Retention of Title. No retention of title clause can be used against the Company. These clauses are considered as not written.
Retention of Title. (a) The Product supplied shall remain in the property of the Seller until the date of the full payment by the Buyer of the entire price of the Products and of all amounts due to the Seller. Until that time the Buyer shall hold the Products as the Seller’s fiduciary agent and shall keep the Product properly stored, protected and insured.
(b) If in the Country of the Buyer’s domicile for the validity of the retention of title for the benefit of the Seller it is necessary to fulfil some administrative or legal formalities as, without limitation, to file the Products with the public registers or to affix particular seals on them, the Buyer shall cooperate with the Seller and shall do its best effort for carry out all the necessary actions in order to obtain a valid retention of title right on the Products for the benefit of the seller.
Retention of Title. 1. The Product supplied shall remain property of the Seller un- til the date of the full payment by the Buyer of the entire price of the Products and of all amounts due to the Seller. Until that time, the Buyer shall hold the Products as the Seller’s fiduciary agent and shall keep the Product properly stored, protected and insured.
2. If in the Country of the Buyer’s domicile for the validity of the retention of title for the benefit of the Seller is necessary to fulfill some administrative or legal formalities as, without limitation, to file the Products with the public registers or to affix specific seals on them, the Buyer shall cooperate with the Seller and shall do its best effort to carry out all the necessary actions to obtain a valid retention of title right on the Products for the benefit of the Seller.
3. The Buyer shall have the right to dispose of the Products de- livered by the Seller or to process them in the ordinary course of the business. In such a case, the proceeds came from the sale or from the process of the Products shall be transferred to the Seller up to the concurrence of the full price due by the Buyer to the Seller for the supply of Products.
4. The right to the Buyer to dispose of Products or to process them shall cease in the cases referred to in paragraph 3.5 abo- ve. In such a case, the Buyer must place the Products at the di- sposal of the Seller who shall have the right to enter upon the Buyer’s premises for the purpose to obtain the ownership of the Products.
5. In the event of third party action against the Seller’s Pro- ducts delivered under retention of title, the Buyer shall no- tify such party of the Seller’s property and shall immediately inform the Seller about such action. The Buyer shall bear the costs of any intervention.
Retention of Title. 9.1 - In the event of payment being made - in whole or in part - after delivery, the delivered Products remain the Seller’s property until the moment of the complete payment of the price according to the measure allowed by the law of the country where the Products are located. The Buyer undertakes to do whatever necessary to constitute in the country above mentioned a valid retention of title in the most extensive form permitted, or to provide a similar form of guarantee in favour of the Seller.
Retention of Title. (a) The Product supplied shall remain in the property of the Seller until the date of the full payment by the Buyer of the entire price of the Products and of all amounts due to the Seller. Until that time the Buyer shall hold the Products as the Seller’s fiduciary agent and shall keep the Product properly stored, protected and insured.
(b) If in the Country of the Buyer’s domicile for the validity of the retention of title for the benefit of the Seller it is necessary to fulfill some administrative or legal formalities as, without limitation, to file the Products with the public registers or to affix particular seals on them, the Buyer shall cooperate with the Seller and shall do its best effort for carry out all the Rif. - Ref. IOP 7-2-05 CONDIZIONI GENERALI DI VENDITA General terms and conditions of sale Rev.: 02 Data - Date: 14.02.2012 Pagina - Page 10 / 12 collaborare con il Venditore e a porre in essere tutti gli atti necessari al fine di far ottenere a quest’ultimo un valido diritto con riferimento alla riserva di proprietà.
(c) L’Acquirente ha il diritto di disporre dei Prodotti fornitigli o di utilizzare gli stessi nelle lavorazioni nel corso dello svolgimento ordinario della sua attività. In tal caso, i proventi derivanti dalla vendita o dalla lavorazione dei Prodotti verranno trasferiti al Venditore fino alla concorrenza del prezzo dovuto dall’Acquirente al Venditore per la fornitura dei Prodotti.
(d) Il diritto dell’Acquirente di disporre dei Prodotti o di utilizzare gli stessi nel corso dello svolgimento ordinario della sua attività verrà meno nei casi indicati nel paragrafo 3 (d) sopra indicato. In tal caso l’Acquirente dovrà mettere i Prodotti a disposizione del Venditore, che potrà accedere alla sede dell’Acquirente per ottenere il possesso degli stessi.
(e) Nell’ipotesi di azioni esercitate da terzi nei confronti dei Prodotti del Venditore forniti e assoggettati alla riserva di proprietà, l’Acquirente dovrà comunicare ai terzi il fatto che gli stessi sono di proprietà del Xxxxxxxxx e dovrà informare immediatamente il Venditore di tale azione. L’Acquirente sosterrà tutti i costi relativi a ciascun intervento.
Retention of Title. The goods remain as property of ACAT until the Purchaser has paid the full purchase price due.
Retention of Title. 15.1 The Goods shall remain the property of Seller until any and all claims from the business relationship with Seller have been paid in full.
15.2 In the case of current accounts, this retention of title shall serve as security for the claim for the balance to which Seller is entitled.
Retention of Title. The Products covered by each individual Sale Agreement will remain the property of the Sell- er until the Buyer has paid the price therefor in full. Until payment has been made in full, the Buyer will undertake the obligations and responsibil- ities of bailee and will not be able to sell, loan for use, or allow the Products to be sequestered or attached without declaring the Seller’s own- ership thereof. In the event of such activities/ measures, the Buyer must immediately notify the Seller by recorded delivery letter with ad- vice of receipt.
Retention of Title. 9.1. The delivered Products shall remain property of Seller until their payment in full.
Retention of Title. (a) I Prodotti forniti rimangono di piena proprietà del Venditore fino alla data in cui l’Acquirente non abbia provveduto al pagamento dell’intero prezzo degli stessi e di tutte le somme dovute al Venditore. Fino a tale momento l’Acquirente conserva i prodotti in qualità di possessore fiduciario del Venditore e deve custodire i Prodotti adeguatamente immagazzinati, protetti e assicurati.
(b) Nel caso in cui nel paese in cui l’Acquirente ha il proprio domicilio per la validità della riserva di proprietà a favore del Venditore sia necessario l’espletamento di formalità amministrative o legali quali, senza alcuna limitazione, la registrazione dei Prodotti in pubblici registri, ovvero l’apposizione sugli stessi di appositi sigilli, l’Acquirente si impegna fin d’ora a collaborare con il Venditore e a porre in essere tutti gli atti necessari al fine di far ottenere a quest’ultimo un valido diritto con riferimento alla riserva di proprietà.
(a) The Product supplied shall remain in the property of the Seller until the date of the full payment by the Buyer of the entire price of the Products and of all amounts due to the Seller. Until that time the Buyer shall hold the Products as the Seller’s fiduciary agent and shall keep the Product properly stored, protected and insured.
(b) If in the Country of the Buyer’s domicile for the validity of the retention of title for the benefit of the Seller it is necessary to fulfil some administrative or legal formalities as, without limitation, to file the Products with the public registers or to affix particular seals on them, the Buyer shall cooperate with the Seller and shall do its best effort for carry out all the necessary actions in order to obtain a valid retention of title right on the Products for the benefit of the seller.