Recipients of Personal Data Clausole campione

Recipients of Personal Data. Your Personal Data shall be shared with the following subjects (“Recipients”): • the subjects designated to receive Reports in the Whistleblowing Procedure (“Inter nal Addressees”). In particular, are designated Addressees: Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx ed Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx • subjects generally vested data processors, such as professionals, companies or prof essional-firms serving CHEIL as tax, commercial, administrative, legal and financial consultant or credit-collection as well as their delegated subjects; • subjects whose collaboration is necessary in providing CHEIL’s Services (such as ho sting providers and e-mail platform provider); • subjects delegated to maintenance activities (including maintenance of network eq uipment and electronic communications networks); • individuals authorized by CHEIL to personal data processing which is necessary to c arry out activities closely related to the provision of Services and who are bound by a non-disclosure agreement or a legal obligation to not disclose classified informat ion (e.g. employees of CHEIL); • any subject, entity or authority to which is mandatory the submission of your Perso nal Data for compliance, prevention of frauds and abuses or orders of public autho rity;
Recipients of Personal Data. Your Personal Data may be shared with: • Individuals authorized by the Data Controller to process Personal Data after signing a confidentiality agreement (e.g. employees of the Personnel/Administration department, system administrators ATLA S.R.L.). • Consultants, credit institutions for accounting-administrative purposes, companies belonging to the Group, which typically act as data processors. For a complete and updated list of those responsible write to xxxxxxx@xxxx.xx. • Subjects, entities or authorities to whom it is mandatory to communicate your personal data under the provisions of the law or orders of the authorities. The Data Controller does not transfer your Personal Data outside the European Economic Area.

Related to Recipients of Personal Data

  • DOTAZIONI TECNICHE Ai fini della partecipazione alla presente procedura, ogni operatore economico deve dotarsi, a propria cura, spesa e responsabilità della strumentazione tecnica ed informatica conforme a quella indicata nel presente disciplinare e nelle guide di utilizzo che disciplinano il funzionamento e l’utilizzo della Piattaforma. In ogni caso è indispensabile: