해외문헌 관련 조항 예시

해외문헌. CISG-AC Opinion No. 9 (ffiapporteur: Michael Bridge), Consequences of Avoidance of the Contract. Ingeborg Schwenzer, editor, Commentary on the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG), Third Edition, Oxford University Press, 2010. John O. Honnold, Uniform Law for International Sales under the 1980 United Nations Convention, Third edition, Kluwer Law International, 1999, para. 440.2 Peter Schlechtriem & Ingeborg Schwenzer, editors, Commentary on the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG), Second (English) Edition, Oxford University Press, 2005. Peter Huber & Alastair Mullis, The CISG, Sellier, European Law Publisher, 2007. Ulrich Magnus, “The ffiemedy of Avoidance of Contract under CISG--General ffiemark and Special Cases,” Journal of Law and Commerce, Vol. 25 (Fall, 2005).
해외문헌. Dewar, John, International Project Finance – Law and Practice, 2d ed., Oxford University Press, 2015. Ford, Barton D. & Jane Wallison Stein, Offtakers and Power Purchase Agreements, Asia Law & Practice Publishing Ltd. (1997). Hoffman, Scott L., The Law and Business of International Project Finance, Cambridge University Press (2008). Inadomi, Henrik M., Independent Power Projects in Developing Countries, Kluwer Law International, 2009.
해외문헌. Al-Swaha, Amer M., Investment Opportunities in IPP Projects, Saudi Electricity Company, June 2007. Burbury, Tim and Dahlawi, Khaled, ‘Back-to-back’ - pass-through of construction risk from project agreement through to subcontractor under public private partnership(PPPs) and energy infrastructure projects, King & Spalding LLP, Energy Newsletter, February 2013. Chitty on Contracts 27th ed., Sweet & Maxwell, 1994. Dewar, John (ed), International Project Finance: Law and Practice, Oxford University Press, 2011 Hoffman, Scott L., The Law and Business of International Project Finance, Cambridge University Press (2008) McNair, Damian, EPC Contracts in the Power Sector, DLA Piper, February 2012. McNair, Damian, International Best Practice in Project and Construction Agreements, DLA Piper, November 2012.

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