Termination Przykładowe klauzule

Termination. The Agreement may be terminated by either Party at any time. The Agreement shall be terminated with a written notice for its validity. Termination by the Student shall be deemed as its resignation from the Study.
Termination. 171_05-2024_PL/EN 1. Pacjentka może odstąpić od Umowy w terminie 14 dni od dnia jej zawarcia, bez podawania przyczyny i bez konieczności ponoszenia kosztów z tym związanych. Odstąpienie może nastąpić za pośrednictwem formu- larza, którego wzór stanowi Załącznik nr 4 do Umowy. Szpital dokonuje zwrotu płatności przy użyciu takiego samego sposobu zapłaty, jakiego użyła Pacjentka, chy- ba, że Pacjentka wyraźnie zgodziła się na inny sposób zwrotu, który nie wiąże się dla niej z żadnymi kosztami. 2. Po upływie terminu, o którym mowa w ust.1, Pacjentka ma prawo do odstąpienia od Umowy w każdym czasie, z zastrzeżeniem, iż zobowiązana jest ona uiścić opłaty za wszystkie wykonane usługi, które zostały wymienione w Załączniku nr 2 do umowy. Opłaty te zostaną pobrane z wpłaconej zaliczki wg cennika szpitala, który znajduje się na stronie xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxx/xxxxxx/. 1. The Patient may withdraw from the Agreement with- in 14 days from the date of its conclusion, without stat- ing a reason and without incurring the associated costs. Withdrawal may be made by means of a form, the model of which is attached as Appendix No. 4 to the Agreement. The Hospital shall reimburse the payment using the same method of payment used by the Patient, unless the Patient has expressly agreed to a different method of reimburse- ment that does not involve any costs for the Patient. 2. After the deadline referred to in section 1, the Patient has the right to withdraw from the contract at any time, pro- vided that she is obliged to pay fees for all services pro- vided, which are listed in Appendix no 2 to the contract. These fees will be charged from the advance payment according to the hospital’s price list, which can be found at xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxx/xxxxxx/.
Termination. 1. The Patient will be admitted to the Hospital by the end of the 41st week of pregnancy unless she goes into labour. Failure to show up at the Hospital within this deadline means that the agreement was terminated by the Patient. The payment made by the Patient hereunder will be set- tled in proportion to the incurred costs. A refund will be made within 14 days. 2. The Agreement may be terminated by the Patient in writ- ing at any time. The payment made by the Patient here 0260.031.01.W.20220517 konana przez Pacjentkę wpłata należności za przedmiot Umowy zostanie stosownie rozliczona w stosunku do po- niesionych kosztów. Zwrot nastąpi w terminie 14 dni.
Termination. 18.1. The Agreement shall come into effect (i) on first registration of the Transport Operator on the FREE NOW Platform and confirmation of such registration by FREE NOW – in case of Individual Drivers or (ii) upon conclusion of the Agreement in written form – in case of Multi-Vehicle Operators, and shall continue in full force and effect until terminated by agreement of the parties or until terminated: (i) by FREE NOW in accordance with Section 18.2; or (ii) by either party in accordance with Section 19.
Termination. 1. This Agreement may be terminated upon writ- ten notice by either Party before the end of the period defined in Article 7.2. 2. The termination shall take effect at the end of the financial year following that during which it was noti- fied. 3. Should RP fail to fulfil its obligations under this Agreement, EUMETSAT shall be enitled to terminate the Agreement upon decision taken by the EUMETSAT Radę EUMETSAT. Taka decyzja wejdzie w życie z koń- cem roku finansowego, w którym została podjęta. Na dowód czego niżej podpisani Pełnomocnicy Stron, upoważnieni zgodnie z wymaganiami, podpisa- li niniejszą umowę. Sporządzono w czterech oryginalnych egzempla- rzach w językach polskim i angielskim, po dwa dla każ- dej ze Stron niniejszej umowy, przy czym obydwa tek- sty są jednakowo autentyczne. Warszawa, dnia 15 grudnia 1999 r. W imieniu W imieniu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej EUMETSAT Minister Środowiska Dyrektor
Termination. 1. The Patient will be admitted to the Hospital by the end of the 41st week of pregnancy unless she goes into labour. Failure to show up at the Hospital within this deadline means that the agreement was terminated by the Patient. The payment made by the Patient hereunder will be set- tled in proportion to the incurred costs. A refund will be made within 14 days. Medicover Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie 00-807, al. Jerozolimskie 96, zarejestrowana w Sądzie Rejonowym dla x.xx. Warszawy, XII Wydział Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego. KRS: 0000021314. NIP: 000-00-00-000. Kapitał zakładowy: 00.000.000 złotych. Tel. Szpital 000-000-000, Ostry Dyżur 000-000-000, xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxx/ 152_05-2023_PL/EN 2. Umowa może być wypowiedziana przez Pacjentkę w każdym terminie z zachowaniem formy pisemnej. Do- konana przez Pacjentkę wpłata należności za przedmiot Umowy zostanie stosownie rozliczona w stosunku do po- niesionych kosztów. Zwrot nastąpi w terminie 14 dni.
Termination. Purchaser may immediately terminate or renounce from a Purchase Order, wholly or partly, at any time for any reason upon notice to Supplier. The Purchaser may use its right of contractual renouncement within the period from the acceptance by the Supplier of these General Terms and Conditions and until the successful fulfilment of Supplier’s obligations described herein. Supplier immediately shall, and cause its suppliers and subcontractors to, stop all work on the portion of the Purchase Order so terminated. Supplier shall be entitled to submit a comprehensive termination claim with sufficient supporting data to Purchaser within 30 days from the effective date of Purchaser’s Order termination. Supplier shall submit all supporting information as Purchaser shall request. If such materials are delivered to Purchaser, Purchaser shall pay to Seller the price for unpaid: (a) supplied goods and services; and (b) costs of work-in-process and raw materials incurred by Supplier in furnishing the goods and services under the cancelled Purchase Order to the extent reasonable and duly justified under generally accepted accounting principles to the terminated portion of the Order, less the reasonable value or cost (whichever is higher) of goods or materials used or sold by Supplier to a third party with Purchaser’s consent. Purchaser shall not pay for (a) finished goods, work-in-process or raw materials in excess of the cancelled Purchase Order; I-P082-AC Level-0 22-06-16 uzasadnioną wartość lub koszt (w zależności od tego, która z tych wartości jest wyższa) towarów lub materiałów wykorzystanych lub sprzedanych przez Dostawcę osobie trzeciej za zgodą Xxxxxxx.
Termination. 1. Both the Customer and the Bank may terminate the Master Agreement in writing giving 14 days’ notice. Notice of termination according to this provision does not apply to Transactions already concluded. 2. Transactions that have been entered into cannot be terminated before expiry; see however section VI and section VII §2 and §3 above and the terms and conditions of the relevant Transaction. 3. Any assignment by the Customer or by the Bank of rights and/or obligations under the Master Agreement and Transactions under the Master Agreement is subject to the other party’s consent, except for transfer of right and obligations by the Bank in favour of another member from Danske Bank Group.
Termination. 1. Each Party may terminate this Agreement with one month's notice. 2. In the event of disclosure of Confidential Information by the Receiving Party contrary to the provisions of this Agreement, the Disclosing Party shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement with immediate effect. 3. Obligations arising from this Agreement shall bind the Parties for a period of 7 (seven) years from the date of the last disclosure of Confidential Information and for a period of 5 (five) years from the date of termination or expiry of this Agreement on any basis.
Termination. 1. In the event of substantial change in circumstances such that the execution of the Agreement is not in public interest, what could not be foreseen at the time of conclusion of the Agreement, Buyer may cancel the contract within 30 days of becoming aware of these circumstances /Art. 145 Public Procurement Law/. In the above case, Seller may claim remuneration payable up to the value of finalized part of Agreement. 2. In addition, Buyer may terminate the Agreement, if Seller will perform deliveries in breach of Agreement, in particular – with the technical parameters of the quality of delivered materials will differ from those required in Terms of Reference. 3. Section 2 doest not infringe the right of the Buyer to rescind the Agreement under the provisions of the warranty for faults.