GOVERNING LAW AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION. This Agreement shall be subject to, governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Italy (without regard to the conflicts of law rules which might result in the application of the laws of any other jurisdiction). All disputes, controversies or differences which may arise between the Parties out of or in connection with this agreement, its interpretation or performance, shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Padua, Italy.
GOVERNING LAW AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION. This Agreement will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws in force in Italy, including all those relating to tax and registration, without regard to conflict of law principles. For any dispute concerning this Agreement parties irrevocably consent to the competent court of Rome, Italy, which exclusive jurisdiction is acknowledged by the parties. Parties hereby agree to establish a Joint Committee of Management (“Management Committee”) for the following purposes: i) resolving any dispute between Parties in an amicable manner ii) ensuring that the execution of the Agreement is performed in accordance with the agreed terms iii) carrying out the coordination and monitoring of the Agreement iv) ensuring full adherence to the Agreement by the Institutions and discussing corrective actions towards Institutions, if necessary. CRUI and Elsevier shall each appoint two representatives as members of the Management Committee who shall have the authority to settle disputes. The Management Committee shall meet twice per year via video conferences. The Management Committee may concur more frequently and may also organize ad hoc meetings in order to resolve arisen discussions or disputes concerning the Agreement. Le Parti concordano che nulla, nella presente clausola 8.8, deve essere interpretato nel senso di vietare ad Elsevier di chiedere al foro di Roma ingiunzioni in caso di uso non autorizzato dei prodotti sottoscritti da parte del Sottoscrittore o dei suoi Utenti Autorizzati. Il presente Accordo rispetta la legge italiana ed in particolare il Decreto Legislativo n ° 163 del 12.4.2006 ed il DPR 207 del 5 ottobre 2010.
GOVERNING LAW AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION. In case of disputes where this Agreement does not provide a decisive answer, the Parties will consult each other before taking legal action. In case Parties cannot agree on such dispute and a Party initiates proceedings (as such an “Initiating Party”) against the other Party (as such a “Defending Party”) it shall do so at a competent court in the country where the Defending Party has its registered offices.