Publication Clausole campione

Publication. This call notice is published in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic, on the Politecnico di Milano website, the Ministry of University and Research website and the European Union Portal.
Publication. Notices to Holders relating to the Certificates will be published on the website of the Issuer (xxxx:// So long as the Certificates are listed, notices to the Holders shall be published in accordance with the rules of the Italian Exchange and/or the other regulated or unregulated markets with similar listing requirements as amended from time to time. Any notice so given will be deemed to have been validly given on the date of first such publication. To the extent permissible under applicable laws and other regulations and by the rules and regulations of the Clearing System, the Issuer may, in lieu of the publication set forth in Condition 12(a) above, deliver the relevant notice to the Clearing System, for communication by such Clearing System to the Holders, provided that, so long as any Certificates are listed the Italian stock exchange, the rules of such stock exchange permit such form of notice. Unless otherwise specified in the applicable Final Terms, any such notice shall be deemed to have been given to the Holders on the fourth day after the day on which the notice was given to the Clearing System if "Clearing System Delivery Period” is specified “Applicable" in the applicable Final Terms or the day on which the notice was given to the relevant Clearing System if "Clearing System Delivery Period” is specified “Not Applicable" in the applicable Final Terms.
Publication. Dissemination activities including but not restricted to publications and presentations shall be governed by Article II.30 of the Grant Agreement. The Party objecting a publication has to show that its Legitimate interests will suffer disproportionately great harm and shall include a request for necessary modifications.
Publication. You recognize that Vertex is currently sponsoring a research program studying the effectiveness of ELX/TEZ/IVA and that there is a need for a coordinated approach to the publication or presentation of the results from such research program. You may publish on information generated at Institution in the conduct of the MAP, provided, however, that neither Institution nor Requesting Physician shall publish or present information from the MAP to any third parties until (a) Vertex publishes the results of the ELX/TEZ/IVA research program; (b) Institution receives notification from Vertex that publication of the ELX/TEZ/IVA research program results is no longer planned; or (c) eighteen (18) months following the close of the last clinical study of the ELX/TEZ/IVA program, whichever occurs first. You shall submit a copy of any proposed publication, presentation, or abstract (“Publication”) to Vertex for its review and comment at least forty-five (45) calendar days prior to the date of submission for publication or presentation. You shall consider all comments received from Vertex during the review period in good faith and shall delete Vertex’s Confidential Information, if any, provided, however, nothing in this Agreement shall prohibit you from publishing information generated at the Institution during the MAP necessary for the accurate interpretation and presentation of scientific data of the Publication. In those instances where you receive comments from Vertex, the Publication shall be resubmitted to Vertex within fifteen (15) days and Vertex shall have thirty (30) calendar days to make additional comments. If Vertex determines that the Publication contains patentable subject matter that requires protection, Vertex may require the delay of submission for publication or presentation for an additional period of time not to exceed sixty (60) calendar days for the purpose of filing patent applications. You shall acknowledge Vertex’s support in all publications and presentations as appropriate. If you do not agree to such deletion or modification, you shall so notify Vertex and shall postpone such submission or presentation for an additional sixty (60) days to allow Vertex to seek legal remedies or file patent applications. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, the review period under this Section 7 shall not exceed one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days from the date a Publication is first received by Vertex for review.
Publication. Dans les cinq jours qui suivent l'adoption du présent acte, un extrait de celui-ci est transmis au Bulletin officiel de la Région en vue de sa publication et au bureau régional com- pétent en matière d'expropriations.
Publication. The Prospectus will be published on the website of UBS at (or a successor thereto). In case of admission to trading of Securities on a regulated market of a stock exchange, the Prospectus will be published in accordance with the rules of such stock exchange. The Prospectus will also be available at the registered offices of the Issuer at Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 00, XX-0000 Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxxx and Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0, XX-0000 Xxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxxx.
Publication. Party “B” may publish part or whole results of the Project, subject to first obtaining the prior written consent of party “A”, whose consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Party “B” shall provide a copy of the manuscript to party “A” at least thirty (30) days prior to submission of the manuscript for publication, in order to allow party “A” an opportunity to protect its own Confidential Information. The contribution of each party shall be mentioned in all publications or presentations by acknowledgement or co-authorship, according to standards and custom.
Publication. This call is promoted on the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic, on the Politecnico di Milano website, on the Ministry of University and Research website and the European Union Portal, and published on the Politecnico di Milano website.
Publication. This advertisement is published on the official E-Notice board (Albo online) and on the webpage “University – Position Calls - Staff under contract in the teaching area” of the Free University of Xxxxx-Xxxxxxx. In accordance with law no. 241 of 7th August 1990, and with successive modifications and integrations, the person in charge of the procedure of the present selection is the Head of the Faculty Secretariat – xxxx. Xxxxxx Xxxxx -, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, 0-00000 Xxxxxxx - telephone +00 0000 000000, e-mail: xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxx@xxxxx.xx The Xxxx Xxxx. Xxxxxx Xxxxx Bozen-Bolzano, date of registration
Publication. Attività di livello transnazionale e locale: i materiali di questa Azione dovranno essere forniti dall'Affidatario in lingua inglese e in lingua italiana. Azione/deliverable di riferimento D.C.4.1 Collection of digital leaflets D.C.4.2Collection of 6 monthly e- newsletters D.C.4.3 Collection of digital forms presenting the partner’s pilot actions D.C.4.4 Project’s e-book D.C.4.5 Deliverable title Kit with Creative Posters D.C.4.6 Kit of origami with messages about energy conscious behaviour Tempi di consegna/realizzazione LEAFLET: entro maggio 2019 E- NEWSLETTER: entro maggio 2019 SCHEDE DI PRESENTAZIONE DEI PROGETTI PILOTA: entro aprile 2019 E- BOOK DI PROGETTO: entro aprile 2019 KIT DI SLOGAN CREATIVI: entro marzo 2017 KIT DI ORIGAMI: entro marzo 2017 Si precisa che, le scadenze soprariportate si riferiscono alla scadenza ultima e al tempo utile massimo per la consegna dei deliverable secondo le caratteristiche indicate nel formulario e le modalità indicate nell'affidamento. Ovviamente, poiché alcuni prodotti si compongono di più numeri (es. 6 newsletter, 3 leaflet etc), l'Affidatario dovrà proporre nella strategia di comunicazione e un calendario con l'uscita e pubblicazione on line dei singoli prodotti a garanzia di una copertura continuativa di informazioni relative il progetto e il suo stato di attuazione. Con riferimento alla produzione degli slogan e kit di origami le scadenze indicate si intendono quale scadenza ultima per la consegna del materiale definitivo che dovrà essere presentato in bozza già due mesi prima della scadenza indicata per permettere alla Provincia di Treviso e ai suoi partner di valutarne la sostenibilità, coerenza e produrre eventuali traduzioni. Consegna degli altri deliverable dell'azione come da scadenze del formulario di progetto.