Definizione di PRICES

PRICES. Caen sets the prices net of any charge or cost that must be borne by the Customer. Prices are EXW (Ex Works) seller’s factory unless indicated otherwise and are set for deliveries within the temporal schedule declared in CAEN quotation. Prices do not include, unless differently mentioned: a) VAT, b) taxes, duties, and any other customs taxes due inside or outside the seller’s country to fulfil the contract, c) any other accessory charges such as shipping and insurance costs.
PRICES. Prices are EW, unless agreed differently. • The prices are per piece, unless otherwise indicated.
PRICES. Prices have to be considered VAT excluded and they are not binding. 2.1 If the payment of the supplied prodcts will not be effected according payment terms indicated on the invoice, also for partial amounts, GHISALBA S.p.A. may use a clause of retention of title demanding the return of goods and retaining the amount already paid. For late payment will be applied a rate late payment fees. 2.2 When the material , object of the contract, is not available in stock as a “series” component, considering the impossibility to sell to other such material, in case of non-collection of the delivery the buyer shall pay a penalty equal to 80% of agreed sales price.

Examples of PRICES in a sentence

  • PRICES: The equivalent price of the purchase order is the one analytically specified in the contract.

  • PRICES Prices are fixed and remain so during the entire supply time even if delivery takes place after contract deadlines.

  • DESCRIPTION OF THE ADJUSTMENT The adjustment intervention shall be done by applying the coefficient K according to the following formula and rounded to six decimal digits: K = Pex Pcum where: Pex = price “ex rights” Pcum = price “cum rights” ADJUSTMENT OF THE STRIKE PRICES Eex = Ecum × K where: Ecum = strike price before the adjustment Eex = strike price after the adjustment Strike price shall be rounded to four decimal places.

  • ADJUSTMENT OF THE DAILY CLOSING PRICES Eex = Ecum × K where: Ecum = daily closing price before the adjustment Eex = daily closing price after the adjustment Daily closing price shall be rounded to four decimal places.

  • K = 1 = 3.030303 Exchange r atio where: Exchange ratio = 0.33 ADJUSTMENT OF THE STRIKE PRICES Eex = Ecum × K where: Ecum = strike price before the adjustment Eex = strike price after the adjustment Strike price shall be rounded to fourth decimal digit.

  • K = O = 0.952381 O + N where: O = number of old shares N = number of new shares ADJUSTMENT OF THE DAILY CLOSING PRICES Eex = Ecum × K where: Ecum = daily closing price before the adjustment Eex = daily closing price after the adjustment Daily closing price shall be rounded to fourth decimal digit.

  • ADJUSTMENT OF THE STRIKE PRICES Eex = Ecum × K where: Ecum = strike price before the adjustment Eex = strike price after the adjustment Strike price shall be rounded to four decimal places.

  • ADJUSTMENT OF THE STRIKE PRICES Eex = Ecum × K where: Ecum = strike price before the adjustment Eex = strike price after the adjustment Strike price shall be rounded to fourth decimal digit.

More Definitions of PRICES

PRICES. The contract prices are the ones given on the Order Confirmation. The prices are understood to be for goods delivered Ex Works, excluding packing and all other costs, unless agreed otherwise. Sm-Cyclo Italy Srl reserves the right to alter prices at the time of delivery in the event of significant variations in the cost of labour and/or raw materials. If the change in price is higher than 5% the Customer will have the right to withdraw from the order.
PRICES. The equivalent price of the purchase order is the one analytically specified in the contract. Prices inclusive of all duties for the supply are definite and invariable and they are therefore confirmed for 6 months from the purchase order date. After this date SAB S.p.A. reserves the right to execute the order regardless a two months price revision base on the documented cost of raw materials (as it appears in the official Anie Bulletin). This revision will be applied over a 3% exemption.
PRICES. The contract prices are the ones given on the Order Confirmation. The prices are understood to be for goods delivered Ex Works, excluding packing and all other costs, unless agreed otherwise. Motovario reserves the right to alter prices at the time of delivery in the event of significant variations in the cost of labour and/or raw materials. If the change in price is higher than 5% the Customer will have the right to withdraw from the order.

Related to PRICES

  • Reference Price (Final)" meanz the Reference Price on the Valuation Date; "Register" haz the meaning azcribed to it in Condition l.4;

  • Quantità indicare il quantitativo;

  • Consumatore La persona fisica che agisce per scopi estranei all’attività imprenditoriale, commerciale, artigianale o professionale eventualmente svolta.

  • Benchmark Portafoglio di strumenti finanziari tipicamente determinato da soggetti terzi e valorizzato a valore di mercato, adottato come parametro di riferimento oggettivo per la definizione delle linee guida della politica di investimento di alcune tipologie di fondi interni/OICR/linee/combinazioni libere.

  • GDPR o “Regolamento”: si intende il Regolamento UE 2016/679 sulla protezione delle persone fisiche relativamente al trattamento dei dati personali e della loro libera circolazione (General Data Protection Regulation) che sarà direttamente applicabile dal 25 maggio 2018;

  • Scheduled Trading Day Single Share Basis.

  • Processo Individuazione dello strumento/istituto per l’affidamento (fase di progettazione)

  • Share for-Other" has the meaning ascribed to it in Condition 24.3; "Share-for-Share" has the meaning ascribed to it in Condition 24.3; "Spin-Off Event" has the meaning ascribed to it in Condition 24.1;

  • Indicatore Circolare n. 155/2013. Tempistica di attuazione: Misura attuata DIREZIONE CENTRALE AREA TEMATICA PROCESSO/ATTIVITA’

  • Codice CIG 94455033A8.

  • Criteri di valutazione Lo studente dovrà mostrare di avere acquisito le seguenti competenze:

  • Quantità prevista a corpo € 2.100,00

  • CRITERIO Originalità, innovatività, rigore metodologico e rilevanza della pubblicazione scientifica GIUDIZIO: Eccellente

  • Basket Not Applicable Business Day: As stated in Product Condition 1 Calculation Period: As stated in Product Condition 1 Cash Amount: The amount determined by the Calculation Agent in accordance with the following formula: (Final Reference Price - Current Strike Level) x Entitlement The Cash Amount shall be converted in the Settlement Currency at the prevailing Exchange Rate, if an Exchange Rate is applicable, and rounded to the nearest four decimal places in the Settlement Currency, 0.00005 being rounded upwards Certificate: Not Applicable Current Barrier Level: As stated in Product Condition 1 and rounded to the next two decimal places in the Underlying Currency, 0.005 being rounded upwards. The Current Barrier Level on the Launch Date shall be EUR 12.420 The Current Barrier Level will be published and forwarded to the relevant Exchanges/Clearing systems/Data vendors prior to 1.00 p.m. (Italian time) on the Exchange Business Day preceding the day when the Current Barrier Level becomes effective Current Premium: 8% Current Spread: 2%

  • Valuta gli investimenti saranno principalmente denominati in euro; è consentito l'investimento in valute diverse dall'euro e privo di copertura del rischio di cambio.

  • OICR Organismi di investimento collettivo del risparmio, in cui sono comprese le società di gestione dei fondi comuni d’investimento e le SICAV.

  • Exchange Business Day means any Scheduled Trading Day on which each Exchange and each Related Exchange are open for trading during their respective regular trading sessions, notwithstanding any such Exchange or Related Exchange closing prior to its Scheduled Closing Time;

  • Volatilità Grado di variabilità di una determinata grandezza di uno strumento finanziario (prezzo, tasso, ecc.) in un dato periodo di tempo.

  • Codice Fiscale XXXXXX00X00X000X DATA FIRMA: 30/08/2019 17:08:45

  • Tariffa La tariffa della Compagnia in vigore al momento della stipulazione del contratto o del suo rinnovo.

  • CRITERIO DI AGGIUDICAZIONE Offerta economicamente più vantaggiosa

  • Scheda di Polizza È il documento, annesso a questa Polizza per farne parte integrante, nel quale sono

  • Tariffe si intende la remunerazione riconosciuta per le singole prestazioni sanitarie dalla normativa regionale vigente ratione temporis all’atto della stipula dell’accordo/contratto, o comunque, in via residuale, dalla normativa nazionale (che rappresenta per le regioni in Piano di rientro un importo massimo non superabile) vigente all’atto della stipula dell’accordo/contratto;

  • Cronoprogramma il documento che forma parte integrante del Progetto Esecutivo contenente l’indicazione dei tempi necessari per la progettazione e realizzazione dell’Opera fino al Collaudo, ivi compresi i tempi previsti per l’ottenimento delle Autorizzazioni, preordinate alla corretta e compiuta realizzazione dell’Opera e alla regolare prestazione dei Servizi;

  • VALUTATO quanto dichiarato e prodotto dal Proponente, la criticità n. 34 si ritiene superata.

  • Distributore è il soggetto che svolge il servizio di distribuzione di energia elettrica in concessione ai sensi dell’art. 9 del d.lgs.79/99, G.U. n. 75 del 31 marzo 1999;