DISPUTES Clausole campione

DISPUTES. 24.1. The Client understands and agrees that (without prejudice to its other rights and remedies) the Company records shall be the final authority in determining the terms of the Client’s use of the Services and Client shall have no right to dispute the Company's records.
DISPUTES. There shall be an allowance of more or less 3% than the weight stated on the shipping bill and any shortage or overage in excess of such allowance must be proved by the Customer by way of a written statement issued by a public weighing facility. Furthermore the Customer will be held to verify the condition of the goods and to advise immediately the Supplier by way of registered letter with return receipt within 8 days of good’s receipt. No claim caused by delay in delivery and/or use of defective materials can be presented for damages, even to third parties. In the case of modifications to be effected to supplied material for causes imputable to Supplier, Supplier will provide, by his own personnel, to perform all necessary repairs or modifications. Any such intervention carried out on delivery goods directly by Customer have to be in advance authorized by writing from Supplier. In the absence of such written authorization Customer doesn’t have right to claim indemnity for any such direct intervention.]
DISPUTES. Any dispute that may arise between the Management Company, the Depositary Bank and the Unit holders shall be resolved in accordance with Luxembourg law via a definitive arbitration process that cannot be appealed. In the event of a contradiction between versions of this Prospectus in different languages, it is expressly agreed that the French text is the only one that is binding. Each party to the dispute shall appoint an arbitrator, and if the panel so formed includes an even number of members, a third-party arbitrator shall then be appointed by the panel so formed. In the event that an arbitrator has not been appointed within the month following the request made by the party that is the plaintiff in the dispute, an arbitrator shall automatically be appointed by the Chairman of the Luxembourg District Court sitting in a summary proceedings. 27. APPLICABLE LAW – JURISDICTION The Tribunal d’Arrondissement in Luxembourg shall settle any disputes between unitholders, the Management Company, the shareholders of the latter and the Depositary Bank. Luxembourg law shall be applicable. The Management Company and/or the Depositary Bank may however submit themselves or submit the Fund to the jurisdiction of the countries in which the units of the Fund are offered and sold for claims of unitholders solicited by Sales Agents in such countries.
DISPUTES. Any dispute relating to interpretation and execution, no less than the effectiveness and validity of the relationship between Eurofork and the Customer, where it cannot be resolved directly by the parties, is devolved to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Turin.
DISPUTES. Any dispute that may arise in connection with the implementation or interpretation of the present Agreement shall preferably be settled through direct negotiation between the signatory Parties and by mutual agreement. Read, approved, initialled on each page and signed: On behalf of: On behalf of: Korea Welfare Services Piedmont Region SRAI Chairman Deputy Director XXX, Xxx Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx
DISPUTES. 9.1. Complaints about the implementation of the accreditation process, about the publication of information about the organisation or any other aspect of how JACIE functions, can be lodged with XXXXX and will be dealt with according to the procedure regarding complaints and appeals.
DISPUTES. Any dispute shall be resolved by the Italian Judicial Authorities.
DISPUTES. The warranty of the goods is limited to just prime ceramic material, with a tolerance of 5%; any warranty is expressly excluded for all the secondary quality goods, sub-rate goods or stock. The disputes regarding obvious faults are only effective when they are notified before the installation of the ceramic material. The differences in tone cannot be declared as a fault of the material. The colour tones of the samples and the reproductions must be considered to be merely indicative and not strictly binding for the delivery. Any complaints with regard to the quality and the type of material will have to be sent to PIEMME by means of registered letter with advice of receipt, also via certified e-mail, addressed directly to our “Logistics, Quality and Post-Sales Service Unit”, within 15 days of delivery, or in the event of hidden defects within 8 days of their discovery. The action lapses, in any event, one year after delivery. The purchaser undertakes to keep the disputed batches available so as to permit the control of the reported defects. In any event, it is confirmed that the installation of the material exonerates PIEMME from any liability. For no reason may the Purchaser return the ceramic material without the express prior written consent of PIEMME. Any quality faults or defects affecting the goods, if they are reported by the deadlines and ascer- tained or acknowledged, merely give the right to the replacement of the faulty materials provided that the disputed goods are returned in advance and upon written authorisa- tion of the return transaction, thus any termination of the agreement and any damage compensation being absolutely waived and excluded. PIEMME does not undertake any liability with regard to the suitability of the material for the use which the purchaser intends to assign it to, and thus not even in the hypothesis that PIEMME provides sug- gestions or indications regarding the installation and use of the same. If the claim is unfounded, the purchaser will be obliged to compensate PIEMME for all the costs the same has incurred for the checking and handling of the claim (travel costs, appraisals, etc.); the purchaser will have the same obligation if the claim is only partially founded, to an extent of no more than 30% (thirty percent) with respect to the disputes originally brought.
DISPUTES. Any dispute that may arise in connection with the implementation or interpretation of the present Agreement shall preferably be settled through direct negotiation between the signatory Parties and by mutual agreement. Read, approved, initialled on each page and signed: On behalf of: On behalf of: Korea Welfare Services Piedmont Region SRAI Chairman Director Xxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx Seoul – Turin, Impegno N.: 2024/5329 Descrizione: APPROVAZIONE SCHEMA DI CONVENZIONE TRA LA REGIONE PIEMONTE E LA KOREA WELFARE SERVICES, INC. (KWS) PER LA REALIZZAZIONE DEL PROGETTO DI "INFORMAZIONE E SENSIBILIZZAZIONE SULLA GENITORIALITÀ" - ANNO 2024 Importo (€): 37.600,00 Cap.: 172649 / 2024 - TRASFERIMENTI CORRENTI AL RESTO DEL MONDO PER L'ATTUAZIONE DELLA CONVENZIONE STIPULATA A L'AJA IL 29/5/1993 PER LA TUTELA DEI MINORI E LA COOPERAZIONE IN MATERIA DI ADOZIONI INTERNAZIONALI (L.R. 7/2018, ART. 12) Macro-aggregato: Cod. 1040000 - Trasferimenti correnti Soggetto: Cod. 360555
DISPUTES. 1. In the event of any problems during the Internship, the Intern and the Internship Supervisor shall first and foremost try to resolve such through mutual consultation.