服务的价格和支付方式 Sample Clauses

服务的价格和支付方式. The Calculation and Payment of the Service Fees 双方同意,就本协议项下甲方向乙方提供的各项服务,乙方应将相当于其税后净利润的百分之五十 (50%)的款项支付给甲方作为服务费(“服务费”),但经双方协商和甲方事先书面同意,服务费的金额可以根据甲方当月的服务内容和乙方的经营需要进行调整。甲方为提供本协议项下的服务而发生的实际支出,包括但不限于各项差旅费、交通费、印刷费和邮资 等,应由乙方支付。服务费应当按月支付;乙方应于每月最后一天的 30日 内,(a) 向甲方提供乙方当月的管理报表和经营数据,包括乙方在当月的税后利润额( “每月利润额”);(b) 将每月净利润额的百分之五十(50%)或甲方同意的其他金额支付给甲方(“ 月付款”)。乙方应于每个财政年度末的 90日内,(a) 向甲方提供乙方在本财政年度的经审计的财务报表,该财务报表应当经由甲方批准的独立注册会计师审计并认证; (b) 如果按照经审计的财务报表显示,本财政年度内乙方向甲方支付的月付款的总额有任何不足,乙方应向甲方支付差额。除非双方另行协商一致或根据法律的要求,否则乙方根据本协议向甲方支付的服务费应不经任何扣减或抵销 (如银行手续费等)。另外,乙方应当(1)准备一份报告总结乙方在每个日历年知识产权的变化情况( “知识产权报告” ),该知识产权报告应包含一个清单列明乙方在该日历年新购入、研发或通过其他方式取得的知识产权,以及另一个清单列明乙方在该日历年转出的知识产权(包括由乙方独立拥有变更为共有的知识产权);并且( 2)在每个日历年结束后的 45日内向甲方提交该等知识产权报告供甲方审阅。乙方提供的管理报表、经营数据、财务报表和知识产权报告应真实、有效、准确和完整,若乙方提供的前述材料存在瑕疵而导致甲方产生损失的,乙方应对该等损失承担全额的赔偿责任。如果由于乙方向甲方提供了虚假材料而导致减轻或免除乙方在本协议项下的付款义务,对于由此而减轻或免除的付款数额,乙方不可撤销地承诺向甲方作出相应赔偿。 Both Parties agree that, in consideration of the services provided by Party A, Party B shall pay to Party A the fees (the “Service Fees”) equal to 50% of the after-tax income of Party B, provided that upon mutual discussion between the Parties and the prior written consent by Party A, the rate of Service Fees may be adjusted based on the services rendered by Party A in that month and the operational needs of Party B. All out-of-pocket expenses (including without limitation the travelling expenses, accommodation, transportation, printing and postage fees etc) that Party A may incur as a result of the provision of the Services hereunder shall be solely borne by Party B. The Service Fees shall be due and payable on a monthly basis; within 30 days after the end of each month, Party B shall (a) deliver to Party A the management accounts and operating statistics of Party B for such month, including the after-tax income of Party B during such month (the “Monthly Income”), and (b) pay 50% of such Monthly Income, or other amount agreed by Party A, to Party A (each such payment, a “Monthly Payment”). Within ninety (90) days after the end of each fiscal year, Party B shall (a) deliver to Party A audited financial statements of Party B for such fiscal year, which shall be audited and certified by an independent certified public accountant approved by Party A, and (b) pay an amount to Party A equal to the shortfall, if any, of the net income of Party B for such fiscal year, as shown in such audited financial statements, as compared to the aggregate amount of the Monthly Payments paid by Party B to Party A in such fiscal yea...
服务的价格和支付方式. The Calculation and Payment of the Service Fees 双方同意,就本协议项下甲方向乙方提供的各项服务,乙方应将相当于其净收入100%的款项支付给甲方作为服务费(“服务费”),但经双方协商和甲方事先书面同意,服务费的金额可以根据甲方当月的服务内容和乙方的经营需要进行调整。服务费应当按月支付;乙方应于每月最后一天的30日内,(a) 向甲方提供乙方当月的管理报表和经营数据,包括乙方在当月的净收入额(“每月净收入”);(b) 将每月净收入的100%或甲方同意的其他金额支付给甲方(“月付款”)。乙方应于每个财政年度末的90日内,(a) 向甲方提供乙方在本财政年度的经审计的财务报表,该财务报表应当经由甲方批准的独立注册会计师审计并认证;(b) 如果按照经审计的财务报表显示,本财政年度内乙方向甲方支付的月付款的总额有任何不足,乙方应向甲方支付差额。 Both Parties agree that, in consideration of the services provided by Party A, Party B shall pay to Party A the fees (the “Service Fees”) equal to 100% of the net income of Party B, provided that upon mutual discussion between the Parties and the prior written consent by Party A, the rate of Service Fees may be adjusted based on the services rendered by Party A in that month and the operational needs of Party B. The Service Fees shall be due and payable on a monthly basis; within 30 days after the end of each month, Party B shall (a) deliver to Party A the management accounts and operating statistics of Party B for such month, including the net income of Party B during such month (the “Monthly Net Income”), and (b) pay 100% of such Monthly Net Income, or other amount agreed by Party A, to Party A (each such payment, a “Monthly Payment”). Within ninety (90) days after the end of each fiscal year, Party B shall (a) deliver to Party A audited financial statements of Party B for such fiscal year, which shall be audited and certified by an independent certified public accountant approved by Party A, and (b) pay an amount to Party A equal to the shortfall, if any, of the net income of Party B for such fiscal year, as shown in such audited financial statements, as compared to the aggregate amount of the Monthly Payments paid by Party B to Party A in such fiscal year.
服务的价格和支付方式. The Calculation and
服务的价格和支付方式. The Calculation and Payment of the Service Fees 双方约定服务的费用为乙方每年的利润总额扣除乙方维持日常经营管理所需的流动资金(包括甲乙双方签订的商标许可协议项下的许可使用费)以及乙方股东会批准的其他短期开支后的余额。 秘密文件 Strictly Confidential The Parties agree that Party B shall pay the remaining profit after deducting the working capital required to maintain its daily operations (including the royalty paid under the Trademark Licensing Agreement between Party A and Party B)and any other short-term expenditure approved by the shareholders meeting, as the fees for the Services under this Agreement. 支付方式按本协议第1.3条中甲乙双方后续另行签订的协议确定。 The Parties agree that the fees for the Services under this Agreement shall be paid based on the methods set forth in the separate agreement to be entered into between Party A and Party B described in Section 1.3.
服务的价格和支付方式. The Calculation and Payment of the Service Fees 双方约定服务的费用为乙方每年100%税后净利润。 The Parties agree that Party B shall pay the 100% Net Profit After Tax as the fees for the Services under this Agreement. 双方约定支付方式按本协议第1.3条中甲乙双方后续另行签订的协议确定。 The Parties agree that the fees for the Services under this Agreement shall be paid based on the methods set forth in the separate agreement to be entered into between Party A and Party B described in Section 1.3.
服务的价格和支付方式. The Calculation and Payment of the Service Fees 在本协议有效期内,就甲方所提供的服务,乙方应在符合中国法律法规规定的前提下,将按照美国财务报告准则审核的扣除相关成本、合理费用后的所得税前利润作为服务费支付给甲方。 During the term of this Agreement, as the services provided by Party B, subject to the provisions of the laws and regulations of PRC, Party B shall pay Party A the service fee with the pretax income after deducting relevant costs and reasonable expenses in accordance with United States Financial Reporting Standards.
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服务的价格和支付方式. The Calculation and Payment of the Service Fees 双方同意,就本协议项下甲方向乙方提供的各项服务,乙方每年应将其该年度经审计的经营性收入总额的一定比例(“服务费费率”)支付给甲方作为该年度服务费,具体的服务费费率由双方在本协议签订后另行协商并以书面方式确定。经甲方事先书面同意,服务费费率可以根据乙方的经营需要进行调整并由双方以书面方式确定。 秘密文件 Strictly Confidential 独家业务合作协议 Exclusive Business Cooperation Agreement Both Parties agree that, with respect to the services provided by Party A to Party B under this Agreement, Party B shall pay an annual service fee to Party A in the equivalent amount of certain percentage (the “Rate of Service”) of Party B’s audited total amount of operational income of such year. Both Parties will confirm in writing the specific Rate of Service based on further consultations following the execution of this Agreement. Upon the prior written consent by Party A, the Rate of Service may be adjusted pursuant to the operational needs of Party B and such adjustment shall be confirmed in writing by both Parties.

Related to 服务的价格和支付方式

  • Notes Held by Company, Etc Solely for the purpose of determining whether the holders of the requisite percentage of the aggregate principal amount of Notes then outstanding approved or consented to any amendment, waiver or consent to be given under this Agreement or the Notes, or have directed the taking of any action provided herein or in the Notes to be taken upon the direction of the holders of a specified percentage of the aggregate principal amount of Notes then outstanding, Notes directly or indirectly owned by the Company or any of its Affiliates shall be deemed not to be outstanding.

  • Termination for Cause by Company Although the Company anticipates the continuation of a mutually rewarding employment relationship with Executive, the Company may terminate Executive’s employment immediately at any time for Cause. For purposes of this Agreement, “Cause” is defined as: (a) acts or omissions constituting gross negligence, recklessness or willful misconduct on the part of Executive with respect to Executive’s obligations or otherwise relating to the business of the Company; (b) Executive’s material breach of this Agreement, including, without limitation, any breach of Section 8, Section 9 or Section 11; (c) Executive’s breach of the Company’s Employee Nondisclosure and Assignment Agreement (a signed copy of which was delivered to the Company with the Original Agreement) (the “Nondisclosure Agreement”); (d) Executive’s conviction or entry of a plea of nolo contendere for fraud, misappropriation or embezzlement, or any felony or crime of moral turpitude; (e) Executive’s inability to perform the essential functions of Executive’s position, with or without reasonable accommodation, due to a mental or physical disability; (f) Executive’s willful neglect of duties as determined in the sole and exclusive discretion of the Board, provided that Executive has received written notice of the action or omission giving rise to such determination and has failed to remedy such situation to the satisfaction of the Board within thirty (30) days following receipt of such written notice, unless Executive’s action or omission is not subject to cure, in which case no such notice shall be required, or (g) Executive’s death. In the event Executive’s employment is terminated in accordance with this Section 7.1, Executive shall be entitled to receive only Executive’s Base Salary then in effect, prorated to the date of Executive’s termination of employment with the Company (the “Termination Date”), and all amounts and benefits earned or incurred pursuant to Sections 5 and 6 through the Termination Date. All other Company obligations to Executive pursuant to this Agreement will be automatically terminated and completely extinguished as of the Termination Date, but will be subject to the surviving provisions of this Agreement set forth in Section 14.8. Executive will not be entitled to receive the Severance Package described in Section 7.2. Any termination pursuant to this Section 7.1 shall be evidenced by a resolution or written consent of the Board, and the Company shall provide Executive with a copy of such resolution or written consent, certified by the Secretary of the Company, upon Executive’s written request.

  • Termination upon Material Breach Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Party may terminate this Agreement if any other Party materially breaches a material provision of this Agreement and such material breach is not cured (i) within thirty (30) days after being given notice of the breach in the case of a material breach of an obligation to make payment hereunder or (ii) within sixty (60) days after being given notice of the breach in the case of any other material breach.

  • Termination by Company The Company is authorized to terminate this Fee Agreement at any time with respect to all or part of the Project upon providing the County with thirty (30) days’ written notice; provided, however, that (i) any monetary obligations existing hereunder and due and owing at the time of termination to a party hereto (including without limitation any amounts owed with respect to Section 4.03 hereof); and (ii) any provisions which are intended to survive termination shall survive such termination. In the year following such termination, all property shall be subject to ad valorem taxation or such other taxation or fee in lieu of taxation that would apply absent this Fee Agreement. The Company’s obligation to make FILOT Payments under this Fee Agreement shall terminate in the year following the year of such termination pursuant to this section.

  • Termination for Material Breach A party may terminate this Agreement immediately upon notice to the other parties if any of the other parties materially breaches this Agreement, and if capable of cure, does not cure the breach within 10 days after receiving notice specifying the breach. If the material breach affects only certain Services, the non-breaching party that served the notice may choose to terminate only the affected Services.

  • Termination by Executive for Good Reason The Executive may terminate the Executive’s employment for Good Reason. For purposes of this Agreement, “Good Reason” shall mean, without the Executive’s consent, the following:

  • Action by Holders Whenever in this Indenture it is provided that the Holders of a specified percentage of the aggregate principal amount of the Notes may take any action (including the making of any demand or request, the giving of any notice, consent or waiver or the taking of any other action), the fact that at the time of taking any such action, the Holders of such specified percentage have joined therein may be evidenced (a) by any instrument or any number of instruments of similar tenor executed by Holders in person or by agent or proxy appointed in writing, or (b) by the record of the Holders voting in favor thereof at any meeting of Holders duly called and held in accordance with the provisions of Article 9, or (c) by a combination of such instrument or instruments and any such record of such a meeting of Holders. Whenever the Company or the Trustee solicits the taking of any action by the Holders of the Notes, the Company or the Trustee may, but shall not be required to, fix in advance of such solicitation, a date as the record date for determining Holders entitled to take such action. The record date if one is selected shall be not more than fifteen days prior to the date of commencement of solicitation of such action.

  • Resignation by Executive for Good Reason (a) Provided Executive has not previously been notified of the Company’s intention to terminate Executive’s employment, Executive may resign from employment with the Company for Good Reason (as defined in Section 6.4(b) below).

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