Materials and Methods Clausole campione

Materials and Methods. A literature search was performed on PubMed and ScienceDirect in March 2018 with the query “(pornography OR sexually explicit internet material) AND (adolescent OR child OR young) AND (impact OR behaviour OR health)”. Results published between 2013 and 2018 were analysed and compared with previous evidence.
Materials and Methods. In washed platelets from 24 healthy subjects (M/F 13/11; age 25.6±5.9 years, BMI 22.5±2.4 kg/m2) we measured the influence of a 15 min pre-incubation with the native form GLP-1(7-36) (100 nmol/l) on the effects of Na-arachidonate (NaA) (0.5 mmol/l) on: 1. phosphorylation of Akt and Erk-1/2, molecules of the PI3K and MAPK pathways, respectively (WB);
Materials and Methods. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate the role of the xx0000000, rs4988300 and rs3781590 polymorphisms in conferring genetic susceptibility for carotid artery stenosis (CAS), another common manifestation of atherosclerosis. Polymorphisms were evaluated in n=814 CAS patients and n=814 controls.
Materials and Methods. A randomized, double-blinded cross- over trial with two intervention phases was conducted on 22 ACS patients (9 F, 13 M). The patients were assigned to consume prod- ucts (bread, pasta, biscuits and crackers) made either from or- ganic semi-whole Khorasan wheat or organic semi-whole control wheat for 8 weeks in a random order. An 8-week washout period was implemented between the respective interventions. Blood analyses were performed at both the beginning and end of each intervention phase.
Materials and Methods. The huge amount of images shared on Instagram, together with its recent widespread expansion in Italy has led us to use images of this social network for the CH. Users upload an image, write a caption to their liking that often describes an experience or opin- ion, and finally tag it with some hashtags and publish it on their profile. There are also generic profiles that present themselves as disseminators of a particular theme. The hashtags are now very popular and there is no shortage of hashtags inherent in cultural heritage, such as hashtags related to emotions and feelings. They can be generic as well as specific to the single monument. Fi- xxxxx there are also locations of the monuments, which translate into the unique IDs that Instagram assigns to all the images tagged with a certain geotag. In this section, we introduce the framework as well as the novel social media XXXXX xxxxxxx collected for this work and used for evaluation. The framework is depicted in the Figure 1. Further details are given in the following subsections. Convolutional neural network (CNN or ConvNet) is one of the most common algorithms for deep learning, a type of machine learning in which a computer model learns to perform classifica- tion activities directly from images, videos, text or sounds. CNNs are particularly useful for finding patterns in images to recog- nize objects, faces and scenes. They learn directly from image data, using patterns to classify images and eliminating the need for manual feature extraction. Moreover, CNNs can be re-trained for new recognition activities, allowing existing networks to be exploited. A CNN can have tens or hundreds of layers, each of which learns to detect the different features of an image. For each image, in different resolutions, filters are applied and the output of each image is used as input for the next layer. Filters can be initially very simple features, such as brightness and edges, to take on increasingly complex shapes that uniquely define the ob- ject. Like other neural networks, a CNN is composed of an input layer, an output layer and various layers hidden in the middle. These layers perform operations that alter the data in order to learn the specific features of the data. Three of the most common layers are: convolution, activation or ReLU and pooling.
Materials and Methods. Preventive archaeological research uncovered significant Early Mesolithic evidence in a wide area east of Xxxxxxxxx (Macerata, Marche Region, central Italy) along the Chienti valley (Fig. 1A). A total surface of al- most 40,000 m2 was explored by digging 2 m wide trenches. This allowed to delimit the area of interest to a surface of around 5250 m2. The first excavated plot was the one denominated Xxxxxxxx Xxxx 0 (XX0; Fig. 1C). Here, the top of a buried paleosol (cf. Section 4) was reached under a 1-1.5 meter thick fine alluvial sedimen- tary cover on a surface of around 920 m2; subsequently, an extensive excavation took place over a surface of 499 m2. The excavation was carried out manually. All artefacts and ecofacts larger than 1 cm were individually positioned using a Total Station (13,478 points). Sedi- ment was removed according to a 50x50 cm grid follow- ing the stratigraphic approach, with units defined on a lithological base. For the areas with the highest density, all the sediment referable to the Mesolithic surface was collected in plastic bags and stocked at the University of Ferrara. Totally, 1304 plastic bags were filled, corre- sponding to roughly 19 tons of sediment. The material is currently being processed in the laboratories of the Uni- versity through floatation and water screening (meshes of 400 μm and 1 mm, respectively) to recover small items and anthracological, carpological, and malacologi- cal remains. An extensive sampling strategy led to the collection of numerous undisturbed soil samples for micromorphological analyses and loose soil samples for pollen, phytoliths, and other sedimentological analyses. Malacological remains were collected using the refer- ence grid and stocked in plastic boxes. Faunal remains were characterised by a poor preservation state and were thus consolidated in the field using ACRIL 33 (acrylic resin in aqueous dispersion). Around 300 meters to the east of CP1, a second terrain plot (Contrada Pace 2 - CP2) was investigated and allowed to confirm the presence of Early Mesolithic evidence over a vast stretch of land parallel to the Chienti river. Considering that construction activities would not have affected the archaeological layer, it was decided not to investigate the site extensively. Archaeo- logical activities were aimed at documenting the strati- graphic sequence and mapping the extension of the site. A small excavation (10 m2) was carried out in one of the trenches with the highest density. Overa...
Materials and Methods. 8. The results of the normalized performance rating (rij) form a normalized matrix (R) ⎡X11 X12 … X1j⎤ According to (Nofriansyah, 2015) suggests that R = ⎢ ⎢ . .
Materials and Methods. A retrospective analysis was conducted on a group of patients treated with Xxxxxxx’x protocol (1), an increasing oral administration of ASA to 100 mg in five and a half hours.
Materials and Methods. Synthesis of the polypyrrole films. Pyrrole monomer (0.2 M) was dissolved in Milli Q water with dodecylbenzene sulfonate (0.25 M). After complete dissolution of both components, two gold coated glass slides were positioned parallel in a beaker. The beaker was filled with 12 cm3 of this solution and one gold coated glass slide was used as a working electrode while the other one as counter electrode and Ag/AgCl (3M KCl) was the reference electrode. A fixed current of 4 mA was applied for 1.5 h for the polymerization of pyrrole. After polymerization, the polymer coated substrate was washed with water, dried and used for further oligomerization of 2,2’-bis[2-(5,2’- bithienyl)]-3,3’-bithianaphthene chiral monomer. Electrosynthesis of enantiopure oligo-(R)- or oligo-(S)-2,2’- bis[2-(5,2’-bithienyl)]-3,3’-bithianaphthene (oligo-(R)- or (S)- BT2T4). The electrosynthesis of enantiopure oligo-(S)-BT2T4 and ol- igo-(R)-BT2T4 was carried out by employing the polypyrrole coated substrate as working electrode in a small beaker containing 10 cm3 of
Materials and Methods