Rights and Duties Clausole campione

Rights and Duties. Grant Holders shall conduct their research personally and fully. The research is of a flexible nature, has no set working hours, and shall be conducted continually and not occasionally, autonomously within the limits of the programme or stage thereof as laid out by the Research Project Supervisor and in accordance with Supervisor’s general instructions. The grants within this announcement may not be combined with other grants or with scholarships of any other kind, unless they have been awarded by national or international organizations for periods abroad as part of a Xxxxx Xxxxxx'x research. Grant Holders are not allowed to enrol in Bachelor’s or Master’s degree courses, funded PhDs or specialist courses in Medicine, in Italy or abroad, first and second-level postgraduate diploma courses and, if Grant Holders are employees of the Public Administration, they must be placed on unpaid leave.
Rights and Duties. Grant Holders shall conduct their research personally and fully. The research is of a flexible nature, has no set working hours, and shall be conducted continually and not occasionally, autonomously within the limits of the programme or stage thereof as laid out by the Research Project Supervisor and in accordance with Supervisor’s general instructions. The grants within this announcement may not be combined with other grants or with scholarships of any other kind, unless they have been awarded by national or international organizations for periods abroad as part of a Xxxxx Xxxxxx'x research. La titolarità dell'assegno non è compatibile con la partecipazione a corsi di laurea, laurea specialistica o magistrale, dottorato di ricerca con borsa o specializzazione medica, in Italia o all'estero, master e comporta il collocamento in aspettativa senza assegni per la dipendente/il dipendente in servizio presso amministrazioni pubbliche.
Rights and Duties. Grant Holders shall conduct their research personally and fully. The research is of a flexible nature, has no set working hours, and shall be conducted continually and not occasionally, autonomously within the limits of the programme or stage thereof as laid out by the Research Il pagamento dell’assegno è effettuato in rate mensili posticipate. Art. 6 – Diritti e doveri I soggetti titolari di assegno sono tenuti a svolgere personalmente e integralmente l'attività di ricerca oggetto del contratto, che presenta caratteristiche di flessibilità, senza orario di lavoro predeterminato, in modo continuativo e non meramente occasionale, in condizioni di autonomia nei limiti del programma o fase di esso predisposti dal Responsabile Scientifico della ricerca e secondo le direttive generali del Responsabile stesso. Gli assegni, di cui al presente bando, non possono essere cumulati con altri assegni e con borse di studio a qualsiasi titolo conferite, tranne quelle concesse da istituzioni nazionali o straniere utili ad integrare, con soggiorni all’estero, l’attività di ricerca delle titolari e dei titolari di assegni. La titolarità dell'assegno non è compatibile con la partecipazione a corsi di laurea, laurea specialistica o magistrale, dottorato di ricerca con borsa o specializzazione medica, in Italia o all'estero, master e comporta il collocamento in aspettativa senza assegni Project Supervisor and in accordance with Supervisor’s general instructions. The grants within this announcement may not be combined with other grants or with scholarships of any other kind, unless they have been awarded by national or international organizations for periods abroad as part of a Xxxxx Xxxxxx'x research. Grant Holders are not allowed to enrol in Bachelor’s or Master’s degree courses, funded PhDs or specialist courses in Medicine, in Italy or abroad, first and second- level postgraduate diploma courses and, if Grant Holders are employees of the Public Administration, they must be placed on unpaid leave. Art. 7 – Confidentiality and intellectual property Should the Grant Holders come into contact during the performance of their duties with information or data, which are covered by confidentiality agreements signed by the Department for which they work, then the Grant Holders must consider this sensitive information. They hereby pledge to keep all of this information and data confidential. Attribution of the right to register a patent for the inventions produced on the basis of any ...
Rights and Duties. Grant Holders shall conduct their research personally and fully. The research is of a flexible nature, has no set working hours, and shall be conducted continually and not occasionally, autonomously within the limits of the programme or stage thereof as laid out by the Il pagamento dell’assegno è effettuato in rate mensili posticipate. Art. 6 – Diritti e doveri I soggetti titolari di assegno sono tenuti a svolgere personalmente e integralmente l'attività di ricerca oggetto del contratto, che presenta caratteristiche di flessibilità, senza orario di lavoro predeterminato, in modo continuativo e non meramente occasionale, in condizioni di autonomia nei limiti del programma o fase di esso predisposti dal Responsabile Scientifico della ricerca e secondo le direttive generali del Responsabile stesso. Gli assegni, di cui al presente bando, non possono essere cumulati con altri assegni e con borse di studio a qualsiasi titolo conferite, tranne quelle concesse da istituzioni nazionali o straniere utili ad integrare, con soggiorni all’estero, l’attività di ricerca delle titolari e dei titolari di assegni. La titolarità dell'assegno non è compatibile con la partecipazione a corsi di laurea, laurea specialistica o magistrale, dottorato di ricerca con borsa o specializzazione medica, in Italia o all'estero, master e comporta il collocamento in aspettativa senza assegni per la dipendente/il dipendente in servizio presso amministrazioni pubbliche. Art. 7 - Segretezza e proprietà intellettuale Tutti i dati e le informazioni di cui l’assegnista verrà a conoscenza nello svolgimento dell’incarico, che sono soggetti ad accordi di segretezza sottoscritti dalla Research Project Supervisor and in accordance with Supervisor’s general instructions. The grants within this announcement may not be combined with other grants or with scholarships of any other kind, unless they have been awarded by national or international organizations for periods abroad as part of a Xxxxx Xxxxxx'x research. Grant Holders are not allowed to enrol in Bachelor’s or Master’s degree courses, funded PhDs or specialist courses in Medicine, in Italy or abroad, first and second-level postgraduate diploma courses and, if Grant Holders are employees of the Public Administration, they must be placed on unpaid leave. Art. 7 – Confidentiality and intellectual property Should the Grant Holders come into contact during the performance of their duties with information or data, which are covered by confidentiality ag...
Rights and Duties. Grant Holders shall conduct their research personally and fully. The research is of a flexible nature, has no set working hours, and shall be conducted continually oggetto del contratto, che presenta caratteristiche di flessibilità, senza orario di lavoro predeterminato, in modo continuativo e non meramente occasionale, in condizioni di autonomia nei limiti del programma o fase di esso predisposti dal Responsabile Scientifico della ricerca e secondo le direttive generali del Responsabile stesso. Gli assegni, di cui al presente bando, non possono essere cumulati con altri assegni e con borse di studio a qualsiasi titolo conferite, tranne quelle concesse da istituzioni nazionali o straniere utili ad integrare, con soggiorni all’estero, l’attività di ricerca delle titolari e dei titolari di assegni. La titolarità dell'assegno non è compatibile con la partecipazione a corsi di laurea, laurea specialistica o magistrale, dottorato di ricerca con borsa o specializzazione medica, in Italia o all'estero, master e comporta il collocamento in aspettativa senza assegni per la dipendente/il dipendente in servizio presso amministrazioni pubbliche.
Rights and Duties. Grant holders shall conduct their research individually, autonomously and fully. Due to its flexible nature, the research activity has no set working hours and shall be conducted on a continuous and not occasional basis within the limits of the programme or phase thereof as set out by the Research Supervisor and in accordance with Research Supervisor’s general instructions. Grants within the scope of this notice may not be combined with other grants or with scholarships of any other kind unless they have been awarded by national or international organisations for periods abroad as part of a grant holder's research. Grant holders are not allowed to enrol in Bachelor’s or Master’s degree courses, funded PhDs or specialist courses in Medicine, in Italy or abroad, or first or second-level postgraduate diploma courses. If Grant considerati riservati. L’assegnista si impegna a mantenere la segretezza su tali dati e informazioni. L’attribuzione del diritto di conseguire il brevetto per le invenzioni realizzate a seguito di attività di ricerca scientifica, svolta utilizzando comunque strutture e mezzi finanziari forniti dall’Università, è regolata in via generale dal Regolamento brevetti dell’Università.
Rights and Duties. Grant Holders shall conduct their research personally and fully. The research is of a flexible nature, has no set working hours, and shall be conducted continually and not occasionally, autonomously within the limits of the programme or stage thereof as laid out by the Research Project Supervisor and in accordance with Supervisor’s general instructions. The grants within this announcement may not be combined with other grants or with scholarships of any other kind, unless they have been awarded by national or international organizations for periods abroad as part of a Xxxxx Xxxxxx'x research. Alla vincitrice/al vincitore della selezione la Struttura comunicherà la data entro la quale, pena la decadenza, dovrà stipularsi il relativo contratto. La mancata stipula del contratto nel termine sopraindicato, determina la decadenza del diritto Should the agreement not be entered into by this date, the winners shall forfeit the right to the research grant. In the event of this, the second-placed candidate in the merit list shall be declared the winner.
Rights and Duties. Grant holders shall conduct their research individually, autonomously and fully. Due to its flexible nature, the research activity has no set working hours and shall be conducted on a continuous and not occasional basis within the limits of the programme or phase thereof as set out by the Research Supervisor and in accordance with Research Supervisor’s general instructions. Grants within the scope of this notice may not be combined with other grants or with scholarships of any other kind unless they have been awarded by national or international organisations for periods abroad as part of a grant holder's research. Grant holders are not allowed to enrol in Bachelor’s or Master’s degree courses, funded PhDs or specialist
Rights and Duties. Grant holders shall conduct their research individually, autonomously and fully. Due to its flexible nature, the research activity has no set working hours and shall be conducted on a continuous and not occasional basis within the limits of the programme or phase thereof as set out by the Research Supervisor and in accordance with Research Supervisor’s general instructions. Grants within the scope of this notice may not be combined with other grants or with scholarships of any other kind unless they have been awarded by national or international organisations for periods abroad as part of a grant holder's research.
Rights and Duties. Grant Holders shall conduct their research personally and fully. The research is of a flexible nature, has no set working hours, and shall be conducted continually and not occasionally, autonomously within the limits of the programme or stage thereof as laid out by the Il pagamento dell’assegno è effettuato in rate mensili posticipate.