FIRE Klausul Contoh

FIRE. 1.1. in consequences of negligence or wrongdoing of the Insured or other party, or other unknown cause of fire not excluded in this Policy, 1.2. in consequences of :
FIRE. 1.1. in consequences of negligence or wrongdoing of the Insured or other party, or other unknown cause of fire not excluded in this Policy, 1.2. in consequences of : 1.2.1. spreading of fire or heat caused by self- combustion or due to inherent vice; 1.2.2. short-circuit; 1.2.3. fire spreading from nearby objects provided that such fire is not caused by perils excluded in this Policy; including loss or damage as a consequence of water and or other devices used to fight or extinguish the fire and or destruction of all or part of the property and or interest insured ordered by lawful authorities to prevent further spreading of the fire. 2. LIGHTNING Damage directly caused by lightning. In respect of electrical machinery, electrical or electronic equipment and electrical installations, such loss or damage will only be covered hereunder if the lightning ignites fire to such property. 3. EXPLOSION arising from property insured in this Policy or other Policy which is running in conjunction with this Policy for the interest of the same Insured. Explosion in this Policy is deemed to mean any sudden release of energy resulting from the expansion of gases or vapour. The bursting of a container (boiler, pipe etc.) is considered as an explosion if the walls of the container are torn open to such extent that a sudden equilibrium of the pressure inside and outside the container takes place. If an explosion occurs inside a container in consequence of a chemical reaction, any damage to the container is indemnifiable even if the walls of the container are not torn open. ‌

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  • KORESPONDENSI Semua korespondensi dapat berbentuk surat, e-mail dan/atau faksimili dengan alamat tujuan para pihak yang tercantum dalam SSKK. Semua pemberitahuan, permohonan, atau persetujuan berdasarkan Kontrak ini harus dibuat secara tertulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia, dan dianggap telah diberitahukan jika telah disampaikan secara langsung kepada wakil sah Para Pihak dalam SSKK, atau jika disampaikan melalui surat tercatat, e-mail, dan/atau faksimili yang ditujukan ke alamat yang tercantum dalam SSKK.

  • VACANT POSSESSION The Purchaser after the payment of the TPP shall at his own costs and expenses take possession of the Property without any obligation on the part the Assignee/Bank to give vacant possession. In the event of circumstances existing, which prevent entry or occupation by the Purchaser, such circumstances shall not annul the sale or entitle the Purchaser to rescind the contract or claim reduction in the price or for damages.

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  • Ketentuan Kerahasiaan Dan Keamanan Data Dan/ Atau Informasi Pribadi Konsumen adalah ketentuan-ketentuan mengenai kerahasiaan dan keamanan data dan/atau informasi pribadi konsumen sebagaimana diatur dalam POJK tentang Perlindungan Konsumen dan Surat Edaran Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor: 14/SEOJK.07/2014 tanggal 20 Agustus 2014, tentang Kerahasiaan Dan Keamanan Data Dan/Atau Informasi Pribadi Konsumen, beserta penjelasannya, dan perubahan-perubahannya dan penggantinya yang mungkin ada dikemudian hari.

  • PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION 7.1 By accessing ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD website, the E-Bidders acknowledge and agree that ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD website may collect, retain, or disclose the E-Bidder’s information or any information by the e-bidders for the effectiveness of services, and the collected, retained or disclosed information shall comply with Personal Data Protection Act 2010 and any regulations, laws or rules applicable from time to time.