SERVICES Clausole campione

SERVICES. If the Supplier’s and Customer’s dealings involve the provision of Services, the Supplier shall only be bound by provisions which the Parties have agreed in writing.
SERVICES. The Company requests and IZSVe shall perform certain services regarding ……………… (hereinafter referred to as “Services”) on the terms and conditions of this Master Service Agreement. A brief description of activities are outlined in Appendix II. No changes to the activities as described in Appendix II shall be made without the prior written consent of the Parties. In case any such changes result in substantial differences in the cost of the Services , the final budget will be adjusted by a mutually amount agreed by the Parties in writing. Deliverables and timelines will be agreed upon by the Parties and the material and samples relating to the Services (hereinafter referred to as “Material”) are provided by the Company to IZSVe. During the term of this Agreement, the Parties may also communicate periodically in order to check and/or clarify and/or up to date the Services’ working progress.
SERVICES. The Purchaser undertakes to compensate the Seller for any extra cost sustained in the performance of assembly or maintenance activities in the case of non-compliance with the contractual work site requirements.
SERVICES. L’Acheteur s’engage à indemniser le Vendeur de tous frais supplémentaires éventuellement encourus pour l’exécution des opérations de montage ou de maintenance si les exigences de chantier contractuelles n’ont pas été respectées.
SERVICES. IRVT requests and IZSVe shall perform certain services regarding the performance of rabies titration test on serum samples collected from domestic carnivores (hereinafter referred to as “Services”) sent on a regular basis, to provide an indication of an immune response to rabies and on the terms and conditions of this Agreement, in accordance with the attached Annex A (“Services”), that is an integral and essential part of it. No changes to the activities as described in Annex A shall be made without the prior written consent of the Parties. In case any such changes result in substantial differences in the cost of the Services , the final budget will be adjusted by a mutually amount agreed by the Parties in writing. In case of disagreement on the adjusted budget, the Parties may terminate the Agreement pursuant to art. 7 of this Agreement. All the material and samples relating to the Services (hereinafter referred to as “Material”) are provided by IRVT to IZSVe. The further material used to conduct the activities should be property of IZSVe and/or IRVT and/or a Third Party providing that a formal consensus for its use is issued. IZSVe acknowledges and agrees not to provide to any third party samples, or other materials provided by the Customer, without its prior written consent. IZSVe shall communicate in writing to the Customer on request the working progress of the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. During the term of this Agreement, the Parties may also meet periodically in order to check and/or clarify and/or up to date the Services’ working progress. The meetings will be held at IZSVe’s headquarters or by videoconference or in any other convenient place as agreed by the Parties and they will be attended by the Personnel involved in the Services.
SERVICES. The Company requests and IZSVe shall perform certain service regarding producing and selling of fish viruses, namely IPNV and IHNV (hereinafter referred to as “Services”) on the terms and conditions of this Agreement and in accordance with the attached Annex A (“Services”), that is an integral and essential part of it. The Products purchased by AquaBiotech from IZSVE will be delivered from IZSVE to AquaBiotech warehousing and production facilities in Malta using a delivery schedule to be mutually agreed by both Parties. AquaBiotech shall bear all the delivery cost and other costs associated with transport. Following receipt of the Products in fit for purpose condition at AquaBiotech facilities, all liabilities relating to Products will be the responsibility of AquaBiotech.
SERVICES. 1.1 Medtronic Entity Requesting Services. The Services may be requested by Medtronic, or by an Affiliate by use of an Affiliate Work Order as set forth in Attachment C. The terms of this Agreement (also referred to as Reference Agreement) apply in all respects to an Affiliate Work Order, including the compensation amounts, invoicing process, and services requirements. If Consultant and the Affiliate propose different types of activities or compensation from those stated in this Agreement, the parties will first agree to and sign an Amendment to this Agreement. 1.1 Entità Medtronic che richiede i Servizi. I Servizi possono essere richiesti da Medtronic o da altra società affiliata (di seguito e per brevità “Affiliata”) mediante l’utilizzo di un Work Order per ciascuna Affiliata, come stabilito nell’Allegato C. Tutte le condizioni e termini del presente Accordo (anche detto Accordo di riferimento) si applicano al Work Order di ciascuna Affiliata, ivi inclusi gli importi dei compensi, il procedimento di fatturazione, e i requisiti dei servizi. Se il IFO e la società Affiliata propongono differenti tipi di attività o di compensi rispetto a quelli definiti nel presente Accordo, le parti dovranno sottoscrivere un Emendamento al presente Accordo.
SERVICES. The Company requests and IZSVe shall perform certain service regarding the production of reference antisera for avian influenza (hereinafter referred to as “Services”) on the terms and conditions of this Agreement and in accordance with the attached Annex A (“Services”) that is an integral and essential part of it. No changes to the activities as described in Annex A shall be made without the prior written consent of the Parties. In case any such changes result in substantial differences in the cost of the Services, the final budget will be adjusted by a mutually amount agreed by the Parties in writing. In case of disagreement on the adjusted budget, the Parties may terminate the Agreement pursuant to art. 7 of this Agreement. The material and samples relating to the Services (hereinafter referred to as “Material”) are provided by the Company to IZSVe, if not already available. The further material used to conduct the activities should be property of IZSVe and/or the Company and/or a Third Party providing that a formal consensus for its use is issued. IZSVe acknowledges and agrees not to provide to any third-party samples, or other materials provided by the Company, without its prior written consent. IZSVe shall communicate in writing to the Company on request the working progress of the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. During the term of this Agreement, the Parties may also meet periodically in order to check and/or clarify and/or up to date the Services’ working progress. The meetings will be held by videoconference or in any other convenient platform as agreed by the Parties and they will be attended by the Personnel involved in the Services.
SERVICES. The Company requests and IZSVe shall perform certain service regarding the safety evaluation of vaccines for Newcastle Disease (ND) through the ICPI test (hereinafter referred to as “Services”) on the terms and conditions of this Agreement and in accordance with the attached Annex A (“Services”), that is an integral and essential part of it. No changes to the activities as described in Annex A shall be made without the prior written consent of the Parties. In case any such changes result in substantial differences in the cost of the Services, the final budget will be adjusted by a mutually amount agreed by the Parties in writing. In case of disagreement on the adjusted budget, the Parties may terminate the Agreement pursuant to art. 7 of this Agreement. All the material and samples relating to the Services (hereinafter referred to as “Material”) will be provided by the Company to IZSVe, only in order to provide the services. The further material used to conduct the activities should be property of IZSVe and/or the Company and/or a Third Party providing that a formal consensus for its use is issued. IZSVe acknowledges and agrees not to provide to any third party samples, data or other materials provided by the Company, without its prior written consent. IZSVe shall communicate in writing to the Company on request the working progress of the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. During the term of this Agreement, the Parties may also meet periodically in order to check and/or clarify and/or up to date the Services’ working progress. The meetings will be held at the IZSVe headquarters or by videoconference or in any other convenient place as agreed by the Parties and they will be attended by the Personnel involved in the Services. If IZSVe does not complete the Service or any part thereof within the time specified in Annex A, or within any other timeline agreed by the Parties, the Company shall be entitled to terminate the Agreement forthwith.
SERVICES. The Company requests and IZSVe shall perform certain service regarding sequencing and genotyping of infectious bronchitis virus (a minimum of 500 analysis until a maximum of 5000 analysis) on terms and conditions of this Agreement and in accordance with the attached Annex A (“Services”), that is an integral and essential part of it. No changes to the activities as described in Annex A shall be made without the prior written consent of the Parties. In case any such changes result in substantial differences in the cost of the Services, the final budget will be adjusted by a mutually amount agreed by the Parties in writing. In case of disagreement on the adjusted budget, the Parties may terminate the Agreement pursuant to art. 7 of this Agreement. All the material and samples relating to the Service are provided by the Company to IZSVe. The material used to conduct the activities should be property of IZSVe and/or the Company and/or a Third Party providing that a formal consensus for its use is issued. IZSVe acknowledges and agrees not to provide to any third party samples, or other materials provided by the Company, without its prior written consent. IZSVe shall communicate in writing to the Company on request the working progress of the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. During the term of this Agreement, the Parties may also meet periodically in order to check and/or clarify and/or up to date the Services’ working progress. The meetings will be held at IZSVe’s headquarters or by videoconference or in any other convenient place as agreed by the Parties and they will be attended by the Personnel involved in the Services.