Issuer Clausole campione

Issuer. Emittentin: Seriennummer: Sprache der Bedingungen: Währung(en):
Issuer. Emittentin:
Issuer. Emittentin: UBS AG, handelnd durch UBS AG, Niederlassung London
Issuer. B.1 Legal and commercial name UniCredit Bank AG (together with its consolidated subsidiaries, the "HVB Group") is the legal name. HypoVereinsbank is the commercial name.
Issuer. The issuer is Italiaonline S.p.A., a joint stock company incorporated under Italian law having its registered office in Assago, via del Bosco Rinnovato 8 - Palazzo U4, registered with the companies’ register of Milan under no. 03970540963. The Issuer’s subscribed and paid up share capital amounts to EUR 20,000,409.64, divided into no. 114,761,225 Ordinary Shares and no. 6,803 Savings Shares, all without expressed nominal value. The Issuer share capital is divided as follows: Share holder Numbe r of O rdinary Shares Percentage of shareholding inthe share capital Libero Acquisit xxx X.àr.l. ........................................................................... 67,499,999 58.818% GL Europe Luxembourg S.àr.l. ................................................................... 15,930,432 13.881% GoldenTree Asset Management Lux S.àr.l. (1) ............................................. 18,608,144 16.215% Free Float .................................................................................................. 12,656,520 11.029% Tre asury Share s ....................................................................................... 66,130 0.058% Total ......................................................................................................... 114,761,225 100.000% The VTOs are launched on the following securities: