FINAL PROVISIONS Cláusulas de Ejemplo

FINAL PROVISIONS. 17.1. To the extent that the relationship between the Lender and the Borrower has not been regulated by this Loan Agreement, it shall be governed by the Terms of Use and the Price List available at the Lender’s webpage (xxx.xxxxxxx.xx), which shall form an integral part of the Loan Agreement. In case of conflict between: 1) the Special and the General Conditions, the Special Conditions shall prevail; and 2) the Terms of Use and the Loan Agreement, the Loan Agreement shall prevail.
FINAL PROVISIONS. Article 25 Signature This Agreement shall be open for signature at ** from ** until **, by all States and regional economic integration organizations. Article 26 Ratification, acceptance or approval
FINAL PROVISIONS i) DELIVERIES: The deliveries must be done in the terms, way, method, quantities, and all other conditions included in this purchase order, or according to the requirements done to the Vendor from Novartis. No partial deliveries are accepted, except it has been agreed and established in the Order. If the Vendor does not comply with the deliveries or the service in the agreed way, it will respond and pay Novartis for the damages caused, as well as for the payment corresponding to transportation, or any other additional expense to meet Novartis needs.
FINAL PROVISIONS. 13.1 The Depositor may file a complaint to the Polish FSA (Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego) if in his opinion Bank violated regulations concerning settlements and accounts maintenance.
FINAL PROVISIONS. 1. The Bank reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of this Contract, being able to vary charges and/or fees, or establish new ones. Any changes made to the Contract or any of the terms of the savings account product shall be communicated to the Customer by any of the
FINAL PROVISIONS. Any changes or amendments of this Agreement must be made in writing (transmission via fax or e-mail shall not suffice) in order to take effect. This shall also apply to any waiver of this requirement in written form. This Agreement has been drawn up in English and Spanish language. In case of discrepancies, the English version shall prevail. Two copies of this Agreement shall be signed and each copy shall be deemed an original, with one being handed out to each of the Parties. Mgtr. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxx of the Faculty of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences – UNC Ass.-Prof. Xx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx Vice-Rector for Education __________________________ (Place, Date) __________________________ (Place, Date)
FINAL PROVISIONS. Article 25 Signature
FINAL PROVISIONS. Article 16 Article 17 Article 18 Article 19 Article 20 Article 21
FINAL PROVISIONS. 1. The Bank reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of this Contract, being able to vary charges and/or fees, or establish new ones. Any changes made to the Contract or any of the terms of the checking account product shall be communicated to the Customer by any of the following means: Account statement sent to the physical or electronic address established by the Customer, e-mail, or by publication on the website The Customer shall have a period of two months from the communication thereof to reject the proposed amendment and terminate this Contract. After the two months have elapsed without the Customer's rejection, amendments shall be deemed accepted. 2. Failure by the Customer to comply with any of the obligations set forth herein shall entitle the Bank to terminate this Contract, without liability for the Bank. 3. This Contract shall have an indefinite term. However, it may be terminated at any time at the discretion of either party, by communication in writing to the other party at least one month in advance of the date of termination. However, even after the termination of this Contract, the Customer's responsibility for the operations, transactions and/or movements made prior to the effective date of termination shall remain in force. 4. The Bank shall close the checking account without being held liable when, in its opinion, the Checking Account Holder fails to comply with any of the obligations entered into by law or under this Contract, or in the event of any misuse thereof. Similarly, if the account is not used for six consecutive months, the Bank shall be entitled to close the account, charging any fee in effect on the date of closure thereof.
FINAL PROVISIONS. (a) La nulidad total o parcial de cualquier disposición de las presentes Condiciones Generales de Venta no afectará la validez de las demás disposiciones.