Entry into of the contract Clausole campione

Entry into of the contract. Research Grants are awarded with bespoke research ac- tivity contracts entered into with the Research Base. An individual contract sets out the successful candidate’s specific tasks, rights and duties, assigned tasks and re- search activities, remuneration and social security. The Research Base shall notify the selection winners of the date by which they must enter into the contract, under penalty of forfeiture. Should the contract not be entered into by this date, the winners shall forfeit the right to the Research Grant in which case the next candidate in line on the merit list shall be declared the winner. Research activity may not be commenced before the win- ners have entered into the contract, which shall, as a gen- eral rule, come into force on the first day of the month after it was signed. Should the winners be employees of the Public Admin- istration, they must be placed on unpaid leave for the en- tire duration of the Research Grant.
Entry into of the contract. Research Grants are awarded with bespoke research activity contracts entered into with the Research Base. An individual contract sets out the successful candidate’s specific tasks, rights and duties, assigned tasks and research activities, remuneration and social security. The Department shall notify the selection winners of the date by which they must enter into the contract under penalty of forfeiture. pubbliche devono essere collocate/i in aspettativa senza assegni per tutta la durata dell’assegno. Il conferimento dell’assegno non costituisce rapporto di lavoro subordinato e non dà luogo a diritti in ordine all’accesso ai ruoli delle Università. Il pagamento dell’assegno è effettuato in rate mensili posticipate.
Entry into of the contract. Research Grants are awarded with bespoke research activity contracts entered into with the Department. An individual contract sets out the successful candidate’s specific tasks, rights and duties, assigned tasks and research activities, remuneration and social security. The Department shall notify the selection winners of the date by which they must enter into the contract, under penalty of forfeiture. Should the contract not be entered into by this date, the winners shall forfeit the right to the Research Grant in which case the next candidate in line on the merit list shall be declared the winner. Research activity may not be commenced before the winners have entered into the contract, which shall, as
Entry into of the contract. Research Grants are awarded with bespoke research activity contracts entered into with the Department. An individual contract sets out the successful candidate’s specific tasks, rights and duties, assigned tasks and research activities, remuneration and social security. The Department shall notify the selection winners of the date by which they must enter into the contract, under penalty of forfeiture. Should the contract not be entered into by this date, the winners shall forfeit the right to the Research Grant in which case the next candidate in line on the merit list shall be declared the winner. Research activity may not be commenced before the winners have entered into the contract, which shall, as a general rule, come into force on the first day of the month after it was signed. Should the winners be employees of the Public Administration, they must be placed on unpaid leave for the entire duration of the Research Grant. The awarding of the Research Grant shall not constitute subordinate employment nor shall it entitle
Entry into of the contract. Research Grants are awarded with bespoke research activity contracts entered into with the Centre. An individual contract sets out the successful candidate’s specific tasks, rights and duties, assigned tasks and research activities, remuneration and social security. The Centre shall notify the selection winners of the date by which they must enter into the contract, under penalty of forfeiture. Should the contract not be entered into by this date, the winners shall forfeit the right to the Research Grant in which case the next candidate in line on the merit list shall be declared the winner. Il pagamento dell’assegno è effettuato in rate mensili posticipate. Research activity may not be commenced before the winners have entered into the contract, which shall, as a general rule, come into force on the first day of the month after it was signed.
Entry into of the contract. Research Grants are awarded with bespoke research activity contracts entered into with the Research Base. An individual contract sets out the successful candidate’s specific tasks, rights and duties, assigned attività di ricerca affidate, il trattamento economico e previdenziale spettante. Alla vincitrice/al vincitore della selezione la Struttura comunicherà la data entro la quale, pena la decadenza, dovrà stipularsi il relativo contratto. La mancata stipula del contratto nel termine sopraindicato, determina la decadenza del diritto all’assegno. In tal caso subentra la candidata/il candidato immediatamente successiva/o nella graduatoria generale di merito. L’attività di ricerca non può essere iniziata prima della stipula del relativo contratto che ha decorrenza, di norma, dal primo giorno del mese successivo alla stipula stessa. Le titolari e i titolari in servizio presso Amministrazioni pubbliche devono essere collocate/i in aspettativa senza assegni per tutta la durata dell’assegno. Il conferimento dell’assegno non costituisce rapporto di lavoro subordinato e non dà luogo a diritti in ordine all’accesso ai ruoli delle Università. Il pagamento dell’assegno è effettuato in rate mensili posticipate.
Entry into of the contract. Research Grants are awarded with bespoke research activity contracts entered into with the Research Base. An individual contract sets out the successful candidate’s specific tasks, rights and duties, assigned tasks and research activities, remuneration and social security. The Research Base shall notify the selection winners of the date by which they must enter into the contract, under penalty of forfeiture. Should the contract not be entered into by this date, the winners shall forfeit the right to the Research Grant in which case the next candidate in line on the merit list shall be declared the winner. Il conferimento dell’assegno non costituisce rapporto di lavoro subordinato e non dà luogo a diritti in ordine all’accesso ai ruoli delle Università. Il pagamento dell’assegno è effettuato in rate mensili posticipate.
Entry into of the contract attività di ricerca affidate, il trattamento economico e Research Grants are awarded with bespoke research previdenziale spettante. activity contracts entered into with the Research Alla vincitrice/al vincitore della selezione la Struttura Base. comunicherà la data entro la quale, pena la An individuai contract sets out the successful decadenza, dovrà stipularsi il relativo contratto. candidate's specific tasks, rights and duties, La mancata stipula del contratto nel termine assigned tasks and research activities, remuneration sopraindicato, determina la decadenza del diritto and social security. all'assegno. In tal caso subentra la candidata/il The Research Base shall notify the selection winners candidato immediatamente successiva/o nella of the date by which they must enter into the graduatoria generale di merito. contract, under penalty of forfeiture. L'attività di ricerca non può essere iniziata prima Should the contract not be entered into by this date, della stipula del relativo contratto che ha decorrenza, the winners shall forfeit the right to the Research di norma, dal primo giorno del mese successivo alla Grant in which case the next candidate in line on the stipula stessa. merit list shall be declared the winner. Le titolari e i titolari in servizio presso Amministrazioni pubbliche devono essere collocate/i in aspettativa senza assegni per tutta la durata dell'assegno. Il conferimento dell'assegno non costituisce rapporto Research activity may not be commenced before the winners have entered into the contract, which shall, as a generai rule, come into force on the first day of the month after it was signed. di lavoro subordinato e non dà luogo a diritti in ordine Should the winners be employees of the Public all'accesso ai ruoli delle Università. Il pagamento dell'assegno è effettuato in rate mensili posticipate.