trained firefighters.
Volunteer firefighters dependents fund” means the fund established by section
Volunteer firefighters means a person(s) employed as described in Article 2 of this Agreement. For the purpose of this Agreement, the wordsVolunteer Firefighter” shall refer to any Volunteer Firefighter in any rank or classification.
Volunteer firefighters means a volunteer firefighter in any rank or classification, except those excluded from the collective bargaining unit.
Volunteer firefighters means all persons who perform Fire Duties for a Volunteer Fire Company, the services of which are regularly relied on by the Town in the provision of fire protection to property located in the Town, excluding, however, any such person who is or has been employed by the Town in a capacity in which such person has accrued or is accruing retirement benefits as a participant in the Town’s paid Firefighters’ Pension Plan.
Volunteer firefighters or “volunteers” means the individuals listed on the VFC NAME Certificate of Organization and/or listed on the active volunteer roster maintained and updated regularly by the Volunteer Fire Chief of each Volunteer Fire Company.

Related to Volunteer firefighters

  • Volunteer firefighter means a firefighter whose position normally requires less than 600

  • Volunteer means an individual who has regular, significant contact with students.

  • Therapist means an individual who is:

  • Training means instruction or teaching designed to impart a specific skill, as opposed to general knowledge.