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Uvod Sample Clauses

Uvod. Ja, (prezime, ime, službeni naziv ili funkcija), xxxxxx Tijela u Re- publici Hrvatskoj nadležnog za reviziju, (naziv imenovanog Tijela nadležnog za reviziju), ispitao/la xxx rezultate revizija obavljenih na programu (navesti program – naziv, komponentu, razdoblje, poziv na broj (CCI)) prema ili pod odgovornosti Tijela nadležnog za re- viziju u skladu s planom rada revizije [a poduzeo/la xxx i dodatne aktivnosti koje xxx prema vlastitoj prosudbi smatrao/la potrebnim].
Uvod. Projekt TOGETHER nudi transnacionalnu platformu za izgradnju kapaciteta na kojoj partneri različitih razina znanja mogu zajedno osnažiti svoje kompetencije, smanjujući tako međusobne nejednakosti i promičući mjere i na strani opskrbe i na strani potražnje u kontekstu planiranja energetske učinkovitosti u javnim zgradama. Glavni cilj projekta jest poboljšati energetsku učinkovitost i uštedu energije u javnim zgradama promjenom ponašanja korisnika zgradom i promicanjem mjera energetske učinkovitosti. U ovom dokumentu prikazan je model Integriranog ugovora o energetskim rezultatima (EPIC) za javne infrastrukture koji javnoj upravi omogućuje xx xx i xxxx xx moguće provoditi ovu vrstu ugovora u specifičnom kontekstu. Ovi alati kontekstualizirani su u okviru drugog cilja projekta TOGETHER; ako prvi cilj projekta, koji glasi „Povećati energetsku učinkovitost i osigurati ulaganja zahvaljujući poboljšanim multidisciplinarnim vještinama internog osoblja i zahvaljujući sustavu Xxxxxx s angažiranijim i motiviranijim korisnicima zgradom”, poziva na promatranje i učenje koji se mogući alati mogu zajedno kombinirati kako bi se postigla energetska učinkovitost u javnim zgradama, drugi cilj koji glasi „Stvoriti i ispitati kombinacije tehničkih i financijskih te alata za upravljanje potražnjom koje su najprimjerenije za poboljšanje energetske učinkovitosti javnih infrastruktura” poziva na praktičnu i konkretnu provedbu mogućih utvrđenih mjera.
Uvod. 1.1. This securities trading agreement (hereinafter the “Agreement”) is concluded between you, the client, and us, Admiral Markets Cyprus Ltd (Registration number HE310328, CySEC License number 201/13). We refer to ourselves as ‘AM CY’, ‘we’, ‘our’, ‘us’ and ‘ourselves’ as appropriate, and the client is referred to as ‘you’, ‘your’, ‘yours’, ‘yourself’ and ‘Client’ as appropriate. AM CY may choose to amend this Agreement as per clause 20, in accordance to its sole and absolute discretion. You do not have and shall not have any right whatsoever to amend this Agreement. 1.2. Through the “Invest.MT5” account, we provide services that relate to the placing of orders to purchase and sell securities, which securities include, but are not limited to, ETFs, listed units in limited liability partnerships and depositary receipts for shares of foreign companies. AM CY shall receive and accept orders from the Client for the specified physical securities that may be available from time to time to the type of client account for which the Client has been approved. AM CY is responsible for the receipt of orders by the Client. The Client understands that the Invest.MT5 account allows the purchase and sale of securities only. Once purchased, the securities in the Invest.MT5 account may only be transferred by way of sale. The Invest.MT5 account is a cash account and not a margined account. In the event that short selling becomes permitted, it may, at AM CY’s discretion on notice, become a margined account. You appoint AM CY as your agent for the purposes of providing the service to you in accordance with this Agreement. You acknowledge and agree that AM CY: a) may act as agent, in relation to the execution or arrange execution of orders and transactions on your behalf; b) will arrange for the safeguarding of any money you deposit in AM CY, in accordance to clause 8.2 of the Agreement. 1.3. In the event that a corporate action or capital event that includes issue in listed equity instruments that: a) are not outlined in clause 1.2; or b) are issued in jurisdictions not supported by AM CY; or c) are or will be traded in venues which AM CY cannot access; or d) are not available on AM CY’s trading platform for any other reason; AM CY will not be able to commence regular trading service to Clients with respect to these new issued instruments and will act reasonably in realising these instruments in the open market and settling with Client in cash at AM CY’s sole discretion. Pleas...
Uvod. The integration and implementation of the Cen- tral European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) has been the main activity of foreign trade policy of the Republic of Macedonia in the last decade. The reason for this activity is the expectation that the membership of the Republic of Macedonia in CEFTA will signifi- cantly contribute to the continuous efforts for strength- ening the regional trade cooperation and increase ex- port as an important step to Euro Atlantic Integration. New CEFTA 2006 provides a much more comprehen- sive framework for development of mutual economic relations among the countries, especially in wood fur- xxxxxx export. Timber companies must continually strive to improve or at least maintain their market share. Nowadays, consumers are very demanding and they require as much as possible information about the product to be sure about its quality (Xxxxx and Glavonjić, 2014). Analyzing the current wood furni- ture export from the Republic of Macedonia towards the CEFTA countries, presents a good base for future research of cooperation with other CEFTA countries and possibilities for further development.
Uvod. IPA – in Program jadranske prekogranične suradnje (dalje u tekstu) je rezultat zajedničkog rada programiranja koje provode povezane države sudionice i dio xx xxxxxxx suradnje na jadranskom području. Program svoju snagu i odlučnost crpi iz velikog iskustva stečenog tijekom prethodnog Programskog razdoblja te donosi konkretne re- zultate iz studija i analiza financiranih u prošlosti. Danas mnogi čimbenici čine suradnju na jadranskom području važ- nom, osobito s političkog i gospodarskog stajališta:
Uvod. 1.1. Tieto Obchodné podmienky riadia Zastupovanie a stanovujú bázu, na ktorej KLEYR XXXXXX prijíma inštrukcie od Klientov a vedie záležitosti s Klientami. 1.2. Tým, že Klient xxxx pokyny KLEYR XXXXXX súhlasí s tým, že je viazaný týmito Obchodné podmienkami, ktoré prevažujú nad akýmikoľvek inými podmienkami Klienta. Zmluva o zastupovaní podpísaná zodpovedným partnerom XXXXX XXXXXX v tejto veci môže zmeniť alebo nahradiť ktorúkoľvek časť týchto Obchodných podmienok. 1.3. Ak xxx xx výslovne v týchto Obchodných podmienkach alebo v inom písomnom dokumente podpísanom riadne autorizovaným zástupcom KLEYR XXXXXX a Klientom uvedené inak, tieto Obchodné podmienky sú určené výlučne v prospech KLEYR XXXXXX a Klienta a žiadnej tretej strane neudeľujú status tretej oprávnenej osoby.
Uvod. Navesti nadležno tijelo nadležno za reviziju i druga tijela koja su bila uključena u pripremu izvješća, – Navesti referentno razdoblje iz kojeg je izvučen slučajni uzo- rak, – Navesti Operativni program koji je obuhvaćen izvješćem i nje- govu Operativnu strukturu i nacionalnog dužnosnika za ovje- Officer, – Description of the steps taken to prepare the report.

Related to Uvod

  • Signaling Each Party will provide the other Party with access to its databases and associated signaling necessary for the routing and completion of the other Party’s traffic in accordance with the provisions contained in the Unbundled Network Element Attachment or applicable access tariff.

  • Antivirus software All workstations, laptops and other systems that process and/or store PHI COUNTY discloses to CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR creates, receives, maintains, or transmits on behalf of COUNTY must have installed and actively use comprehensive anti-virus software solution with automatic updates scheduled at least daily.

  • SOURCE CODE ESCROW FOR LICENSED PRODUCT If Source Code or Source Code escrow is offered by either Contractor or Product manufacturer or developer to any other commercial customers, Contractor shall either: (i) provide Licensee with the Source Code for the Product; or (ii) place the Source Code in a third party escrow arrangement with a designated escrow agent who shall be named and identified to the State, and who shall be directed to release the deposited Source Code in accordance with a standard escrow agreement acceptable to the State; or (iii) will certify to the State that the Product manufacturer/developer has named the State, acting by and through the Authorized User, and the Licensee, as a named beneficiary of an established escrow arrangement with its designated escrow agent who shall be named and identified to the State and Licensee, and who shall be directed to release the deposited Source Code in accordance with the terms of escrow. Source Code, as well as any corrections or enhancements to such source code, shall be updated for each new release of the Product in the same manner as provided above and such updating of escrow shall be certified to the State in writing. Contractor shall identify the escrow agent upon commencement of the Contract term and shall certify annually that the escrow remains in effect in compliance with the terms of this clause. The State may release the Source Code to Licensees under this Contract who have licensed Product or obtained services, who may use such copy of the Source Code to maintain the Product.

  • Flextime ‌ (a) For the purpose of this agreement, flextime means the hours worked by an employee, or group of employees, who are given authority by the Employer to: (1) choose their starting and finishing times; and (2) choose their length of workday within a stated maximum number of hours, subject to meeting the required annual hours of work in accordance with this agreement, through a specified averaging period. (b) The full-time employee on flextime who has a day of absence, whether with or without pay, will be deemed to be absent for the agreed upon hours, providing at least the agreed upon hours are required to complete the averaging period. If less than the agreed upon hours are required to complete the averaging period, such number of hours will be deemed to be the hours of absence. (c) The averaging period for employees on flextime will be two pay periods. (d) The workday for those employees on flextime will not exceed 10 hours.

  • Licensed Products Lessee will obtain no title to Licensed Products which will at all times remain the property of the owner of the Licensed Products. A license from the owner may be required and it is Lessee's responsibility to obtain any required license before the use of the Licensed Products. Lessee agrees to treat the Licensed Products as confidential information of the owner, to observe all copyright restrictions, and not to reproduce or sell the Licensed Products.

  • Licensed Software Computer program(s) provided by Contractor in connection with the Deliverables, subject to Section 14 of this Contract.

  • Diagnostic procedures to aid the Provider in determining required dental treatment.

  • Influenza Vaccine Upon recommendation of the Medical Officer of Health, all employees shall be required, on an annual basis to be vaccinated and or to take antiviral medication for influenza. If the costs of such medication are not covered by some other sources, the Employer will pay the cost for such medication. If the employee fails to take the required medication, she may be placed on an unpaid leave of absence during any influenza outbreak in the home until such time as the employee has been cleared by the public health or the Employer to return to the work environment. The only exception to this would be employees for whom taking the medication will result in the employee being physically ill to the extent that she cannot attend work. Upon written direction from the employee’s physician of such medical condition in consultation with the Employer’s physician, (if requested), the employee will be permitted to access their sick bank, if any, during any outbreak period. If there is a dispute between the physicians, the employee will be placed on unpaid leave. If the employee gets sick as a reaction to the drug and applies for WSIB the Employer will not oppose the application. If an employee is pregnant and her physician believes the pregnancy could be in jeopardy as a result of the influenza inoculation and/or the antiviral medication she shall be eligible for sick leave in circumstances where she is not allowed to attend at work as a result of an outbreak. This clause shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with the Ontario Human Rights Code.

  • Cell Phones The College follows the State’s Cell Phone Policy. Employees who receive cell phones from the College shall also abide by this Policy. The College shall provide the Policy to any employee who is given a cell phone. Employees are responsible for the cost of all personal calls. While the College anticipates some incidental personal use of cell phones, it is also expected that such use is infrequent.

  • Hepatitis B Vaccine Where the Hospital identifies high risk areas where employees are exposed to Hepatitis B, the Hospital will provide, at no cost to the employees, a Hepatitis B vaccine.