PRODUCT DESCRIPTION. The appliance comprises a modular single body with panelling in various materials and insulation in expanded polyurethane foam, density 42 kg/cu.m. The appliance instruments are located on the front panel which closes the front of the motor unit, inside which the condenser unit and electrical wiring can be housed. The refrigerator interior is fitted with suitable supports for wire shelves (grids) and/or other accessories. The doors are fitted with an automatic return device and magnetic seal elements. During the design and construction stage all measures have been adopted to implement total safety including radiused interior cor- ners, funnel-shaped base panel to convey condensate to exterior, no rough surfaces, fixed guards protecting moving or potentially dangerous parts.
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION. Classification of medical devices pursuant to Directive 93/42/EEC (Annex IX)
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION. 4. Intended use and safety information
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION. The Certificates shall be redeemed at its Redemption Amount determined according to the following options:
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION. The biological incubator is a device developed for the incubation of biological indicators at temperature of 57°C, to be used only with prepared autoclaves. The incubator (fg.1) is composed of a metallic frame, an ABS cover (fg.1 – POS.B), an aluminium heating unit (fg.1 – POS.C) ‐ with 3 seats for test‐tubes/biological indicators) and one electronic board for the automatic regulation of the heating unit temperature. On the side it’s located the cable (fg.1 – POS.D) and START button (fg.1 – POS.E), while in front of incubator there is the warning led (fg.1 – POS.A). The biological indicator (fg.2) is composed of a thermoplastic container containing a strip of paper on which they are inoculated the bacterial spores and a small glass capsule where there is the culture broth. E A A WARNING LED B ABS COVER B D C HEATING UNIT WITH N°3 SEATS FOR TEST‐TUBES D CABLE E START BUTTON G LID H FILTER I LABEL L CHEMICAL STRIP INDICATOR M GLASS BULB N CULTURE BROTH O PAPER STRIPE Ambient temperature of use 17°C ÷ 27°C Supply voltage 230 V~ ± 10% Number of phases 1


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