Publications Clausole campione

Publications. Only publications or texts accepted for publication under current regulations may be evaluated, and essays included in collective works and articles published in hard copy or digital magazines with the exclusion of internal notes or departmental reports. The doctoral thesis or equivalent qualifications are taken into consideration even without the above conditions. Publications must be produced in the original language and translated into one of the following languages: Italian, French, English, German and Spanish, if written in a language other than those previously indicated. The administration reserves the right to check the statements on submitted publications.
Publications. Each Party has the right to publish its own scientific findings, technical reports and results of the work performed under a Joint Research Project under this Collaboration. Any publications containing results of the other Party must be agreed prior to publication and prior analysis and protection of intellectual property. The logo of each Party shall only be used by the other Party under prior written approval of the Party to which it belongs.
Publications. Xxxxxxxxxx X., Poli M.E., 2020. Quaternary tectonic activity in the north-eastern Friuli Plain (NE Italy). Bollettino di Geofisica Teoria ed Applicata, 61 (3), pp. 309-332. DOI 10.4430/bgta0319. • Poli M.E., Xxxxxxxx E., Gori S., Xxxxxxxx G., Xxxxxxxxxx A., Xxxxxxxx X., Xxxxxxxxx L., Xxxx G., Dal Bo I., Xxx Xxx E., Xxxxx E., Xxxxxx S., Marchesini A., 2021. Paleoseismological evidence for historical ruptures along the Meduno Thrust (eastern Southern Alps, NE Italy). Tectonophysics, 818, 229071, xxxxx:// • Xxxxxxxxxx, X., Xxxx, M. E., & Xxxxxxx, D., 2022. Structural Complexity and Seismogenesis: The Role of the Transpressive Structures in the 1976 Friuli Earthquakes (Eastern Southern Alps, NE Italy). Geosciences, 12(6), 227, xxxxx:// Two other papers collecting our latest results are in preparation: • Poli M.E., Xxxxxxxx G., Xxxxxxxxxx G., and Zanferrari A., 3D STRUCTURAL SETTING AND NEOGENE- QUATERNARY TECTONIC ACTIVITY OF THE ARBA-RAGOGNA THRUST-SYSTEM (EASTERN SOUTHERN ALPS, NE ITALY): IMPLICATIONS FOR THE SEISMIC HAZARD ASSESSMENT OF THE FRIULI REGION. • Xxxx M.E., Xxxxxxxxxx X., Xxxxxx X., Marchesini A. PALEOSEISMOLOGICAL TRENCHES ON THE VALDOBBIADENE- XXXXXXXX VENETO THRUST (EASTERN SOUTHERN ALPS, NE ITALY): NEW HINTS FOR THE SEISMOTECTONICS OF THE VENETIAN PREALPS.
Publications. Each Party reserves the right to publish the general scientific findings from its own research related to the Joint Invention, in accordance with each Party’s own policies and practices as communicated in writing time by time by the Parties. If a License Agreement or Option Agreement provision requires that the Licensee receive an advance copy of the proposed publication by any of the Parties relating to the Joint Invention to review for disclosure of Licensee’s confidential information or other customary reasons, then the Parties shall comply with such provision, provided that the Parties shall not be required to furnish advanced copies more than 30 days prior to the submission and the Parties shall not be prevented from publishing.
Publications. During the reporting period the CNR IRPI team has prepared a paper describing the application of STONE in the Yosemite Valley, California. The paper was recently submitted for publication to an international, peer-reviewed journal. Xxxxxxxx, X., Xxxxxxxxxxx, X. & Xxxxxxxxx, X.X.: Rockfall hazard and risk assessment in the Yosemite Valley, California, USA. Submitted to: Natural Hazards and Earth Systems Science, 2002. A second paper describing an attempt to model rock fall hazards and the associated risk along the transportation network in the central part of the Nera River valley, in central Italy, is currently being prepared, and will soon be submitted to an international, peer-reviewed journal. Xxxxxxxx, F., Xxxxxxxxxxx, P. and Xxxxx, S.: Rock fall hazard and risk assessment along the transportation network in the Nera valley, Central Italy. To be submitted to Engineering Geology, 2002. In addition, two abstracts describing preliminary results of the work carried out in the Yosemite Valley and the Nera River valley were presented at the XXVI General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society. Xxxxx, X., Xxxxxxxx, F., Xxxxxxxxxxx, P., and Xxxxx, R.: Preliminary assessment of rock fall hazard and risk in the central part of the Nera Valley, Umbria Region, Central Italy. EGS02-A-00925, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 4, 2002, ISSN 1029-7006, Nice, 21-26 April 2002. Xxxxxxxx, F., Xxxxxxxxxxx, P., and Xxxxxxxxx, X.X.: Rock-fall hazard in the Yosemite Valley, California. EGS02-A-01191, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 4, 2002, ISSN 1029- 7006, Nice, 21-26 April 2002.
Publications. Property of data is of the European Institute of Oncology, IEO, IRCCS; Milan, Italy. The main results of the clinical trial will be published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. The final publication will be written on the basis of the final analysis performed by the European Institute of Oncology and Statistical Center. Organizational committee members will be co-authors. Investigators will be able to be included among the co-authors on the basis of the active recruitment of the center and/or their participation in the design and drawing up of the research project. All publications, abstract or presentations including data related to the present trial will be submitted for review to the Chair of the Study, who is the Director of Division of Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology and Neuroendocrine Tumors of European Institute of Oncology, prior to submission. Trial results will not be released before data maturity has been reached for the primary endpoint of the trial. Publication will be done in case of positive study results as well as negative results.
Publications. The publications that candidates intend to submit must be sent exclusively in PDF format via the specific section of the online procedure called “Publications and research products considered useful for the selection”. Publications which are considered useful for the selection must be submitted in accordance with the maximum number stipulated in the annex to the call for applications. Any failure to comply with the specified maximum limit of publications to be submitted for taking part in the selection will be registered by the Selection Committee and will result in the exclusion from the selection procedure, by order of the Rector. Without prejudice to the maximum number of publications specified in the annex to the call for applications, for proven and justified technical reasons beyond the applicant’s control, publications exceeding the 30- megabyte limit must be included in a specific list to be entered in the online platform; in this case, the publications must be uploaded in non-editable format (PDF/A) onto a portable mass storage device (pen drive, USB key), which must be sent no later than 1 pm on the deadline dates of the call for applications by registered mail, express parcel or courier with acknowledgement of receipt to the following address: Università degli Studi di Padova - Palazzo Storione - Ufficio Personale Docente, Riviera Xxxx Xxxxx, no. 6, 35123, Padua. Alternatively, this list may be sent by certified email (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx@xxx.xxxxx.xx). The date stamp of the accepting post office or courier will serve as proof. On the envelope, candidates must clearly state their name and surname and specify the selection they intend to take part in, as well as the Department, the competition sector and the subject area. The candidate’s name and surname and date of birth must also be specified and made available on the device. Alternatively, both the aforementioned publications (i.e. those exceeding the 30-megabyte limit) and the list may be sent by certified email (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx@xxx.xxxxx.xx) within the deadline dates of the call for applications. Only publications or texts accepted for publication, together with a letter of confirmation from the publisher, in accordance with the regulations in force, as well as essays included in collective works and articles published in journals in paper or digital format will be assessed, with the exclusion of internal notes or departmental reports if they do not have an international ISSN o...
Publications. 9.1 This Agreement shall not prevent or hinder registered students of either Party from submitting for degrees of that Party theses based on results obtained during the course of work undertaken as part of the Project; or from following that Party’s procedures for examinations and for admission to postgraduate degree status. 9.2 In accordance with normal academic practice, all employees, students, agents or appointees of the Parties (including those who work on the Project) shall be permitted in pursuance of the Parties’ academic functions, to discuss work undertaken as part of the Project in internal seminars and to give instruction within their organisation on questions related to such work. 9.3 Any publication or other dissemination of the Results (or any part of them) by any of the Parties shall not occur until the Lead has published the Results of the Project in the primary publication (the “Primary Publication”). Authorship of the Primary Publication shall be in accordance with normal academic practice. Prior to the publication of articles directly arising from work on the Project, each Party shall endeavour to circulate proposed publications at least 30 days in advance of submission for publication. The provisions of this sub-clause 9.3 shall survive termination or expiry of this Agreement for the period of one year. 9.4 A draft of any publication of the conclusions of the Project shall be sent to the Funder’s representative at the same time as submission for publication or at least 30 days before the date for publication whichever is earlier, in accordance with the Head Terms. 9.5 No Party shall use the name or any trademark or logo of any other Party or the name of any of its staff or students in any press release or product advertising, or for any other commercial purpose, without the prior written consent of the Party.
Publications. 12.1. The Licensor is expressly prohibited from publishing or presenting results or information relating to the Invention without the prior written authorization of the Licensee, which may be justifiably denied exclusively for reasons of protection of personal data, confidentiality and intellectual property. For the purposes of publication, the Licensor must request the Licensee's authorization via certified e- mail with an attached copy of the relevant documents at least thirty (30) days before sending it to the magazine or to the event's organizational commission. Within thirty
Publications. The publication of the Research Project results by means of free access web, as well as its communication to the population and public administrations must be agreed with INGV with respect to its modes and times. The publication of scientific articles produced as intermediate and final products of the activity of this research will be will be agreed between the parties, with the obligation to mention the names of the individual authors and collaborators of the works. Furthermore, they stipulate that the parties will enjoy, as appropriate, the rights granted by the laws on copyright both in the United States of Mexico and abroad.