Purchase Order definição

Purchase Order means the document (in electronic or physical form) which provides for a purchase of Products by the Buyer, as well as subsequent releases, call-offs, requisitions, work orders, delivery instructions and other documents provided by Buyer related to the Products (including documents provided by electronic data interchange), and any agreements related to the Products signed by both the Buyer and Supplier. It also includes these Terms and Conditions, the Maxion Wheels General Quality Standards and the Maxion Wheels Global Manual for Supplier Requirements or the Maxion Structural Components General Quality Standards for Suppliers (if the Buyer is a part of either Division), and all other documents specifically made a part of the Purchase Order by Buyer. In case of any discrepancy between these Terms and Conditions and other contractual provisions included in the Purchase Order, the latter shall prevail, and in general a specific provision shall prevail over the more general.
Purchase Order means the Purchase Order, including these Terms and Conditions (or to the extent provided in Section 3, such other written governing agreement) and all other plans, specifications, schedules, Requirements Documents, and other documents that are attached to or incorporated by reference into the Purchase Order. f. “Seller” means the legal entity that agrees to perform in accordance with the Purchase Order. g. “Services” means the services purchased from Seller or to be supplied by Seller under the Purchase Order. h. “Requirements Documents” means the specifications, statement of work, drawings and any other technical documents that SC CapRock provided to Seller as the technical requirements. 2. ENTIRE AGREEMENT Upon total or partial acceptance of the Purchase Order, and/or the delivery of the Products and/or Services, in whole or in part, Seller agrees and entirely accept the
Purchase Order. Document issued by the Purchaser and accepted by the Supplier, which contains the commercial and delivery conditions for Supply. The acceptance of the Purchase Order by Supplier results in Supplier´s full acceptance in relation to the CGF. Purchase Order, as an example, shall contain the following conditions: object, scope, price, payment conditions, among others.

Examples of Purchase Order in a sentence

  • TERMINATION OF THE PURCHASE ORDER AND/OR CONTRACT 11.1 The Contract and/or Purchase Order may be canceled and terminated by Fasttel, without any liability or burden of any kind, regardless of judicial or extrajudicial notice or notification, in the following cases: a) If there are reasons of force majeure, such as, but not limited to, strike, fire, revolutions, stoppages of assembly or manufacturing services, etc., that prevent Fasttel from continuing its normal production.

  • ASSIGNMENT / SUBCONTRACTING / TRANSFER 10.1 The partial or total assignment of this Purchase Order by the Lessor is not permitted.

More Definitions of Purchase Order

Purchase Order has the meaning assigned to such term in clause 3.1; xvii. “Products” means the goods, products, parts and components, including sets, subsets, raw materials and other items, intended for the production of vehicles and for the spare parts and accessories market, supplied by Supplier to FCA under the Supply Agreement; xviii. “Powertrain” means the motors and/or transmissions manufactured by FCA or third party on behalf of FCA, by means of a production license granted by FCA, where the Products are installed; xix. “Step” means a phase of the process; xx. “Vehicles” means vehicles manufactured by FCA or third party on behalf of FCA, by means of a production license granted by FCA, where the Products are installed; xxi. “Verifica Progetto”: means project inspection; 1.2. Other terms shall be interpreted according the definitions provided for in the clauses herein. II –
Purchase Order. Document formalizing the agreement on the purchase and sale between Fasttel and Supplier and their respective annexes.

Related to Purchase Order

  • Software Programa de computador. É uma sequência de instruções a serem seguidas e/ou executadas, na manipulação, redirecionamento ou modificação de um dado/informação ou acontecimento.

  • VALIDADE DA PROPOSTA 60 (sessenta) dias. NOTA: NA PROPOSTA A PROPONENTE DEVERÁ CONSTAR, A MARCA/MODELO DOS MATERIAIS OFERTADOS, SOB PENA DE DESCLASSIFICAÇÃO (QUANDO A MARCA DO PRODUTO IDENTIFICAR O LICITANTE, DEVERÁ O MESMO USAR A INDICAÇÃO: “MARCA PRÓPRIA”). DECLARA, sob as penas da lei, que cumpre e concorda plenamente os requisitos de habilitação do Pregão n°. 66/2022, e ainda, que está ciente da obrigatoriedade de declarar ocorrências posteriores. OBS: Dispensada no caso da proponente não se enquadrar como empresa de pequeno porte ou micro empresa. DECLARA para todos os fins de direito, a inexistência de fatos supervenientes impeditivos da qualificação ou que comprometam a idoneidade da proponente nos termos do artigo 32, parágrafo 2º e artigo 97 da Lei nº 8.666, de 21 de junho de 1993, e suas alterações. DECLARA, para fins do disposto no inciso V do art. 27 da Lei nº 8.666 de 21 de junho de 1993, acrescido pela Lei 9.854, de 27 de outubro de 1999, que não emprega menor de 18 (dezoito) anos em trabalho noturno, perigoso ou insalubre e não emprega menor de 16 (dezesseis) anos em qualquer trabalho, salvo na condição de aprendiz a partir de 14 (quatorze) anos. □ Não possui em seu quadro societário, cônjuge, companheiro ou parente, em linha reta ou colateral, por consanguinidade ou por afinidade, até o terceiro grau, de servidor público Municipal do ente licitante, que nele exerça cargo em comissão ou função de confiança, seja membro da comissão de licitação, pregoeiro ou autoridade ligada à contratação. DECLARA, para fins do disposto no inciso III do art. 19 do Decreto nº 10.024, de 20 de setembro de 2019, que se responsabiliza pelas transações efetuadas em seu nome, assume como firmes e verdadeiras suas propostas, seus lances e documentação de habilitação inclusive os atos praticados diretamente ou por seu representante. PROCESSO ADMINISTRATIVO N° 122/2022