Retention of Title Clausole campione

Retention of Title. (a) The Product supplied shall remain in the property of the Seller until the date of the full payment by the Buyer of the entire price of the Products and of all amounts due to the Seller. Until that time the Buyer shall hold the Products as the Seller’s fiduciary agent and shall keep the Product properly stored, protected and insured.
Retention of Title. 15.1 The Goods shall remain the property of Seller until any and all claims from the business relationship with Seller have been paid in full.
Retention of Title. No retention of title clause can be used against the Company. These clauses are considered as not written.
Retention of Title. 9.1 - In the event of payment being made - in whole or in part - after delivery, the delivered Products remain the Seller’s property until the moment of the complete payment of the price according to the measure allowed by the law of the country where the Products are located. The Buyer undertakes to do whatever necessary to constitute in the country above mentioned a valid retention of title in the most extensive form permitted, or to provide a similar form of guarantee in favour of the Seller.
Retention of Title. 8.1 The ownership of the Products collected and/or delivered will not be transferred to the Purchaser until the full payment of the Consideration, pursuant to article 4 above, in addition to any default interest due under the Agreement and other agreements executed between the Parties.
Retention of Title. The goods remain as property of ACAT until the Purchaser has paid the full purchase price due.
Retention of Title. (a) I Prodotti forniti rimangono di piena proprietà del Venditore fino alla data in cui l’Acquirente non abbia provveduto al pagamento dell’intero prezzo degli stessi e di tutte le somme dovute al Venditore. Fino a tale momento l’Acquirente conserva i prodotti in qualità di possessore fiduciario del Venditore e deve custodire i Prodotti adeguatamente immagazzinati, protetti e assicurati.
Retention of Title. 9.1. The delivered Products shall remain property of Seller until their payment in full.
Retention of Title. The Products covered by each individual Sale Agreement will remain the property of the Sell- er until the Buyer has paid the price therefor in full. Until payment has been made in full, the Buyer will undertake the obligations and responsibil- ities of bailee and will not be able to sell, loan for use, or allow the Products to be sequestered or attached without declaring the Seller’s own- ership thereof. In the event of such activities/ measures, the Buyer must immediately notify the Seller by recorded delivery letter with ad- vice of receipt.
Retention of Title. 5.1. The products remain the property of Oberalp until full payment has been made by the Customer.