Index Securities: Applicable Clausole campione

Index Securities: Applicable. (a) Index/Basket of Indices/Index Sponsor(s):
Index Securities: Applicable. (a) Index/ Basket of Indices/Index Sponsor(s): The Securities of each Series relate to the Index (the “Underlying Index”) indicated in "Summary of the features of the Securities" in Annex B. With respect to each Underlying Index, the relevant Index Sponsor is indicated in "Summary of the features of the Securities " in Annex B or any successor acceptable to the Calculation Agent. The EURO STOXX50® Index is a Composite Index. The EURO STOXX® Banks Index is a Composite Index. The FTSE MIB Index is a non-Composite Index. For the purposes of the Conditions, each Underlying Index shall be deemed an Index.
Index Securities: Applicable. (a) Index/ Basket of Indices/Index Sponsor(s): The “Underlying Index is the EURO STOXX 50® Index (Reuters Code: .STOXX50E/ Bloomberg Code: SX5E < Index >).
Index Securities: Applicable. (a) Index/Basket of Indices/Index Sponsor(s): FTSE MIB Index (Reuters Code: .FTMIB). The Index Sponsor is FTSE International Limited or any successor thereto The Index is not a Composite Index.
Index Securities: Applicable. (a) Index/Basket of Indices/Index see Specific Provisions for each series above

Related to Index Securities: Applicable

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  • Durata del trattamento Durata della Convenzione e, comunque, nel rispetto degli obblighi di legge cui è tenuto il Titolare.