Model withdrawal form mintaszakaszok

Model withdrawal form. (complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract) – To Contact Porsche - c/o Porsche Sales & Marketplace GmbH - P.O. Box 41 42, 73744 Ostfildern, Germany, e-mail address: – I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/We (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (*)/for the provision of the following service (*), – Ordered on(*)/received on (*), – Name of consumer(s), – Address of the consumer(s), – Signature of the consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper), – Date for the Porsche Connect Service "Car Security Package" (hereafter referred to as TU) These Terms of Use govern the use of the Porsche Connect "Car Security Package". These Terms of Use apply in addition to the Terms and Conditions for the My Porsche portal, the Porsche Connect Store and the Porsche Connect Services as well as Porsche Products (T&C). Insofar a provision of the T&C conflicts with these Terms of Use, the Terms of Use shall prevail. The "Car Security Package" is provided in cooperation with National Service Providers, which provide the Security Operation Centers (hereafter referred to as SOC). National Service Provider: Setech Hungary 1117 Budapest Xxxxxxxx xxxxxx 00 Xxxxxxx Depending on geographic and technical availability, the 'Car Security Package' (hereinafter 'package') includes either the 'Porsche Vehicle Tracking System' (hereinafter PVTS) or the 'Porsche Vehicle Tracking System Plus' (hereinafter PVTS Plus). The current geographic availability can be found in the Porsche Connect Store at xxxxx:// The connectivity necessary for the provision of the Package is established using an integrated SIM-card. The connectivity is an integrated element of the Package and is not charged separately. For the full use of the functionalities of the Package additional steps might be required, such as download and use of the Porsche My Porsche App which may be subject to other provisions and not provided by Porsche Sales & Marketplace. The functionalities may vary depending on a number of factors, including the model, production year, country of service, and availability of optional equipment (further information can be found on: xxxxx://
Model withdrawal form. (Complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract) – To Contact Porsche - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - Apartado 002016, EC Praca Municipio – Lisbon, 0000- 000 Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx, email address: smartmobil- – I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/we (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (*)/for the provision of the following service (*) – Ordered on(*)/received on (*) – Name of the consumer(s) – Address of the consumer(s) – Signature of the consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper) – Date
Model withdrawal form. (complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract) – To Contact Porsche - c/o Porsche Sales & Marketplace GmbH - P.O. Box 41 42, 73744 Ostfildern, Germany, e-mail address: – I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/We (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (*)/for the provision of the following service (*), – Ordered on(*)/received on (*), – Name of consumer(s), – Address of the consumer(s), – Signature of the consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper), – Date for the Porsche Connect Service "Car Remote Package" (hereafter referred to as TU) These Terms of Use govern the use of the Porsche Connect "Car Remote Package". These Terms of Use apply in addition to the Terms and Conditions for the My Porsche portal, the Porsche Connect Store and the Porsche Connect Services as well as Porsche Products (T&C). Insofar a provision of the T&C conflicts with these Terms of Use, the Terms of Use shall prevail.
Model withdrawal form. (complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract) – To Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - P.O. Box 12014 - DE-10501 Berlin, e- mail address: – I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/We (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (*)/for the provision of the following service (*), – Ordered on(*)/received on (*), – Name of consumer(s), – Address of the consumer(s), – Signature of the consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper), – Date a Porsche Connect "Üzemzavar Bejelentés" szolgáltatás vonatkozásában (a továbbiakban: "Felhasználási Feltételek") A jelen Felhasználási Xxxxxxxxxx a Porsche Connect által nyújtott “Üzemzavar Bejelentés” szolgáltatás használatát szabályozzák. A jelen Felhasználási Feltételek a My Porsche Portál, a Porsche Connect Store és a Porsche Connect Szolgáltatások, valamint a Porsche Termékek Felhasználási Feltételeivel (Feltételek) együtt alkalmazandók. Amennyiben a Feltételek valamely rendelkezése a jelen Felhasználási Feltételekkel ellentétes, úgy a jelen Felhasználási Feltételek rendelkezéseit kell alkalmazni.
Model withdrawal form. (complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract) – To Porsche Connect Support - c/o Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH - P.O. Box 120144 - DE-10591 Berlin, e-mail address: – I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/We (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (*)/for the provision of the following service (*), – Ordered on(*)/received on (*), – Name of consumer(s), – Address of the consumer(s), – Signature of the consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper), – Date a Porsche Connect "Gépjármű Biztonsági Csomag" szolgáltatás vonatkozásában (a továbbiakban: Felhasználási Feltételek) A jelen Felhasználási Feltételek a Porsche Connect által nyújtott “Gépjármű Biztonsági Csomag” szolgáltatás használatát szabályozzák. A jelen Felhasználási Feltételek a My Porsche Portál, a Porsche Connect Store és a Porsche Connect Szolgáltatások, valamint a Porsche Termékek Felhasználási Feltételeivel (ÁSZF) együtt alkalmazandók. Amennyiben az ÁSZF valamely rendelkezése a jelen Felhasználási Feltételekkel ellentétes, úgy a jelen Felhasználási Feltételek rendelkezéseit kell alkalmazni. A Biztonsági Csomag szolgáltatása a Nemzeti Szolgáltatóval együttműködésben történik, amely a Biztonsági Műveleti Központokat működteti (a továbbiakban: Biztonsági Központ). A Gépjármű Biztonsági Csomag (a továbbiakban: Biztonsági Csomag) a földrajzi elhelyezkedésen alapuló elérhetőségtől függően a Porsche Gépjármű Nyomkövető Rendszert (a továbbiakban: Nyomkövető Rendszer) vagy a Porsche Gépjármű Nyomkövető Rendszer Pluszt (a továbbiakban: Nyomkövető Rendszer Plusz) tartalmazza. Az aktuális földrajzi elérhetőség megtekinthető a Porsche Connect Store alábbi elérhetőségén: xxxxx:// A Biztonsági Csomag használatához a gépjárműben szükséges kapcsolat egy beépített SIM-kártya használatán keresztül biztosított. A csatlakozási szolgáltatást a Biztonsági Csomag magában foglalja, így a kapcsolat biztosításáért külön díj nem kerül felszámításra. A Biztonsági Csomag valamennyi funkciójának használatához további lépések lehetnek szükségesek, úgy mint a Porsche Connect App alkalmazás letöltése, amely egyéb szabályokat is előírhat, és amely nem képezi a Porsche Smart Mobility szolgáltatás részét. és a rendelkezésre álló berendezési eszközöket (további információ az alábbi honlapon található: xxxxx://xxxxxxx-
Model withdrawal form. (complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract) – To Contact Porsche - c/o Porsche Sales & Marketplace GmbH - P.O. Box 41 42, 73744 Ostfildern, Germany, e-mail address: – I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/We (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (*)/for the provision of the following service (*), – Ordered on(*)/received on (*), – Name of consumer(s), – Address of the consumer(s), – Signature of the consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper), – Date Every month you will receive an aggregated overview of your costs based on the following price overview: Country Basic annual fee1) Variable usage fees2) (for AC charging up to 22 kW) Variable usage fees2) (for DC charging up to 50 kW) Variable usage fees2) (for DC charging up to 150 kW) Variable usage fees2) (for HPC charging up to 350 kW) Variable usage fees2) (for HPC charging up to 350 kW on IONITY charging pedestals) Belgium 179€ 0,35€ 0,05€ 0,35€ 0,25€ 0,35€ 0,35€ 0,35€ 0,45€ 0,33€ 0€ Denmark 1333 DK 4,55 DK 0,44 DK 4,55 DK 1,88 DK 4,55 DK 2,5 DK 4,55 DK 3,13 DK 2,5 DK 0 DK Germany until 31.12.2020: 174,49€ 0,38€ 0,05€ 0,38€ 0,24€ 0,38€ 0,34€ 0,38€ 0,44€ 0,32€ 0€ from 01.01.2021 again: 179€ 0,39€ 0,05€ 0,39€ 0,25€ 0,39€ 0,35€ 0,39€ 0,45€ 0,33€ 0€ Finland 179€ 0,39€ 0,05€ 0,39€ 0,25€ 0,39€ 0,35€ 0,39€ 0,45€ 0,33€ 0€ France 179€ 0,35€ 0,05€ 0,35€ 0,25€ 0,35€ 0,35€ 0,35€ 0,45€ 0,33€ 0€ Italy 179€ 0,35€ 0,05€ 0,35€ 0,25€ 0,35€ 0,35€ 0,35€ 0,45€ 0,33€ 0€ Netherlands 179€ 0,43€ 0,05€ 0,43€ 0,25€ 0,43€ 0,35€ 0,43€ 0,45€ 0,33€ 0€ Norway 1.799 NOK 3,26 NOK 0,55 NOK 3,26 NOK 1,11 NOK 3,26 NOK 2,22 NOK 3,26 NOK 3,33 NOK 3,26 NOK 0 NOK Austria 179€ 0,39€ 0,05€ 0,39€ 0,25€ 0,39€ 0,35€ 0,39€ 0,45€ 0,33€ 0€ Switzerland 179 CHF 0,38 CHF 0,05 CHF 0,38 CHF 0,25 CHF 0,38 CHF 0,35 CHF 0,38 CHF 0,45 CHF 0,37 CHF 0 CHF Spain 179€ 0,39€ 0,05€ 0,39€ 0,25€ 0,39€ 0,35€ 0,39€ 0,45€ 0,33€ 0€ United kingdom 179 GBP 0,31 GBP 0,03 GBP 0,31 GBP 0,22 GBP 0,31 GBP 0,33 GBP 0,31 GBP 0,44 GBP 0,3 GBP 0 GBP Croatia 172,54 € (1.300 HRK) 0,38 € (2,9 HRK) 0,03€ (0,25 HRK) 0,38 € (2,9 HRK) 0,20 (1,5 HRK) 0,38 € (2,9 HRK) 0,33€ (2,5 HRK) 0,38 € (2,9 HRK) 0,40€ (3 HRK) 0,33€ (2,5 HRK) 0€ (0 HRK) Hungary 55.000 HUF 115 HUF 6,6 HUF 115 HUF 66 HUF 115 HUF 106 HUF 115 HUF 116 HUF 99 HUF 0 HUF Lithuania 179€ 0,4€ 0,05€ 0,4€ 0,25€ 0,4€ 0,35€ 0,4€ 0,45€ 0,33€ 0€ Poland 800 PLN 2,05 PLN 0,22 PLN 2,05 PLN 0,88 PLN 2,05 PLN 1,55 PLN 2,05 PLN 2,02 PLN 1,5 P...
Model withdrawal form. (complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract) – To Contact Porsche - c/o Porsche Sales & Marketplace GmbH - P.O. Box 41 42, 73744 Ostfildern, Germany, email address: – I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/We (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (*)/for the provision of the following service (*), – Ordered on(*)/received on (*), – Name of the consumer(s), – Address of the consumer(s), – Signature of the consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper), – Date for the Porsche Connect Services: Porsche Intelligent Range Manager, Power Steering Plus, Porsche InnoDrive, Active Lane Keeping, Comfort Access and Porsche Dynamic Light System Plus (hereinafter each FoD individual service) (hereafter referred to as the ToU FoD individual services) Porsche Sales & Marketplace GmbH (formerly Porsche Smart Mo- bility GmbH), Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0, 00000 Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx (hereafter referred to as Porsche Sales & Marketplace, PSM or We), op- erates under (1) the My Porsche Portal and
Model withdrawal form. (complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract) – To Contact Porsche - c/o Porsche Sales & Marketplace GmbH - P.O. Box 41 42, 73744 Ostfildern, Germany, e- mail address: – I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/We (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (*)/for the provision of the following service (*), – Ordered on(*)/received on (*), – Name of consumer(s), – Address of the consumer(s), – Signature of the consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper), – Date underpass or in other places not covered by the GPS or wireless communication networks, atmospheric conditions and other causes of interference beyond our control (e.g. failure of GPS or communication networks). In particular, the operation of the unit and, therefore, the provision of the functionalities of the Service in accordance with the TU depend upon the operation of the GPS, wireless and landline communication networks with which the unit operates, and these networks are not operational in all parts of the Territory. As a result, not all functionalities of the Service are available everywhere and at all times and there can be no guarantee that all functionalities of the Service are operational.
Model withdrawal form. Porsche Smart Mobility GmbH
Model withdrawal form. (Complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract) – To Contact Porsche - c/o Porsche Sales & Marketplace GmbH - P.O. Box 41 42, 73744 Ostfildern, Germany, email address: – I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/we (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (*)/for the provision of the following service (*) – Ordered on(*)/received on (*) – Name of the consumer(s) – Address of the consumer(s) – Signature of the consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper) – Date To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired. The bur- den of proof of exercising the right of withdrawal is on you.