Examples of Wind Farms in a sentence
Having due regard to the above it is considered that the proposal is consistent with the Scottish Government’s Specific Advice Sheet on Onshore Wind Farms.
There are also RES projects (mainly Wind Farms) with a capacity of 775 MW, at various stages of the licensing process.
Source information: Reference O&M Concepts for Near and Far Offshore Wind Farms.
Having due regard to the above it is considered that in terms of ground conditions the proposal is consistent with the requirements of Policy STRAT RE 1: Wind Farm/Wind Turbine Development of the Argyll & Bute Structure Plan and Policy LP REN 1 – Wind Farms and Wind Turbines of the Argyll and Bute Local Plan.
Having due regard to the above it is considered that in terms of shadow flicker the proposal is consistent with the provisions of Policy STRAT RE 1: Wind Farm/Wind Turbine Development of the Argyll & Bute Structure Plan and Policies LP REN 1: Wind Farms & Wind Turbines and LP BAD 1: Bad Neighbour Development of the Argyll & Bute Local Plan.
Having due regard to the above it is considered that the proposal is inconsistent with the provisions of SPP and Scottish Government’s Specific Advice Sheet on Onshore Wind Farms; Policy STRAT SI 1: Sustainable Development of the Argyll & Bute Structure Plan; and, Policies LP ENV 1: Development Impact on the General Environment and LP ENV 19: Development Setting, Layout & Design of the Argyll & Bute Local Plan.
South Australian Wind Farms: Environmental Noise Guidelines 2009 (Modified) refers to the South Australian EPA document modified for use in NSW.
Due to the comprehensive iterative design process that has been undertaken to inform the respective Wind Farm layouts and associated infrastructure for the Hoogland Projects, no site or layout alternatives will be assessed.However, the preferred layouts of the Hoogland Wind Farms, and respective Grid Corridors, will each be assessed against the ‘no-go’ alternative.
Any change to the ownership of the Wind Farm or to the voting rights in respect of it, which would have the effect of changing the independent status of this generator (as stated in declaration of Independence from Contiguous Wind Farms) must be notified to the Company.
Power Fluctuations from Offshore Wind Farms, Risø DTU Roskilde, February 26, 2009.