Transponders will be assigned to each covert vehicle and are to be stored in the glove compartment, console or other secure place within the assigned vehicle when not in use.
Bandwidth the amount of data (quantified as “Mbps” or “Gbps”) made available to Customer as specified in a Service Order.
Localization Should any Seller Affiliate and any Customer Affiliate wish to enter into an agreement for the provision of Deliverables, Products and/or Services ("Local Agreement") in the Netherlands, Canada, Hong Kong, the United States, Australia, Ireland, Singapore, South Africa or the United Arab Emirates (as applicable) Local Agreement(s) can be agreed between the Parties and added as Exhibit(s) to this Agreement by way of addendum. The terms of this Agreement shall be incorporated into each such Local Agreement except to the extent that the Local Agreement expressly states that any amendments shall take precedence.
DS0s The following COCI are available: Voice Grade, Digital Data and ISDN.
AT&T-13STATE will not block switched access traffic delivered to any AT&T-13STATE Access Tandem Switch or Local/Access Tandem Switch for completion on CLEC’s network. The Parties understand and agree that Meet Point trunking arrangements are available and functional only to/from switched access customers who directly connect with any AT&T-13STATE Access Tandem Switch or Local/Access Tandem Switch that CLEC’s switch subtends in each LATA. In no event will AT&T-13STATE be required to route such traffic through more than one of its Tandem Switches for connection to/from switched access customers. AT&T-13STATE shall have no responsibility to ensure that any switched access customer will accept traffic that CLEC directs to the switched access customer.
Unbundled Channelization (Multiplexing) 5.7.1 To the extent NewPhone is purchasing DS1 or DS3 or STS-1 Dedicated Transport pursuant to this Agreement, Unbundled Channelization (UC) provides the optional multiplexing capability that will allow a DS1 (1.544 Mbps) or DS3 (44.736 Mbps) or STS-1 (51.84 Mbps) Network Elements to be multiplexed or channelized at a BellSouth central office. Channelization can be accomplished through the use of a multiplexer or a digital cross-connect system at the discretion of BellSouth. Once UC has been installed, NewPhone may request channel activation on a channelized facility and BellSouth shall connect the requested facilities via COCIs. The COCI must be compatible with the lower capacity facility and ordered with the lower capacity facility. This service is available as defined in NECA 4. 5.7.2 BellSouth shall make available the following channelization systems and interfaces: DS1 Channelization System: channelizes a DS1 signal into a maximum of twenty- four (24)
Local Switching 4.1.1 BellSouth shall provide non-discriminatory access to local circuit switching capability, and local tandem switching capability, on an unbundled basis, except as set forth below in Section 4.1.
Network Interconnection Methods 3.1 The Interconnection provided herein may not be used solely for the purpose of originating a Party’s own interexchange traffic.
Network Upgrades The Transmission Owner shall design, procure, construct, install, and own the Network Upgrades described in Attachment 6 of this Agreement. If the Transmission Owner and the Interconnection Customer agree, the Interconnection Customer may construct Network Upgrades that are located on land owned by the Interconnection Customer. Unless the Transmission Owner elects to pay for Network Upgrades, the actual cost of the Network Upgrades, including overheads, shall be borne initially by the Interconnection Customer.
Toilets Papers, dust, cobwebs, peels, cans/bottles, cigarette butts, excrement on floor, bad smells, water pools, leaking sewage, rodents, animals (dead or alive), overflowing sanitary bins. 0 = NOT APPLICABLE 1 = UNACCEPTABLE (Toilets out of order. Toilets not cleaned on daily basis.) 2 = POOR (Toilets cleaned, but still visible signs of dirt, e.g. dust, cobwebs.) 3 = GOOD (Obvious sign that toilets are cleaned daily.) 4 = EXCELLENT (Extra effort is put in to ensure cleanliness, e.g. using detergents.)