PAYMENT 8.1 Immediately after the fall of the hammer, the successful bidder (“Purchaser”) shall sign the Memorandum at the foot of these conditions. For online bidders please refer to the Terms & Conditions on for the manner of payment of the same. 8.2 In the event that the Total Purchase Price (“TPP”) is higher than the Reserved Price, the Purchaser declared by the Auctioneer shall immediately pay to the Auctioneer a sum (Differential Sum) equivalent to the difference between ten per centum (10%) of the PD (“Purchase Deposit”) and the Bidding Deposit either in cash or bank draft/cashier’s order drawn in favour of BANK ISLAM MALAYSIA BERHAD, as payment of deposit and towards part payment of TPP. 8.3 In the event the purchaser fails to pay the Differential Sum or fails to sign the said Memorandum, the Bidding Deposit shall be forfeited by the Assignee/Bank and the property may be put up for sale again at a date and time to be fixed by the Assignee/Bank. The cost and expenses of, in connection with and resulting from such resale together with any deficiency in the price obtained at the resale comparing to the price obtained in the aforesaid sale shall be recoverable from the defaulting Purchaser. A certificate by an officer of the Assignee/Bank as to the costs and expenses of, in connection with, resulting from such resale shall be accepted by the Purchaser as binding, correct and conclusive. 8.4 In the event the Purchaser stops payment or countermands on the bank draft of the Bidding Deposit and/or the Purchase Deposit the property may be put up for sale at a date and time to be fixed by the Assignee/Bank. The costs and expenses of, in connection with and resulting from such resale together with any deficiency in the price obtained at the resale comparing to the price obtained in the aforesaid sale shall be recoverable from the defaulting Purchaser. A certificate by an officer of the Assignee/Bank as to the costs and expenses of, in connection with and resulting from such resale shall be accepted by the Purchaser as binding, correct and conclusive. 8.5 The balance of the TPP (“Balance Purchase Price”) shall be paid by the Purchaser within NINETY (90) DAYS without any extension from the date of the sale by bank draft only drawn in favour of BANK ISLAM MALAYSIA BERHAD. The Purchaser shall at his own costs and expenses apply to the relevant State Authority for the consent to transfer not later than 14 days from the date of sale and procure the consent to transfer from the State Authority not later than 3 months from the date of sale, or such other extended period as may be granted by the Assignee/Lender as its absolute discretion from time to time and the purchaser shall be liable to pay penalty cum administrative charges which will be determined by the bank accordingly. 8.6 In the event that the Purchaser defaults in complying with any of the conditions herein or fails to pay the Balance Purchase Price within the time allowed, then the Assignee may (without prejudice to their rights for specific performance) treat such default as a repudiation of the contract and terminate the sale without notice in which event the Bidding Deposit and the Purchase Deposit paid under clauses 3 and 8.2 above shall be forfeited by the Assignee/Bank and the property may again be put up on sale at a date and time to be fixed by the Assignee/Bank. The costs and expenses of, in connection with and resulting from such resale together with any deficiency in the price obtained in the resale comparing to the price obtained in the aforesaid sale shall be recoverable from the defaulting Purchaser. A certificate by an officer of the Assignee/Bank as to the costs and expenses of, in connection with and resulting from such resale shall be accepted by the Purchaser as binding, correct and conclusive.
PRINSIP SYARIAH DI PASAR MODAL Prinsip hukum Islam dalam kegiatan syariah di Pasar Modal adalah prinsip-prinsip hukum Islam dalam kegiatan syrariah di bidang pasar modal berdasarkan fatwa DSN-MUI, sebagaimana dimaksud dalam POJK No. 15/POJK.04/2015 tanggal 3 November 2015 tentang Penerapan Prinsip Syariah di Pasar Modal.
MAKSUD DAN TUJUAN Susunan anggota Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris;
BATAS MAKSIMUM PENJUALAN KEMBALI UNIT PENYERTAAN Manajer Investasi berhak membatasi jumlah penjualan kembali Unit Penyertaan BNI-AM KEMILAU PASAR UANG dalam 1 (satu) Hari Bursa sampai dengan 10% dari total Nilai Aktiva Bersih BNI-AM KEMILAU PASAR UANG pada Hari Bursa diterimanya permohonan penjualan kembali. Manajer Investasi dapat menggunakan total Nilai Aktiva Bersih pada 1 (satu) Hari Bursa sebelum Hari Bursa diterimanya permohonan penjualan kembali Unit Penyertaan sebagai perkiraan penghitungan batas maksimum penjualan kembali Unit Penyertaan pada Hari Bursa penjualan kembali Unit Penyertaan. Batas maksimum penjualan kembali Unit Penyertaan dari Pemegang Unit Penyertaan merupakan akumulasi dari permohonan penjualan kembali Unit Penyertaan dan permohonan pengalihan investasi dari Pemegang Unit Penyertaan. Dalam hal Manajer Investasi menerima atau menyimpan permohonan penjualan kembali Unit Penyertaan dalam 1 (satu) Hari Bursa lebih dari 10% dari total Nilai Aktiva Bersih BNI-AM KEMILAU PASAR UANG yang diterbitkan pada Hari Bursa diterimanya permohonan penjualan kembali Unit Penyertaan dan Manajer Investasi bermaksud menggunakan haknya untuk membatasi jumlah penjualan kembali Unit Penyertaan, maka kelebihan permohonan penjualan kembali tersebut oleh Bank Kustodian atas instruksi Manajer Investasi dapat diproses dan dibukukan serta dianggap sebagai permohonan penjualan kembali pada Hari Bursa berikutnya yang ditentukan berdasarkan urutan permohonan (first come first served) di Manajer Investasi setelah Manajer Investasi atau Agen Penjual Efek Reksa Dana yang ditunjuk oleh Manajer Investasi (jika ada) memberitahukan keadaan tersebut kepada Pemegang Unit Penyertaan yang permohonan penjualan kembali Unit Penyertaannya tidak dapat diproses pada Hari Bursa diterimanya permohonan penjualan kembali Unit Penyertaan tersebut dan memperoleh konfirmasi dari Pemegang Unit Penyertaan bahwa permohonan penjualan kembali Unit Penyertaan dapat tetap diproses sebagai permohonan penjualan kembali Unit Penyertaan pada Hari Bursa berikutnya yang ditentukan berdasarkan urutan permohonan (first come first served) di Manajer Investasi.
BATAS MINIMUM PEMBELIAN UNIT PENYERTAAN Batas minimum pembelian awal dan selanjutnya Unit Penyertaan AVRIST LIQUID FUND untuk setiap Pemegang Unit Penyertaan adalah sebesar Rp 10.000,- (sepuluh ribu Rupiah). Apabila pembelian Unit Penyertaan dilakukan melalui Agen Penjual Efek Reksa Dana yang ditunjuk oleh Manajer Investasi (jika ada), maka dengan pemberitahuan tertulis sebelumnya kepada Manajer Investasi, Agen Penjual Efek Reksa Dana yang ditunjuk oleh Manajer Investasi (jika ada) dapat menetapkan jumlah minimum pembelian Unit Penyertaan yang lebih tinggi dari ketentuan minimum pembelian Unit Penyertaan di atas.
Syarat Syarat Tambahan Untuk Perjanjian Layanan Cloud (atau perjanjian cloud dasar yang setara) yang ditandatangani sebelum tanggal 1 Januari 2019, syarat-syarat yang tersedia di xxxxx:// berlaku.
Portofolio Efek Portofolio efek terdiri dari efek utang dan instrumen pasar uang. Instrumen pasar uang merupakan deposito berjangka. Sesuai dengan Keputusan Kepala Departemen Pengawasan Pasar Modal 2A No. KEP-04/PM.21/2014 tanggal 7 Oktober 2014 tentang Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx terkait Pengelolaan Reksa Dana Berbentuk Kontrak Investasi Kolektif, PT Batavia Prosperindo Aset Manajemen, Manajer Investasi, adalah pihak berelasi Reksa Dana.
BIDDING DEPOSIT Subject To paragraph 6.1 below, all intending bidders (except the Assignee) shall deposit with the Auctioneer, prior to the auction sale, a bank draft or cashier’s order drawn in favour of BANK ISLAM MALAYSIA BERHAD for a sum (‘Bidding Deposit”) equivalent to ten per centum (10%) of the Reserved Price or remit the same through online banking transfer, one (1) working day before auction date. For online bidders, please refer to the Terms and Conditions on for manner of payment of the deposit.
Risiko Berkurangnya Nilai Aktiva Bersih Setiap Unit Penyertaan Nilai setiap Unit Penyertaan MANDIRI INVESTA ATRAKTIF dapat berubah akibat kenaikan atau penurunan Nilai Aktiva Bersih Reksa Dana yang bersangkutan. Terjadinya penurunan Nilai Aktiva Bersih setiap Unit Penyertaan dapat disebabkan antara lain oleh perubahan harga efek dalam portofolio.
SALE BEING SET ASIDE OR CONSENT NOT BEING OBTAINED 16.1 In the event of the sale being set aside for any reason whatsoever by the Assignee or by an Order of Court or consent not being obtained from the Developer/Landowner and/or other relevant authorities (other than for reasons attributable to any act of default or omission by the Purchaser) on the expiry of the time period prescribed for completion, then the Assignee is absolutely entitled to terminate the sale by giving the Purchaser written notice thereof, in which case: (a) if in the meanwhile the Purchaser has entered into possession of the property, then the Purchaser is liable at his own costs to reinstate the property to the original condition as at the auction sale, and thereafter peaceably to yield up vacant possession of the property to the Assignee within 7 days upon service of the notice terminating the sale; and (b) the costs/expenses reasonably incurred by the Assignee in connection with the sale, as well as the costs to reinstate damage (if any) to the property caused by the Purchaser in possession thereof shall be deducted and set-off against the Deposit or TPP and thereafter the residue (if any) shall be refunded to the Purchaser free of interest. For this purpose a certificate signed by any officer of the Assignee certifying the amount of such expenses or costs shall be deemed final/conclusive and binding upon the Purchaser. 16.2 In the event of consent not being obtained from the Developer/Landowner and/or other relevant authorities due to the act of default or omission by the Purchaser, the Assignee/Bank shall be entitled to forfeit the Bidding Deposit and the Purchaser Deposit paid pursuant to Clauses 3 and