Upstream EC employment impacts Cláusulas Exemplificativas

Upstream EC employment impacts. The IFRMER study used in the Cape Verde and Sao Tome and Principe evaluations to estimate multiplier effects estimates 20 upstream jobs for every one long-line vessel and 22 jobs for every one purse seine vessel. In the Sao Tome and Principe evaluation, long-line costs incurred in the EU are 21 Local vessel agents in Fiji reported as part of interviews conducted during the evaluation that profitability may be artificially enhanced because of subsidization by a Spanish oceanographic institute (Pers. Comm.). This subsidy is intended to compensate the losses of the vessel as they are doing a spatial survey for the "IEO" Spanish Institute of Oceanography, and they don´t move to the higher stock densities for fishing, but to the survey areas indicated by the scientific researcher on board. In addition, they are using different kind of hooks under the supervision of the researcher, so they can not fish continuously as they are experimenting with different fishing gears. Thus the subsidized input is intended to compensate for the opportunity costs of the scientific survey and biological sampling. The subsidy is calculated so as not to generate extra costs or benefits for the fishing vessel. around 50% of the sales value of catches and 68% of total costs, while for purse seiners EU costs are 38% of sales values and 46% of total costs. Calculations for the EU long-liners to operate in FSM show that EU costs are 28% of sales values and 34% of total costs i.e. roughly half in each case, so we assume that 10 jobs upstream are created for every one long-line vessel. Calculations for the EU purse seiners to operate in FSM show that EU costs are 19% of sales values and 24% of total costs i.e. again roughly half in each case, so we assume that 11 jobs upstream are created for every one purse seine vessel

Related to Upstream EC employment impacts

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