INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. IZSVe is the owner and has all the rights on the Material, Progeny and Unmodified Derivatives. The transfer does not grant or imply the ownership of the Material, or any intellectual and industrial property rights to the Recipient.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 9.1 All the trademarks, design rights whether registered or not, copyrights, confidential information, know-how and other rights of any kind relating to the Products held by the Seller are of exclusive ownership of MUNTERS ITALY S.P.A.. The Seller reserves the right to require, at any time, that the Purchaser cease the use of such commercial marks or other intellectual property rights.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. The Supplier is the sole proprietor of all intellectual property rights related to Products, Documents, Samples, Equipment, unless these are created or made based on drawings or designs furnished by the Customer. Unless the Parties otherwise agree, the Supplier shall also be the sole proprietor of anything that is produced in the performance of the Services. The Supplier shall retain ownership of these rights even after the delivery of Products, Documents, Samples and Equipment. Accordingly, the implementation of the supply shall not constitute and shall not under any circumstances be construed as a form of transfer, assignment and/or licensing and/or any other type of grant to the Customer of industrial property rights or know-how related to Products and/or Services.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. The Client acknowledges and agrees that the contents made available at face-to-face or online courses (including, but not limited to, videos, pictures and texts) are property of BIMS or are supplied by BIMS in virtue of certain contractual arrangements with third parties and cannot be reproduced, distributed or used for business purposes without the prior written consent of BIMS or the entity having the relevant rights on the same.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 11.1 Rights of the Parties on the background and on the sideground. Each Party is the owner of the intellectual and industrial property rights pertaining to its own Background and Sideground. The Parties mutually acknowledge that nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to directly or indirectly imply the transfer of any right on the Parties’ Background and/or Sideground. Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 9.1, the Parties mutually acknowledge the gratuitous and non-exclusive right to use their respective Backgrounds in the implementation of this Agreement, and in relation to its subject, during the term of this Agreement. Sub-licensing or transfer to third parties under any title whatsoever is expressly forbidden. On the other hand, the Sideground pertaining each Party may not be used by the other Party without the express authorisation, in writing, of the holder thereof.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. The Service must not be used to access, host, share, copy or distribute unlawful material in any way and in particular but without prejudice to the generality thereof material that is protected by copyright, trademark, registered design rights (Intellectual Property Rights) without the express permission of the holder of such rights by any means in particular but without prejudice to the generality thereof by peer-to- peer file sharing. We, as providers of the Service, do not hold any responsibility in any illegal acts committed by the user while connecting to the Service. Any infraction committed against the Intellectual Property Rights mentioned above is solely claimable against the user, not us, nor the manager/owner of the premises. You agree to indemnify us absolutely with regard to any liability arising in this respect. We reserve the right at our absolute discretion to limit access to the Service that in our opinion exists primarily or entirely for the purpose of sharing material in breach of Intellectual Property Rights. We reserve the right to discontinue the Service if you are in breach of this provision.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 11.1 The Supplier declares and guarantees to be the exclusive and legitimate owner and/or, in any case, to be able to legitimately and freely dispose to the extent necessary to fully fulfil all the obligations assumed under the Contract, of all Intellectual Property Rights relating to the Products; the Supplier declares and guarantees that, in no case, the use of the Products by the Purchaser will imply or determine, even indirectly, the violation of any Intellectual Property Rights of any third party.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. The Buyer acknowledges that the Supplier owns all intellectual property rights in the Goods, the Software and the Support Services and no rights are granted to the Buyer in respect thereof except as expressly set out in these conditions.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 3.1. L’Appaltatore dichiara e riconosce che il Contratto comporta la cessione a beneficio del Committente della titolarità dei diritti di proprietà intellettuale e/o industriale relativi al Software e che il Software e i relativi algoritmi e programmi sorgente saranno di esclusiva proprietà del Committente, il quale sarà libero di modificare o tradurre qualsivoglia codice del Software di sua proprietà, senza la necessità di alcuna autorizzazione da parte dell’Appaltatore. All’Appaltatore sarà in ogni caso riconosciuto il diritto di autore del Software oggetto del presente contratto. 3.2. Ai fini di quanto stabilito al punto che precede sarà realizzata una copia di riferimento che comprenda tutti gli algoritmi, i programmi sorgente, la documentazione e gli eventuali programmi complementari, nonché tutti gli elementi necessari alla gestione dei programmi sorgente; tale copia sarà predisposta dall’Appaltatore sotto la supervisione del Committente ogni volta che si renda necessario e comunque ogni mesi durante la fase di sviluppo del prodotto e successivamente a ogni nuova versione del Software. La copia in oggetto sarà sigillata e consegnata ad un professionista terzo scelto dalle parti unitamente a una lettera di istruzioni contenente l’accordo tra le stesse. 3.1. The Licensor declares and acknowledges that this Agreement entails the transfer to the Licensee of the ownership of the intellectual and/or industrial property rights relating to the Software and that the Software and related algorithms and source programs are the exclusive property of the Licensee, who is free to modify or translate any code of the Software it owns, without the need for any authorisation from the Licensor. In any case, the Licensor will be granted the copyright of the Software covered by this Agreement. 3.2. For the purposes of the foregoing clause, a reference copy will be made that includes all the algorithms, source programs, documentation and any complementary programs, as well as all the elements necessary for the management of the source programs; the reference copy will be prepared by the Licensor under the supervision of the Licensee, as necessary and in any case every months during the product development phase and after each new version of the Software. The reference copy will be sealed and delivered to an independent professional, selected by the Parties, together with a letter of instructions containing the agreement between them.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. IZSVe is the owner and has all the rights on the Material, Progeny and Unmodified Derivatives. The transfer does not grant or imply the ownership of the Material, or any intellectual and industrial property rights to the Recipient. Where Students are involved in the project, IZSVe agrees that copyright in a Student’s thesis will be owned solely by the Student.