PERILS EXCLUDED. 1.1. This Policy does not cover any loss of or damage to property and or interest insured directly or indirectly caused by or as a consequence of :
PERILS EXCLUDED. 1.1. This Policy does not cover any loss of or damage to property and or interest insured directly or indirectly caused by or as a consequence of : 1.1.1. theft and or loss during and after the occurrence of an insured peril; 1.1.2. willful act of the Insured, his representatives or other party by the order of the Insured; 1.1.3. willful act of other party acknowledged by the Insured, unless it can be proved that it occurs beyond the control of the Insured; 1.1.4. willful wrongdoing or negligence by the Insured or his representatives; 1.1.5. forest, xxxx, wild grass and peat fires; 1.1.6. any kind of explosives; 1.1.7. nuclear reaction, including but not limited to nuclear radiation, ionization, fusion, fission or pollution by radioactivity, regardless of whether such processes occur inside or outside the buildings where the property and or interest insured is contained; 1.1.8. earthquake, volcanic eruption and tsunami; 1.1.9. business interruption of any kind. 1.2. This Policy does not cover any loss of
PERILS EXCLUDED. 1.1. This Policy does not cover any loss of or damage to property and or interest insured directly or indirectly caused by or as a consequence of: 1.1.1. theft and or loss during and after the occurrence of an insured peril; 1.1.2. willful act of the Insured, his representatives or other party by the order of the Insured; 1.1.3. willful act of other party acknowledged by the Insured, unless it can be proved that it occurs beyond the control of the Insured; 1.1.4. willful wrongdoing or negligence by the Insured or his representatives; 1.1.5. forest, xxxx, wild grass and peat fires; 1.1.6. any kind of explosives; 1.1.7. nuclear reaction, including but not limited to nuclear radiation, ionization, fusion, fission or pollution by radioactivity, regardless of whether such processes occur inside or outside the buildings where the property and or interest insured is contained; 1.1.8. earthquake, volcanic eruption and tsunami; 1.1.9. business interruption of any kind. 1.2. This Policy does not cover any loss of or damage to property and or interest insured directly or indirectly caused by, arising from or as a consequence of the following perils and or expenses, unless otherwise extended: 1.2.1. Riots, Strikes, Locked-out Workers, Malicious Acts, Civil Commotions, Insurrection/Popular Rising, Usurped Power, Revolution, Rebellion, Military Power, Invasion, Civil War, War and Hostilities, Subversive Acts, Terrorism, Sabotage or Looting. ‌
PERILS EXCLUDED. 1.1. This Policy does not cover any loss of or damage to property and or interest insured directly or indirectly caused by or as a consequence of : 1.1.1. theft and or loss during and after the occurrence of an insured peril; 1.1.2. willful act of the Insured, his representatives or other party by the order of the Insured; 1.1.3. willful act of other party acknowledged by the Insured, unless it can be proved that it occurs beyond the control of the Insured; 1.1.4. willful wrongdoing or negligence by the Insured or his representatives; 1.1.5. forest, xxxx, wild grass and peat fires; 1.1.6. any kind of explosives; 1.1.7. nuclear reaction, including but not limited to nuclear radiation, ionization, fusion, fission or pollution by radioactivity, regardless of whether such dalam atau di luar bangunan dimana disimpan harta benda dan atau kepentingan yang dipertanggungkan;
PERILS EXCLUDED. 1.1. This Policy does not cover any loss of or damage to property and or interest insured directly or indirectly caused by or as a consequence of : 1.1.1. theft and or loss during and after the occurrence of an insured peril; 1.1.2. willful act of the Insured, his representatives or other party by the order of the Insured; 1.1.3. willful act of other party acknowledged by the Insured, unless it can be proved that it occurs beyond the control of the Insured; 1.1.4. willful wrongdoing or negligence by the Insured or his representatives;


  • Risiko Perubahan Peraturan Perubahan hukum dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku atau perubahan atau perbedaan interpretasi peraturan perundang-undangan yang material terutama di bidang perpajakan atau peraturan khususnya di bidang pasar uang dan pasar modal dapat memengaruhi tingkat pengembalian dan hasil investasi yang akan diterima oleh Xxxxx Xxxx dan penghasilan yang mungkin diperoleh pemegang unit penyertaan.

  • LOKASI DAN PERIHAL HARTANAH Hartanah tersebut adalah sebuah unit apartment yang beralamat pos di Unit No. 00, Xxxxxxx 0, Xxxx X, Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxx 0, Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, 00000 Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxx.

  • Potensi Pertumbuhan Nilai Investasi Dengan akumulasi dana dari berbagai pihak, MANDIRI INVESTA ATRAKTIF mempunyai kekuatan penawaran (bargaining power) dalam memperoleh tingkat suku bunga yang lebih tinggi serta biaya investasi yang lebih rendah, serta akses kepada instrumen investasi yang sulit jika dilakukan secara individual. Hal ini memberikan kesempatan yang sama kepada seluruh Pemegang Unit Penyertaan memperoleh hasil investasi yang relatif baik sesuai tingkat risikonya.

  • BUTIR-BUTIR HARTANAH No. Hakmilik Strata/No. Lot : Hakmilik Strata belum dikeluarkan No. Hakmilik Induk/No. Lot : H.S.(D) KN 1182, PT 603, Mukim Gunong Semanggol, Daerah Kerian, Perak Darul Ridzuan. No. Petak Pemaju : Petak No. G/008, Tingkat Bawah, Blok No. G, Laketown Serviced Apartment, Bukit Merah Laketown. Pegangan : Pajakan 99 tahun akan tamat pada 17/10/2093 Keluasan Lantai : Lebih kurang 310 kaki persegi (28.80 meter persegi) Penjual : Segi Objektif (M) Sdn Bhd (No. Syarikat : 236717-X) Pemilik Benefisial : XXXXXXX XXXXX XXX XXXX (NO. K/P: 720802-01-5171/A2259324) Syarat Nyata : Tiada Sekatan Kepentingan : Tiada Bebanan : Diserahhak kepada Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad Hartanah tersebut merupakan sebuah unit pangsapuri yang beralamat pos di Unit No. 0000, Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxx X, Xxxxxxxx Serviced Apartment, 00000 Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxx.

  • BATAS MINIMUM PENGALIHAN INVESTASI DAN SALDO MINIMUM KEPEMILIKAN UNIT PENYERTAAN Batas minimum pengalihan investasi dan saldo minimum kepemilikan Unit Penyertaan yang berlaku adalah sama dengan besarnya Batas Minimum Pembelian Kembali dan Saldo Minimum Kepemilikan Reksa Dana yang bersangkutan. Apabila pengalihan investasi mengakibatkan jumlah kepemilikan Unit Penyertaan yang tersisa dalam Reksa Dana yang bersangkutan kurang dari Saldo Minimum Kepemilikan Unit Penyertaan sesuai dengan yang dipersyaratkan pada Hari Bursa pengalihan investasi, maka Manajer Investasi atau Agen Penjual Efek Reksa Dana yang ditunjuk oleh Manajer Investasi (jika ada) harus memberitahukan kepada Pemegang Unit Penyertaan untuk melakukan pengalihan atas seluruh investasi yang tersisa milik Pemegang Unit Penyertaan dengan mengisi secara lengkap dan menandatangani Formulir Pengalihan Investasi untuk seluruh investasi yang tersisa tersebut. Apabila pengalihan investasi dilakukan melalui Agen Penjual Efek Reksa Dana yang ditunjuk oleh Manajer Investasi (jika ada) maka dengan pemberitahuan tertulis sebelumnya kepada Manajer Investasi, Agen Penjual Efek Reksa Dana yang ditunjuk oleh Manajer Investasi (jika ada) dapat menetapkan jumlah minimum pengalihan investasi yang lebih tinggi dari ketentuan minimum pengalihan investasi di atas.