Maintenance Voorbeeldclausules

Maintenance. Window‌ Maintenance platformen en diensten Maandag t/m Donderdag van 23.00 tot 07.00 uur volgens Nederlandse tijdszone
Maintenance. Maintenance gebeurt bij voorkeur buiten het tijdsslot 8u – 17u CET. Dringend maintenance tijdens dit tijdsslot kan enkel na voorafgaandelijk akkoord door de betrokken aanbestedende overheid. Dit akkoord dient minimaal 48u voor aanvang van de onderhoudswerken te worden aangevraagd. Wat de technische implementatie betreft, in een SaaS-modus en om de ISO 27001 naleving te garanderen, worden de installatieprocedures volledig beheerd door de hosting service partner. Als onderdeel van hun kwaliteitsproces zijn hun procedures volledig gedocumenteerd en beschikbaar op verzoek, zij het strikt vertrouwelijk.
Maintenance. Les appareils sont en libre utilisation, ne jamais les ouvrir. La garantie n'est plus valide si les appareils sont ouverts. Ne nettoyer que l'extérieur des appareils avec un chiffon doux et sec ou une brosse. Avant de nettoyer, débrancher les appareils. Ne pas utiliser d'agents nettoyant à l'acide carboxylique ni d'essence, d'alcool ou autre produit de ce type. Ces produits attaquent la surface des appareils. Par ailleurs, les vapeurs sont dangereuses pour la santé et explosives. Ne pas utiliser d'ustensile à bout tranchant, de tournevis, de brosse métallique ou autre élément semblable pour le nettoyage. ATTENTION: protéger la batterie contre les rayons du soleils, les chaleurs élevées et les feux.
Maintenance. Do not use a high-pressure cleaner or garden hose to clean your bicycle. The water jet could strip the grease and oil from the moving parts or water could get into your bicycle's electrical system and brakes. • The bicycle must not be taken through a car wash. • If you use any oil or grease make sure that it does not get onto your brake discs or wheel rims if brake blocks are used. This could impair the brakes or even stop them from working.
Maintenance. Pursuant to the law (Article 7:217 in conjunction with 7:240 DCC) and this tenancy agreement, the tenant will be required to carry out minor repairs on, in or to the rented object, in any event including the minor repairs referred to in the Dutch Minor Repairs (Tenant's Liability) Decree [Besluit kleine herstellingen], and the landlord will be required, at the tenant's request, to remedy any other defects, unless this is impossible or would involve expenses that, under the circumstances, the landlord cannot be required to incur. To that end, the parties will make, or cause, in a timely and proper fashion - each at their own expense - such facilities, including renovations, as may be necessary and as they are required to make or cause pursuant to the law, any statutory requirement or agreed conditions.
Maintenance. Datum herziening: 15-02-2024; versie: Uitgave 07/24
Maintenance. Elektrische Panelen
Maintenance. Caution: Danger of electric shock 1. Cut off power supply to prevent any machine damage Unscrew the water nozzle of inlet pipe to let the water flow out. When the water in machine freezes in winter season,the titanium heat exchanger may be damaged. 2. Drain water clear of the machine. 3. cover the machine body when not in use. B.Please clean this machine with household detergents or clean water, NEVER use gasoline, thinners or any similar fuel. C.Check bolts, cables and connections regularly.
Maintenance. SELAS levert de diensten inzake Maintenance van de software gespecificeerd in het betrokken Werkorder , dewelke omvatten :
Maintenance. “Cut off” power supply of the heater before cleaning, examination and repairing A. In winter season when you don’t swim: 1. Cut off power supply to prevent any machine damage 2. Drain water clear of the machine. Unscrew the water nozzle of inlet pipe to let the water flow out. 3. cover the machine body when not in use. B.Please clean this machine with household detergents or clean water, NEVER use gasoline, thinners or any similar fuel. C.Check bolts, cables and connections regularly.