TERMS AND CONDITIONS Clausole campione

TERMS AND CONDITIONS. The following "Product Terms" of the Securities shall, for the relevant series of Securities, complete and put in concrete terms the General Conditions for the purposes of such series of Securities. The Product Terms and General Conditions together constitute the "Terms and Conditions" of the relevant Securities. Security Type Certificate ISIN DE000DT1NSW0 WKN DT1NSW Common Code 098516557 Issuer Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main Number of the Securities Up to 500,000 Issue Price An amount EUR per Certificate equal to the Initial Reference Level Issue Date 28 January 2014 Nominal Amount An amount EUR equal to the Reference Level of the Underlying on the Issue Date Underlying Type: Index Name: Euro BTP Future Short Index Faktor 7 Index Sponsor: Solactive AG Reuters RIC: . BTPS07IDX
TERMS AND CONDITIONS. GENERAL BOOKING CONDITIONS & CANCELLATION POLICIES Please read carefully the booking policies below. Every reservation, after its confirmation, has the value of a contract according to current Italian law. The contract is binding for the person making the reservation and for all other persons mentioned in the reservation, including minors.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS. It is hereby agreed as follows: 1. The Project shall commence on 1st June 2020 and shall continue for fifteen (15) months unless terminated earlier in accordance with this Agreement. The Parties will co-operate to perform the Project. The tasks to be undertaken by each Party for the Project are those allocated to them in the proposal made to Funder for the Project attached, or as specifically set out, at Part 2 of the Schedule to this Agreement (the “Proposal”). The Parties agree to perform such tasks with reasonable skill and care within the scope of their funding. 2. The Collaborator xxxxxx agrees to comply with the Head Terms in so far as they relate and apply to its involvement in the Project. Additionally the Collaborator agrees not to conduct itself (whether by act or omission) in such a manner that would cause the Lead to be in breach of the Lead’s obligations under the Head Terms. On termination or expiry of the Head Terms, this Agreement will automatically immediately terminate. 3. The Collaborator xxxxxx agrees to comply with the terms of the Pfizer MTA in so far as they relate and apply to its involvement in the Project. Additionally the Collaborator agrees not to conduct itself (whether by act or omission) in such a manner that would cause the Lead to be in breach of the Lead’s obligations under the Pfizer MTA. For the avoidance of doubt, the Parties agree that no materials are to be transferred by Lead to IFO/IRE and IFO/IRE will purchase any materials required for the work to be undertaken by IFO/IRE for the Project using the funding provided. 4. The Collaborator agrees to provide to the Lead promptly on request (and where it is legally able to do so) with any information, documentary evidence and records in respect of the Project that the Lead may reasonably require from time to time in order to fulfil its reporting obligations under the Head Terms. 5. The maximum liability of a Party under this Agreement shall not exceed the amount of £50,000 and shall not, in any case extend to indirect or consequential losses. Nothing in this Agreement limits or excludes any Party’s liability for (a) death or personal injury resulting from negligence; or (b) any fraud or for any sort of other liability which, by law, cannot be limited or excluded. 6. The funding to be provided to the Collaborator by the Lead in respect of the Project is detailed in the payment schedule contained in Part 3 of the Schedule to this Agreement. The Lead shall only pass on fund...
TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Scope and object of the contract.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS. The Parties as duly represented by the signatories to this Agreement hereby agree to the following Terms and Conditions: 3.1. Management of Private Facilities i. A discounted rate of % off that of normal public rates for the term as per this Agreement; ii. The term of the discounted rates offered to IPA members shall be for a period of ….years from date to date, upon which the Agreement will be reviewed and renegotiated; iii. The agreed discounted rates shall with exclusion of peak holiday seasons (if any) be applicable throughout the year: • Peak Periods Excluded (If Any): (months, weeks or days specifically excluded) iv. Immediate dependents (spouses and children) of an IPA member will qualify for the same benefits as the IPA member himself/herself; v. Discounted rates and other benefits will be applicable to all IPA members and their immediate dependents, irrespective to which IPA Section (country) they are a member of; vi. It remains the sole prerogative and sole discretion of the facility management to pass the IPA discounted rates on to non-IPA members who might be travelling with IPA members (other family members or friends); vii. It remains the sole prerogative and sole discretion of the facility management to include such discounted rates in marketing brochures of the facility and/or other forms of marketing; viii. Any abuse of the Agreement by members and/or those accompanying them and/or any inappropriate behaviour shall be reported to the IPA signatory to this Agreement. 3.2. The International Police Association i. Marketing of the facility and the terms of the agreed conditions within IPA Sections where such a facility is in operation: • To publish the information in the national newsletter of the Section; • Where applicable, publish it in the regional newsletters of IPA regions of the Section; • To provide information to members through personal communication to IPA members; • Publishing information on the national and regional IPA websites of the Section and • Other forms of marketing as the Section may deem appropriate. ii. To provide the information to all other IPA Sections internationally for publication in their national and regional newsletters and websites as deemed appropriate as well as for inclusion in communication with their members; iii. To publish the information in the International Information Guide for Other IPA Accommodation which will be distributed as a reference guide to all IPA Sections internationally and will also be ...
TERMS AND CONDITIONS. The relationship between you and us is subject to the following conditions:  the General CTA Terms and Conditions (as amended, supplemented or re-adopted from time to time), which are attached to this CTA Customer Contract as Annex I; and  the 2017 General Banking Terms and Conditions (as filed with the registry of the Court of Amsterdam on 29 August 2016, and as amended from time to time in accordance with their provisions). By signing this document, you declare, and where applicable confirm, that the information you have provided is correct and complete. You also declare, and where applicable confirm, that you have read the Information Sheet pertaining the CTA and received a copy of the above-mentioned terms and conditions and that you accept these terms and conditions by signing this document. You furthermore declare, and where applicable confirm, that you explicitly consent to our sending you the general terms and conditions and any amendments made to them by electronic means, which is taken to include by posting them on our website (xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx) or on BUX's website (xxx.xxxxxx.xxx).
TERMS AND CONDITIONS. The terms and conditions of this protocol must comply with the laws and statutes governing both universities. The Parties will not be obliged to respect the commitments deriving from the specific protocols that could contravene this principle. It is also understood that each institution may withdraw from the protocol at any time, after consultation in order to avoid any inconvenience to the other institution Macerata,..................................... The Director Academy of Fine Arts of Macerata ………………………………………….Date…………………………………… The Rector of University……..………………………………………………………………………. Date………………………………….. L’Accademia di Belle Arti di Macerata rappresentata dal Direttore, Prof. e l’Università , rappresentata dal , Prof. di seguito collettivamente denominate le Parti, visto l’Accordo Quadro firmato il allo scopo di promuovere e mantenere relazioni scientifiche e didattiche tra le due Istituzioni, stipulano quanto segue:
TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Our website is owned and operated by Tobeus, a brand owned by Xxxxxx Xxxxx, established in Italy with registered number 13476100154 and whose registered address is xxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx 24, 20135, Milano. This is the user agreement that governs your use of this website and the provision of the services we provide you. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify, add, or delete portions of these website terms at any time without further notice. If we do this, we will post the changes to these website terms on this page and will indicate at the top of this page the date these terms were last revised. Your continued use of the website after any such changes constitutes your acceptance of the new website terms. It is your responsibility to regularly check the website to determine if there have been changes to these website terms and to review such changes. Please the take time to read these terms as it is important for both of us that you understand our contractual relationship both relating to your use of our website and the services we provide you. You will be asked to check a box that states you’ve agreed to our terms and conditions on the check out page. Prevailing laws for settling dispute will be based on the location of the company corporate headquarters. All products available for purchase are described on their specific product page on our website. We always try to represent as accurately as possible every characteristic of the products via photography and copy points provided by designers, suppliers or manufacturers. We have a policy of continuous product development so we can provide you with what we consider the best design at the best price, and thus reserve the right to amend the specifications of products, their price, packaging and any service associated at any time, without prior notice. Before ordering, we thus invite you to have a close look at the product description and characteristics: we choose them with care in order to provide you with the best offer in the market, but every product is different and you have to make it yours. We do our best efforts to provide you with the best images and description, but unfortunately cannot guarantee that colours and details in website images are 100% accurate representations of the product, and sizes might in some cases be approximate. Even if not always mentioned, some self-assembly may be required on certain products. All prices are in Euros (€). These do not include any delivery ...


  • Efficacia del contratto Le norme del presente contratto sono operanti e dispiegano la loro efficacia direttamente nei confronti dei datori di lavoro e dei lavoratori e sono impegnative per le Organizzazioni contraenti e per quelle provinciali loro aderenti.

  • Durata del contratto Il contratto ha la durata indicata in frontespizio e cesserà irrevocabilmente alla scadenza del detto periodo senza obbligo di disdetta e con esclusione del tacito rinnovo. Su espressa richiesta scritta del Contraente, al fine di consentire l’espletamento della procedura per l’aggiudicazione di un nuovo contratto, la Società s’impegna tuttavia a prorogare l’assicurazione, alle condizioni economiche e normative in corso, per un periodo massimo di 180 giorni oltre la scadenza contrattuale e dietro corresponsione del corrispondente rateo di premio. Nel caso di contratto di durata poliennale, ciascuna delle parti ha la facoltà di rescindere il contratto medesimo ad ogni scadenza annua intermedia, mediante comunicazione scritta, da inviarsi all’altra parte almeno 120 giorni prima della scadenza del periodo assicurativo annuo in corso.

  • DOCUMENTI DI GARA Oltre alla presente Lettera d’invito/Disciplinare, la documentazione di gara comprende: a) Relazione del RUP b) Capitolato speciale per la concessione dei servizi di gestione dell’impianto sportivo “MICROPISCINA ISOLOTTO”, Xxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx n. 61 - Firenze c) Allegato 1 al Capitolato – Relazione tecnico descrittiva dell’impianto sportivo d) Allegato 2 al Capitolato – Piano dettagliato degli interventi di manutenzione e) Modello A1 – dichiarazioni integrative del concorrente f) Modello A2 - dichiarazioni integrative società ausiliaria/ consorziata g) Modello B1 – offerta tecnica h) Modello C1 – schema Piano Economico Gestionale i) Schema di contratto j) Documento Gara Unico Europeo (DGUE) Il valore stimato complessivo della concessione, per l’intero periodo di affidamento (incluso l’eventuale rinnovo e la proroga tecnica), calcolato ai sensi dell’art. 167 del Codice, è di euro 3.221.237,94 (tremilioniduecentoventunomiladuecentotrentasette/94). Tale stima ha carattere puramente indicativo, non impegna in alcun modo l’Amministrazione e non costituisce alcuna garanzia di corrispondenti introiti per il Concessionario, che assume interamente a proprio carico il rischio d’impresa inerente la gestione dell’impianto. Tutta la documentazione di gara è disponibile, oltre che nella Piattaforma telematica START (xxxxx://xxxxx.xxxxxxx.xx/ ), anche nel Sito Internet del Comune di Firenze, nella Sezione Amministrazione Trasparente xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xx.xx/xxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxx- di-gara-e-contratti e nel SITAT (xxxx://xxx000.xxxxxxx.xxxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxxx/XXXXX/xxxxxx.xxx).

  • Documenti che fanno parte del contratto Xxxxx parte integrante e sostanziale del contratto di appalto, ancorché non materialmente allegati: a) il Capitolato Generale di Appalto approvato con D.M. LL.PP. 19 aprile 2000 n. 145, per quanto non in contrasto con il presente Capitolato Speciale o non disciplinato dallo stesso; b) il presente Capitolato speciale prestazionale, distinto in Parte I: Norme tecnico-amministrative, comprese le tabelle allegate allo stesso e Parte II: Necessità funzionali, requisiti e prestazioni; c) il progetto offerto, con le eventuali integrazioni e prescrizioni che saranno richieste dall’Amministrazione all’atto dell’aggiudicazione; d) l’elenco dei prezzi unitari; e) il Piano di sicurezza e di Coordinamento di cui all’articolo 91 del Decreto Legislativo n. 81 del 2008; Fanno inoltre parte integrante del Contratto le eventuali proposte integrative al Piano di Sicurezza e Coordinamento di cui all’articolo 131, comma 2, lettera b) del D. Lgs. N 163/2006, nonché tutte le leggi e le norme vigenti in materia di lavori pubblici. Non fanno parte degli allegati al Contratto e sono estranei al rapporto negoziale, ai sensi dell'art. 110, comma 2 del Regolamento Generale: a) il computo metrico e il computo metrico estimativo; b) le tabelle di riepilogo dei lavori e la loro suddivisione per categorie omogenee, ancorché inserite e integranti il presente capitolato tecnico prestazionale; esse hanno efficacia limitatamente ai fini dell'aggiudicazione per la determinazione dei requisiti soggettivi degli esecutori, ai fini della definizione dei requisiti oggettivi e del subappalto, e, sempre che non riguardino il compenso a corpo dei lavori contrattuali, ai fini della valutazione delle addizioni o diminuzioni dei lavori di cui all’articolo 132 D. Lgs. 163/2006, né qualsiasi altro elenco di prezzi od elaborato tecnico-contabile comunque e da chiunque redatto. Tali documenti sono redatti al solo scopo del riscontro sulle offerte che i concorrenti presenteranno alla gara; c) la descrizione delle singole voci elementari, le quantità delle stesse, sia quelle rilevabili dagli atti progettuali che quelle da qualsiasi altro loro allegato. Sono contrattualmente vincolanti tutte le leggi, i decreti, i regolamenti, norme e circolari vigenti in materia di lavori pubblici e in particolare il DLgs del 12.04.2006, n. 163, il Regolamento Generale approvato con DPR n. 554/99 per la parte ancora vigente, alla luce di quanto previsto all’art. 256 del Dlgs. 163/06, il DM n. 145 del 19 aprile 2000, nonché le norme C.N.R., U.N.I., C.E.I. le tabelle CEI-UNEL. Nell’esecuzione dei lavori saranno tenute nel debito conto le norme UNI relative all’edilizia.