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Xxxxxxx Voorbeeldclausules

Xxxxxxx te (plaats) .............................................................................................................. op (datum) ........................................................
Xxxxxxx. Xxxxx XX Xxxxxxxxx XX Xxxxxxxxxx XX Xxxxxx XX Xxxxx XX Xxx Xxxxxxxxxxx XX Xxxxxx XX Xxxxxxxx XX Sweden SI Xxxxxxxx XX Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx XX Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx On 28 May 2004 and on 4 April 2005, the EC submitted two respec- tive Communications pursuant to Article V of the GATS (circulated as document S/SECRET/8, dated 11 June 2004, and as document S/SECRET/9, dated 12 April 2005), whereby it notified its intention to modify or withdraw the specific commitments included in the list at- tached to the communications, pursuant to Article V:5 of the GATS and in accordance with the terms of Article XXI:1(b) of the GATS. Following the submission of each Communication, China submitted two respective claims of interest pursuant to Article XXI:2(a) of the GATS (S/L/178 with regard to S/SECRET/8 and S/L/220 with regard to S/SECRET/9). The EC and China entered into negotiations pursuant to Article XXI:2(a) of the GATS with regard to S/SECRET/8 and S/SECRET/9. With regard to the procedure initiated by the notification contained in document S/SECRET/8, the initial period for the negotiations, which expired on 26 October 2004, was extended (by mutual agreement) five times (until 26 April 2005, until 27 February 2006, until 1 June 2006, until 1 July and until 17 July 2006). During such negotiations, the EC and China have agreed on compensatory adjustments related to the with- drawals and modifications contained in document S/SECRET/8. With regard to the procedure initiated by the notification contained in document S/SECRET/9, no agreement between the EC and China was reached by the end of the period provided for negotiations and no affected Member referred the matter to arbitration within the applicable deadline pursuant to paragraph 7 of S/L/80. Pursuant to Article XXI: 3(b) of the GATS and subject to completion of the procedures set out in paragraphs 20-22 of S/L/80, the EC shall be free to implement the modi- fications and withdrawals proposed in document S/SECRET/9. The Report on the result of these negotiations, which is attached to this letter, includes (1) the proposed modifications in the notifications referred to above, (2) the agreed compensatory adjustments with regard to the modifications or withdrawals notified in S/SECRET/8, and (3) the draft consolidated schedule of specific commitments that results from merging existing schedules of commitments of the EC and its Member States and from inserting therein both the modifications or withdrawals of commitments notified...
Xxxxxxx. Voor NVvPO
Xxxxxxx voorzitter werkgeversdelegatie
Xxxxxxx. Voor het Algemeen Belgisch Vakverbond
Xxxxxxx. X. XXXXXXXX
Xxxxxxx het tussen de uta-werknemer en de werkgever overeengekomen vaste brutobedrag dat de uta-werknemer van de werkgever ontvangt als loon voor zijn werkzaamheden in de door hem uitgeoefende functie. Dit bedrag is exclusief vakantietoeslag, vaste en/of variabele gratificaties, eindejaarsuitkeringen, uitkeringen ineens en alle andere toeslagen.
Xxxxxxx. Xxxx betaald ouderschapsverlof voor 13 weken Keuze percentage van de werknemer = 50% Keuze percentage van de werknemer = 70% Keuze percentage van de werknemer = 80% Keuze percentage van de werknemer = 100%
Xxxxxxx het voor de werknemer geldende bruto maandbedrag, beho- rend bij een volgnummer uit de op hem van toepassing zijnde sala- risschaal.
Xxxxxxx. (T)+000 0 000 0000