Index calculation. The Factor Index shall be calculated for the first time on the Index Start Date. The initial level of the index on the Index Start Date corresponds to the Index Start Value. The respective current index lev- el is calculated by the Index Calculation Agent on a continuous basis during the trading period of the Reference Instrument on the Reference Exchange on each Index Calculation Day, rounded to two dec- imal places and published in accordance with section E). One index point corresponds to one unit of the Index Currency.
Index calculation. The Index will be calculated on the basis of the following formula: Leverage Componentt: × (−Lev × Stockt (StockT − (Divt)) × RFactorSSt + (Lev + 1)) Financial Componentt: Index × ((Lev + 1) × IRT − ICFT) × D T 360 t,T
Index calculation. The Factor Iudex shall be calculated for the first time on the Iudex Start Date. The initial level of the index on the Iudex Start Date corresponds to the Iudex Start Value. The respective current index lev- el is calculated by the Iudex Calculatiou Aφeut on a continuous basis during the trading period of the Refereuce Iustrumeut on the Refereuce Exchauφe on each Iudex Calculatiou Day, rounded to two dec- imal places and published in accordance with section E). One index point corresponds to one unit of the Iudex Curreucy.